Activities 1995-2003
January 15-16. Invited to lecture at the Analytical Chemistry Monthly Meeting, Eastman Chemical Co., Johnson City TN. Title of presentation was “Utility of Signature Lipid Biomarker (SLB) Analysis of the Extant Microbiota in: Monitoring Bioprocessing & Bioremediation Effectiveness, Natural attenuation & Toxicity Assessment, & Rapid Detection of Microbial Pathogens, Endotoxins, and Immune Potentiators in Water & Indoor Air” by D. C. White1,2*, D. B. Ringelberg1, S. M. Pfiffner2, A. Sonesson1, A. A. Arrage1, D. E. Nivens2, J. Lane2 & H. C. Pinkart1 .
February 16. Invited lecture in Graduate Seminar in Public Health “Signature lipids for rapid detection of microbial pathogens, endotoxins, and immune potentiators in humans and the environment” D. C. White. UTK, Knoxville, TN
February 18. Awarded the rosette and plaque as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Atlanta, GA.
February 20-21. Invited participant in the Deep Subsurface Microbiology Cerro Negro working group workshop, Salt Lake City, UT.
February 25-27. Visit of Dr. Kenneth H. Nealson, Shaw Distinguished Professor , Center for Great Lakes Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI. To give the microbiology Seminar and to discuss collaborative experiments.
February 23-25. Visit of Professor Max Coleman or Reading University and director of Inorganic Geochemistry at BP Research International, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Tames
Middlelsex, United Kingdom to discuss research on concretions in salt marshes and microbially influenced corrosion.
February 24-27. Visit by Cecily A. Flemming from the Department of Enviromental Sciences University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada for seminar and possibly joining our laboratory as a research associate.
March 1. Site Visit by Drs. Randall Alberte and Michael Marron of the Office of Naval Research to see the laboratory and discuss research on the microbially influenced corrosion and molecular interactions at marine interfaces grants.
March 7. Visit to CEB by Dr. Roudolph Azizbekyan from the Institute of Genetics and Selected Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow as a part of his visit to ESD/ORNL for discussions of the CRADA with the United States Industrial Coalition.
March 12-15. CEB hosted the Third International Symposium on the Interface between Analytical Chemistry and Microbiology: Analytical Chemistry in Environmental Microbiology at the University of Tennessee Conference Center. D. C. White opened the conference and the group presented the following papers: Ringelberg, D. R., J. O. Stair, and D. C. White, The effects of elevated CO2 on the rhizosphere communities; Nivens, D. Monitoring microbial biofilms using infrared spectroscopy; White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, A. Sonesson, A. Phillips, W. T. Davis, M. Dever, D. E. Nivens and J. Lane. Quantitative Assessment of Indoor Air Bioburden by Signature Lipid Biomarker Analysis; and presented posters: Sutton, S. D., D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. Detection of microbial communities in deep subsurface sediments by use of ester-linked phospholipid and diglyceride fatty acid profiles; Spann, A., D. Ringelberg, D. White, B. Runion, and H. Rogers. Evaluating effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen additions on longleaf pine rhizosphere microbiota; Stair, J. O., D. B. Ringelberg, F. J. Calderon, E. A. Paul, and D. C. White. The use of PLFA and sterol analyses for differentiating fungal root colonizers; Pfiffner, S. D. Ringelberg, J. Stair, T. Phelps, A. Palumbo, and D. White. Microbial community heterogeneity in subsurface sediments; Lane, J., W. R. Mayberry, and D. C. White. Gas chromatographic/mass spectral analysis of polar lipid components; Kermeyer, S. R., B. M. Applegate, H. C. Pinkart, D. B. Hedrick, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. Combined lipid/DNA extraction method for environmental samples; and Rayner, M. S., D. E. Nivens, P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. Rapid method for extraction of the fecal marker coprostanol using supercritical fluid carbon dioxide.
April 3-7. Invited participant in the Autonomous Vehicles in Mine Countermeasures Symposium at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. Consulted on use of ITMS/MS as chemical sensors for mines.
April 10-12 Invited participant in the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Introduced Materials Task, sponsored by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in Lafayette, CA. Presented a paper “Microbial Attack On Concrete, Glasses, And Other ‘Impregnable’ Barriers”,
D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, H. C. Pinkart
April 19 Invited presentation to NASA at Johnson Space Center, Houston TX, report to NASA on Phase I SBIR “Air Revitilization & Water Reclamation with Bioactive Non-Woven Filters” & Signature Biomarker Analysis of Astronaut excretions, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, S. J, Macnaughton & A. B. White.
April 24-27 Presentation and paper “Phospholipid Analysis of Extant Microbiota for Monitoring In Situ Bioremediation Effectiveness”, H. C. Pinkart, D. B. Ringelberg, J. O. Stair, S. D. Sutton, S, M. Pfiffner, & D. C. White*, to be presented at the Third International symposium on In-Situ and On-site Bioreclamation, San Diego, CA.
April 28-May 1. Invited participant at the Research Advisory Board of the National Water Research Institute in Newport Beach, CA.
May 7-10. Invited participant the 1995 International Conference on Microbially Influenced Corrosion, New Orleans, LA. Served on the program planning committee, Chair of the session on Biocides and Treatments, and presented papers: Angell, P, J-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1995. “Studies of the reproducible pitting of 304 stainless steel by a consortium containing the sulfate-reducing bacteria.”p. 1/1-1/10 and Angell, P., A. Sonesson, P. A. Wagner, B J. Little, and D. C.White. 1955. “The role of Oceanospirillium exopolymer in marine copper corrosion”, p 71/1-74/5.
May 11-14 Invited to Newport Beach ,CA to deliver the 1995 Athalie Richardson Irving Clarke Prize Lecture, “Clean Water Rarely Anywhere, and That Not Fit to Drink”.
May 19-21 Attended Short Course “Practical MS/MS Analysis: Strategies for analytical problem solving with tandem mass spectrometry” American Society for Mass Spectrometry Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
May 21-25 Attended the American Society for Microbiology Meeting, Washington DC, Presented Posters: Pinkart, H. C., and D. C. White. “Lipopolysaccharide structure of solvent-tolerant Pseudomonas pudita-Idaho”; Stair, J. O., D. B. Ringelberg, G. Zogg, D. R. Zak and D. C. White. “Changes in microbial community composition as a result of increased incubation temperature”; Pitonzo, B., P. Amy, D. Ringelberg, and D. C. White,”Isolation and characterization of exopolysaccharide-producing organisms from Yucca mountain, Nevada”; Sutton, S. D., D. B. Ringelberg, J. Walker, A. Walker, and D. C. White. “Analysis of microbial community structure and biomass during an in situ bioremediation demonstration project”; Arrage, A. A., R. C. Zimmerman, and D. C. White. “Inhibition of Vibrio harveyi biofilm formation by zosteric acid.”; Almeida, J. S., A. A. Arrage, M. A. M. Reis and D. C. White. “ Cell recruitment and growth of a naphthalene-degrading biofilm.”;Halderman, D. I., P. Amy, T. Kieft, W. Spangenberg, D. Ringelberg, and D. C. White.”Microbiology of a chronosequence of buried paleosols from the channeled scabland of arid Eastern Washington”.
June 2- 5. Invited to attend the Oaks Classic Grand Prix Show Jumping Horse Show at San Juan Capistrano, CA as guests of Joan Irvine Smith for the benefit of the National Water Research Institute. I was presented a certificate and Medal as the Winner of the 1995 Athalie Richardson Irvine Clarke Prize which is presented by the National Water Research Institute at the opening ceremony.
June 6-8. Invited participant in the Office of Naval Research Meeting at the Naval EOD Technology Division at Indian Head, MD to discuss development of a coordinated Strategy for detection of molecules of intense interest to the Navy.
June 10-15. Invited participant in the Canadian Society for Microbiology Nuclear Waste Symposium, “ Ecology of the Subsurface Microbota”. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg
June 15-16. Attended second reunion of the Rockefeller University Alumni in New York, NY.
June 19-21. Attended panel meeting for American Water Works Research Foundation Association review of the Ann Camper research program at Montana State University “Pathogens in model distribution system biofilms” at AWWRF meeting, Anaheim, CA, as a member of the project advisory committee.
June 21-25. Attended the Office of Naval Research workshop for Molecular Interactions at Marine Interfaces (MIMI) meeting, Crystal City, VA. Presented paper “ Molecular Interactions in Marine Bioadhesion”, D. C. White, R. J. Palmer, and C. S. Flemming.
July 9-10. Invited participant in the EPA/EPSCoR presentation at the USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, Auburn, Alabama. Presentation was: “Quantitative Below-ground in situ viable biomass, community composition & physiological status in the rhizosphere by signature lipid biomarker analysis”. D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, Julia O. Stair & Amy Spann.
July 12-15. Invited participant in the OHER/DOE Subprogram Meeting on Microbial Origins of the Deep Subsurface Science Program, Portland, OR. Participated in the session of the Cerro Negro NM site, Texaco Taylorsville Basin, Characterization of subsurface and surface community differences, and Microcosm studies reflecting responses that could result in persistence.
July 17-21. Invited participant in the Ninth International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Portsmouth, England. Delivered the Bunker Memorial Lecture “Biofilm Ecology: On-Line Methods bring new Insights into MIC and Microbial Biofouling” D. C. White, A. A. Arrage, D. E. Nivens, P. Angell, R. Palmer, J. F. Rice, and G. S. Sayler. We presented two Posters: “On-line fluorescence measurements as a bacterial biomass measure of prospective antifouling paints” A. A. Arrage and D. C. White; “Concentric electrodes in microbial corrosion studies of 304 stainless steel” P. Angell and D. C. White.
July 21- 26. Invited participant in the Office of Naval Research Workshop on non-polluting antifouling paints, London, England. We presented our papers: Presented an update of our work on the adhesion, sublethal toxicity, and fouling-release coatings as well as future plans to study mechanisms of action of antifouling compounds. “Testing mode of action of potential anti-fouling and fouling-release coatings for microfouling in marine systems", D. C. White and A. A. Arrage and “A comprehensive, site-independent analysis of panel anti-fouling effectiveness which provides quantitative estimates of component contributions” Jonas Silva de Almeida.
August 21-23. Invited member of review panel for the Ph.D. Program in the Department of Biology of the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, for the Ohio Board of Regents.
August 24. Invited seminar speaker for the Civil Engineering group at the USEPA National Risk Management Laboratory in Cincinnati, OH on August 24, 1995. Presented a seminar “Signature lipid biomarker analysis of the extant microbiota for monitoring in situ bioremediation effectiveness” D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, S. M. Pfiffner, H. C. Pinkart, S. J. Macnaughton & D. E. Nivens.
August 26-September 7. Invited participant in the Seventh International Symposium for Microbial Ecology, Santos, Brazil. Delivered the Symposium paper “Quantitative Comparison of the in situ Microbial Communities in Different Biomes”, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, & R. J. Palmer and the paper “In situ analysis of microbial community diversity”, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, & S. J. Macnaughton.
September 8. Served on advisory panel for the Senior Scientist in Marine Molecular Process vacancy at Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Mississippi.
September 27-October 1. Invited participant in the saltmarsh conference on the biogeochemistry of concretion formation at Woods Hole USGS Center.
October 10-12. Meeting of the Naval Research Advisory Board, Crystal City, Virginia. Met with Robert Galvin (Chairman of Motorola, Inc.) , Ian Ross (former president of A.T& T) and Charles Towne (Nobelest from Berkeley), Delores Etter (U. Colorado), Jean’ne Shreeve, (Chemistry and Provost for Research at Idaho), C. R. Carlson (David Sarnoff Research Center, Princeton) and Walter Munk of Scripps Institute of Oceanography. We met with Larry Lynn Director of ARPA., A. Fenner-Milton, director of the Army’s R & D, and MGen Richard Paul of AF. We visited Carterock Laboratories on Thursday and heard excellent presentations and had the “Religious Experience” in the David Taylor test basins. Our charge is to”Make recommendations how to best posture the Department of the Navy to maintain a strong and dynamic science and technology base to provide a strong set of technological options for weapons systems to meet unforeseen future threats, Support cost-effective improvements to existing weapons systems at less cost than production of new weapons systems, provide technological advantage to the U. S. Armed Forces so they will prevail, and foster an environment where innovative applications of science and technology can lead to revolutionary changes in weapon systems.”
October 13-19. Scientific Advisory Board Meeting for the National Water Research Institute in Irvine, CA. Delivered the Plenary lecture as the 1995 Clark Prize winner gave an illustrated postprandial dissertation “ Microbes, Mysticism and the Holy Grail” based on excepts of my Clarke Prize address “Clean water hardly anywhere and that not safe to drink”. We made presentations: Nivens, D. E., S. Reardon, and D. C. White “Quantitative detection of injured and non-culturable microorganisms by signature lipid biomarker analysis” and Arrage, A. A., J. S. Almeida and D. C. White “Evaluating mitigation procedures in drinking water distribution systems by on-line monitoring of pathogens in biofilms” .
November 2. Trip to discuss new vortex concentrator for air sampling large volumes of air at Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City MO.
November 6-8. Invited participant in the Office of Naval Research Explosives Detection & Bioremediation Project at the Coastal Systems Laboratory in Panama City, FL. Presented analytical scheme.
November 16-22 Invited participant in the ONR non-polluting antifouling coatings conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. Presented two reports: Almeida, J. S., and D. C. White. “Analysis of panel antfouling effectiveness using results from field tests, in-vitro measurements and coating material properties”, and Arrage, A. A. And D. C. White. “Evaluation of anitfouling coatings using on-line fluorescence measurements”.
December 5-8. Invited Participant in the Naval Research Advisory Committee site visit of the Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center , the Naval Research, Development Test and Evaluation Division at San Diego, and the China Lake Naval Air Warfare Center, China Lake CA.
December 10-13. Invited participant in the Naval Research Advisory Committee (NRAC) chaired by Robert Galvin (President of Motorola) to prepare a document requested by the Under Secretary of the Navy to survey Science and Technology programs and make recommendations for the transfer to tomorrow’s Navy. Washington DC.
January 15. Invited to Northwestern University, Evanston IL to present data on lipid analysis of sediments in Lake Michigan and to prepare NSF proposal for collaborative work With D. J. Holland and D. A. Stahl.
January 16. Invited to present potential research projects to operating systems at the S. C. Johnson Wax Corp, Racine WI.
January 17-19 Invited participant in the “Biofilm in homes in industry and in the environment” meeting. We presented 5 papers: “Quantitative Assessment of in situ microniche environmental conditions and projections of metabolic activities based on signature biomarker analysis.”, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg , and S. Alugupalli; “Solvent-Resistant Pseudomonas putida “,Holly C. Pinkart and David C. White; “Application of artificial neural networks (ANN) to the detection/identification of bacteria, determination of physiological status, and prediction of metabolic activity/ pathogenicity from signature lipid biomarker analysis.” J. S. Almeida, A. Sonesson, D. B. Ringelberg, R. J. Palmer, Jr. and D. C. White; “On-Line Approaches to Industrial Research: Laser Confocal Microscopy, ATR-FTIR, and Flowcell Microbiology”. R. J. Palmer Jr., D. E. Nivens, and D. C. White; “On-line monitoring of biofilm formation, stability, and pathogen ecology in drinking water protection and marine biofouling” A.A. Arrage and D.C. White.
January 18-21 Invited participant American Society for Microbiology Colloquium on “The Microbial World: Foundation of the Biosphere” Rapporteur for Group V.
January 25. Visit of Drs. E. I .Wallick and S. Logan of IT Corporation, Knoxville to consult with CEB about high concentrations of Ni and Cr in test wells from an Air Force landfill probably the result of microbially influenced corrosion.
January 26-27. Invited visit to Toronto to Centre for Infection and Biomaterials Research, The Toronto General Hospital, to give seminar: White, D. C. “Ultrasensitive detection/identification of Mycobacteria and drug-resistant infections, systemic canadiasis, and endotoxins from clinical samples”.
January 31-February 2. Invited presentation to the Office of Naval Research Workshop on Detection and Bioremediation of Explosives, at the Naval Coastal Systems Laboratory in Panama City, FL. Presented analytical program and results.
February 27-March 1. Invited participant in the WM-96 Symposium, American Nuclear Society program on HLW, LLW, Mixed Wastes and Environmental Restoration in Tuscon, AZ. I spoke in the session on Microbial Aspects of Nuclear Waste Disposal, “Quantitative assessment of in situ microbial communities affecting nuclear waste disposal”, D. C. White.
March 6-7. Invited participant in the DOE Office of Energy Research Advanced Energy Program Workshop, on biologically-based advanced energy concepts in Germantown, MD. I served in the Microbiology group.
March 12-17. 1996 International Association for Dental Research, in San Francisco, CA Posters: “In vitro Analogues of Oral Biofilms: Changes in Community Structure Revealed by Lipid Profiles”. R. J. Palmer Jr, J. S. Almeida, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White; “In vitro Analogues of Oral Biofilms: Phospholipid-bound Fatty Acid (PLFA)Composition”. R. J. Palmer Jr.1, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White
March 18-20. 1996 International Conference on Oral Biology, Monterey, CA. Presented poster: “Phospholipid-bound fatty-acid profiles reveal community structure of oral biofilms”. R.J.Palmer Jr., J.S. Almeida, D. B. Ringelberg, D.C. White
March 15-17. Presentation of paper at the Optical Imaging of Gene Expression Symposium, Cold Spring Harbor NY. R. J. Palmer delivered the paper “Bioluminescence and Green Fluorescent Protein as tools in Microbial Biofilm Research” R. S. Palmer, Y-H Khang, R. S. Burlage, G. S. Sayler, and D. C. White.
March 22. Visit by Drs. R. Mackie, E. Gaskins, L. Raskin and H. Llaschek from the University of Illinois to CEB to discuss the development of an Applied and Environmental Microbiology Center at the University of Illinois.
March 24-28 American Chemical Society meeting, New Orleans, LA an abstract was presented: MacGregor, B., D. A. Stahl, D. Ringelberg, J. O. Stair, D. C. White K. Nealson, D. Moser, and D. J. Hollander. “Nucleic acid and lipid chemical indicators of Archeal activity and their contribution to sedimentary organic carbon in anaerobic sediments Lake Michigan.”
April 1. Invited report on lipids of Algae to Eastman Chemical Co., Kingsport TN
April 14-17. Attended Biotechnology in the sustainable environment meeting, UTK conference Center , Knoxville TN. Presented Poster: “Signature lipids for monitoring hydrocarbon bioremediation” D. White and A. B. White. Served on panel reviewing significance of the meeting.
April 19. Visit of Drs. Yuji Kawabata (manager, bioengineering Division) & Takeshi Imamura (Bioengineering division) to CEB from Cannon Co., R & D Headquarters Cannon Research Center, Kanagawa, Japan to discuss use of signature lipid biomarker technique in bioremediation.
April 26-28. Invited participant on the Scientific Advisory Board for the National Water Research Institute, in Orange City, CA. Presented reports “ Quantitative detection of injured or noncultuable micro-organisms by signature lipid biomarker analysis” D. E. Nivins; and “Risk reduction in drinking water distribution systems by on-line monitoring of pathogen ecology for quantitative evaluation of mitigation procedures”. A. A. Arrage and D. C. White. Chaired the session of planning programs for “Health Effects” concentrating on detecting non-culturable emerging pathogenic infections.
April 29-30. Invited participant in the Seventh International High-level Radioactive Waste Management Conference and Exposition, Las Vegas, NV. Presented Paper ”In Situ Characterization of the microbiota in Yucca Mountain sediments”, D. B. Ringelberg, J, O. Stain D. C. White and L. Hersman.
April 30-May 2. Visited Office of Naval Research and attended meeting of the Naval Research Advisory Committee, in Arlington, VA
May 2-4. Attended Naval Research Advisory Committee in Norfolk, VA , flew onto and was catapulted off the USS Enterprise.
May 10-17. Attended American Society for Mass Spectrocoscopists, Portland, OR. Took Course in LC/MS.
May 18-23. Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA. Invited participant in the Symposium Application of Molecular techniques for addressing Environmental Problems. D. C. White “Lipid Biomarker Analysis for in situ Microbial Community Ecology” Presented Posters: Colwell, F., M. Delwiche, T. C. Onsott, Q-J. Yao, R. Griffiths, D. Ringelberg, D. White, J. K. Fredrickson and R. Lehman. “Microbial communities from deep gas-bearing rocks”; Kieft, T.L., K, O. O’Connor, E. Wilch, D. B. Ringelberg and D. C. White “Long-term survival rates and phospholipid fatty acid signature lipids of subsurface microorganisams in sediment microcosms”; Pinkart, H. C., D. B. Ringelberg, J. McGee, and D. C. White, “Biocorrosion of an industrial washer”; Flemming, C. A., R. J. Palmer JR. J., and D. C. White, Hydrophobicity and attachment of LPS mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (IATS 06)”; Palmer, Jr., C. A. Flemming, and D. C. White, “Effects of biofilm species-composition on current maintenance during corrosion of stainless steel in anaerobic seawater”; Arrage, A. A., J. S. Almeida, and D. C. White, ”Reduction of chlorine effectiveness against Legionella and E. coli in a mixed in a mixed species biofilm”.
May 22-26. Annual meeting of the American Society for Industrial Hygienists, Washington, DC. S. J. Macnaughton presented paper “Detecting Non-Culturable Air Biocontamination: Direct Quantitative Sampling of Indoor Air Biomass by Lipid Biomarker Analysis.” S.J. Macnaughton* & D.C. White.
May 29-30. Invited participant in the Southeastern National Institute for Global Enengy Change at Tuscaloosa, AL. Presented Paper” Increasing Accuracy of Climate Change Models by Application of Lipid Molecular Techniques to Assess Below-ground Biomass, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Community Shifts, and Nutritional/Physiological Status in The Rhizosphere and Soils of Important Southeastern US Plants Exposed to Elevated CO2”, D. C. White
June 5. Visit to Dr. Mark Cole Central research at Pfizer Laboratory to see and discuss HPLC/electrospray/ iontrap MS/MS, Groton, CT.
June 6. Naval Research Advisory Committee to Naval Surface Warfare ,Damage Control School, Newport, RI and the Submarine Firefighting /Wet Trainer facility at New London CT.
June 10-11. Naval Research Advisory Committee meeting for Damage control Assessment reports, Crystal City, VA.
June 12-15. Attended American Society of Protozoologists and Parasitologists Annual Meeting, Tucson AZ.
June 17 . Visit or Drs. Paul Cahill and Joseph Simonson from Scandia Labs to CEB to discuss polymer beads and bioadhesion-biofouling in marine systems.
June 17-19. Visit of Dr. Max Coleman of Reading University, UK to discuss experiments with iron reducing bacteria in saltmarsh sediments and to plan new experiments.
June 23-27. Invited participant in the North American Water and Environment Congress ’96. Ahaheim, CA June 22-27. Presented paper White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, A. A. Arrage, B. M. Appelgate, S. R. Reardon, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. “Protecting Drinking Water: Rapid Detection of Human Fecal Contamination, Injured, and Non-Culturable Pathogenic Microbes in Water Systems”.
June 28-July 3. Invited participant UIB, GBF, CSIC, TUB Symposium on Bioremediation of Organic Pollutants, Mallorca, Spain. Gave paper “Signature Lipid Biomarker Analysis For The Quantitative Assessment Of In Situ Environmental Microbial Ecology”. D. C. White and D. B. Ringelberg.
July 14-26. Naval Research Advisory Committee Summer Symposium, San Diego, CA.
July 16-19. NABIR OHER/DOE Science Advisory Team Meeting, Dulles, VA.
August 4-14. Thirtieth International Geological Conference, in Beijing, China in 1996, Papers presented by W. M Duan : D. C. White*,** D. B. Ringelberg *, M. Coleman***, K. Pye***, and W. M. Duan***. Signature lipid biomarker analysis in microbially mediated concretion formation. (*Center for Environmental Biotechnology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37932-2575, USA, **Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, ***Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology, University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AB, UK).
August 4-7 Invited presentation by J. S. Almeida at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Society of Industrial Microbiology, Research Triangle Park, NC, In the symposium “Improving our odds in the biodiversity lottery” Abstract: J. S. Almeida*, A. Sonesson, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White. “Application of artificial neural networks (ANN) to identify and characterize Mycobacteria based on their signature lipid biomarkers.”
August 19-22. Invited participant in the International Symposium on Biodegradable Poly-beta hydroxyalkanoates ’96, in Davos, Switzerland. Gave plenary lecture “Signature Lipid Biomarker Analysis For The Quantitative Assessment Of In Situ Environmental Microbial Ecology”. D. C. White and D. B. Ringelberg.
August 24-29. Invited Participant American Chemical Society Meeting, Orlando, FL, Symposium :Application of Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry. Chaired session on “Recent Biogenic Markers” and presented paper “Signature lipid biomarker analysis for the quantitative analysis of environmental microbial ecology”. D. C. White and D. B. Ringelberg. Posters: “Rapid method for extraction of the fecal sterol coprostanol using supercritical fluid carbon dioxide”, M. Rayner, P. Nichols, D. Nivens, D. C. White, and “Integrated lipid biomarker analysis of environmental samples” , Parlette, J., S. J. Macnaughton, J. Doll, A. K. Rose, S. Alugupalli and D. C. White.
August 27. Meeting executive committee and Science Team Leaders for the DOE-OHER NABIR program, Germantown, MD.
August 31-September 4. Visit at the CEB of Dr. Peter D. Nichols from CSIRO, Hobart Tasmania, to the laboratory for consultation on signature lipid biomarker analysis.
September 15-21. Invited participant in the 1996 International Symposium on subsurface Microbiology (ISSM-96) Davos, Switzerland Presented paper “Biomass, Bioactivity, and Biodiversity in Deep Subsurface Microbiota” D C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, and J. O. Stair., Microbiology of a Paleosol Chronosequence: “Survival and Succession During the Last 200,000 Years”. T.L. Kieft, D.L. Haldeman, P.S. Amy, E.M. Murphy, .N. Bjornstad, E.V. McDonald, D.B. Ringelberg, D.C. White, J.O. Stair, R.P. Griffiths, T.C. Gsell, W.E. Holben, and D.R. Boone,;”Microorganisms form Deep, High Temperature, Cretaceous Sandstones,” F. Colwell, J.K. Fredrickson, D. Chandler, M. Delwiche, T.C. Onstott, Q.-J Yao, T.J. Phelps, R. Griffiths, D.B. Ringelberg, D.C. White, J. Konisky, D. Boone, D. Balkwill, and R. Lehman,;”Collection of Subsurface Core from Indurated Rocks: Recent Methodological Developments”, T. Griffin, P.E. Long, F. Colwell, J.K Fredrickson, T.J. Phelps, T.O. Stevens, J.P. McKinely, D.B. Ringelberg, and D.C. White,;”Characterization of the Subsurface Microbiota in the Vicinity of the Proposed Nuclear Waste repository at Yucca Mountain, NV.” , J.O. Stair, A.L. Jani, D.B. Ringelberg, and D.C. White,; “Estimation of Viable and Non-Viable Microbial Abundance in Deep Subsurface Shales and Sandstones.”, D.B. Ringelberg, S.D. Sutton, J.O. Stair, and D.C. White.
September 23-26. Office of Naval Research Reviews of the Minimally adhesive polymers & fouling release coatings, Jacksonville, FL. I made two presentations: “ Attachment, biofilm development, hydrophobicity, and surface charge of lipopolysaccharide-deficient mutants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.” D. C. White. C. A. Flemming, and R. J. Palmer, Jr. “Evaluation of antifouling coatings using on-line fluorescence” A. A. Arrage, J. S. Almedia, and D. C. White.
September 29-October 4. Invited participant American Society for Microbiology Conference on Microbial Biofilms, Snowbird, UT. Gave the Plenary lecture which was reported in Science 273: 1795-1796, 1996. “Biofilms as the preferred mode of bacterial growth” D. C. White, R. J. Palmer, A. A. Arrage, C. A. Flemming, and D. B. Ringelberg. And presented posters: Kouznetsova, L. N., T. Kuritz, R. J. Palmer, Jr., and D. C. White “Effect of chemical modification of glass surfaces on bacterial adhesion”; C. B. Phiefer, R. J. Palmer, Jr., and D. C. White “Comparison of bioluminescence induction in Vibrio harveyi and Photobacterium (Vibrio) fischeri biofilms using photon-counting microscopy”; C. A Flemming, K. M. Harter, and D. C. White “Determination of cell surface charge and its role in adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide mutants”; T. Kuritz, L. N. Kouznetsova, C. A. Flemming, R. J. Palmer Jr., K. M. Harter, and D. C. White “Generation and characterization of mutants of Oceanospirillium sp.”.
October 4-8. Ninth International Symposium on Bioluminescnce & Chemiluminescence, Woods Hole , MA. Gave invited papers: Palmer, R. J., C. Phiefer, R. Burlage, G. Sayler, and D. C. White. 1996. “Single Cell Bioluminescence and GFP in Biofilm Research” and Arrage, A. A., and D. C. White. 1996. “Monitoring biofilm-induced persistence of Mycobacterium in drinking water systems using GFP fluorescence”. FEMS Microbiology Proceed Int. Bioluminescence Soc.
October 14-16. Meeting on bioremediation of explosives, Crystal City , VA.
October 18-20. Fall meeting National Water Research Institute Scientific Review Board.meeting Lincoln, NE. Presented reports on “Quantitative detection of injured or nonculturable microorganisms by signature lipid biomarker analysis” D. C. White and D. E. Nivens; “Risk reduction in drinking water distribution systems by on-line monitoring of pathogen ecology for quantitative evaluation of mitigation procedures” A. A. Arrage, C. S. Flemming and D. C. White; as well as a proposal to the health effects subcommittee “Quantitative detection, identification , determination of infectious potential and mitigation effectiveness” D. C. White.
October 23-25. Naval Research Advisory Committee meeting in Quantico, VA. Visit to the Marine Corps command and control center and the Marine Corps University
October 21-22. Invited visit to the Marshfield Medical Research Foundation, Marshfield, WI. Gave Seminar “Signature lipid biomarkers for microbes in disease and the environment”
November 7-23. Invited participation in the International membrane science and technology Conference (IMSTEC’96), Sydney Australia. Invited participant in the NWRI/University of New South Wales Biofouling Workshop, Sydney Australia, where I gave the report “New and Emerging Techniques for Microbial Biofouling Biofilm Characterization and Monitoring”. At the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of New South Wales, Sydney and the department of Microbiology, University of Tasmania, Hobart gave seminar “Signature lipid biomarkers for microbes in disease and the environment”. Consulted at the department of chemical Oceanography, CSIRO, Hobart, Tasmania on recovery of potentially commercially valuable lipids from marine organisms.
November 19-22. Laboratory Participation by S. A. Macnaughton in Clean Air ’96, Orlando FL, Abstracts of presentations: “Quantitative Sampling Of Non-Culturable Indoor Air Biomass By Lipid Biomarker Analysis”. S.J. Macnaughton, T.L. Jenkins, and D. C. White; “Quantitative Characterization Of Airborne Microbial Communities By Lipid Biomarker Analysis” S.J. Macnaughton, T.L. Jenkins, R. Gall, D.C. White
December 10-13. Invited participant in the Office on Naval Research workshop on bioremediation of unexploded ordinance, Crystal City, VA. Presented a paper on sensitive detection methods.
December 11-15 American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA . Poster presented “Microbial survival and succession in a sequence of sburied sediments during the last 1 million years” T. L.Kieft, D. L. Haldeman. P. S. Amy, E. M. Murphy, N. N. Bjornstad, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, J. Stair, R. P. Griffiths, T. C. Gsell, W. E. Holden, and D. R. Boon. D. C. White did not attend.
January 13-14. Invited participant in the Army Research Board Lethality Panel meeting. at USAMDSTC, Huntsville,. AL. Made a presentation “Detection/identification and pathogenicity determination with signature biomarkers”.
January 17-19. Invited participant in the workshop “Growth and Form: Cancer as an Evolutionary Phenomenon” sponsored by the cancer foundation of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.
January 25-27. Participant in the American Society for Mass Spectrometry course on Quadrupole Ion Traps, Sanibel Island, FL.
January 29-30. Invited participant as a member of the Technical Review Committed for Natural Attenuation of Explosives, for the S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Cambridge, MA.
February 6-8 Invited to present seminar at the Environmental Genetics Department, National Research Council Canada, Biotechnology Research Unit, Montreal, Quebec. Presented the seminar “Biomarkers in Environmental Analysis”
February 13-14. Invited participant in the ONR Biosensors program, Alexandria, VA, reported on research relative to lipids in detection of specific biofouling organisms.
February 20-21. Invited participant in the natural and acelerated bioremediation research program (NABIR), of OHER DOE at Germantown, MD as Science Team Leader in Assessment.
February 25-27. Invited participant in the Southeast regional annual meeting for the National Center for Global Environmental Change (NIGEC), at Tusculoosa, AL. Gave presentation “Increasing Accuracy of Climate Change Models by Application of Lipid Molecular Techniques to Assess Belowground Biomass, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Community Shifts and Nutritional/Physiological Status( for estimating mineralization activity) in the Rhizosphere and Soil of Important Southeastern US Plants Exposed to Elevated CO2: D. C. White, A. Peacock and D. B. Ringelberg.
March 2-5. Participant in the International Symposium on Waterborne Cryptosporidium, Newport Beach, CA. Presented paper “ Sensitive quantitative detection/identification of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by signature lipid biomarker analysis”. D. C. White, S. Allpugali, D. P. Schrum, S. T Kelly, D. C. White, R. Fayer, and E. S. Kaneshiro.
March 12-14. Invited participant in the ONR CSME program on biosensors, Crystal City, VA.
March 17-19 Invited participant NSF Ridge workshop on the subsurface biosphere at mid-ocean ridges Meeting. Presented paper “Detection of intact polar lipids from Archae at 350oC from a flange at Endeavor smoker” D. C. White, T. J. Phelps, J. A. Baross, R. D. Pledger, & D. B. Hedrick.. Also presented as a poster as well as “Formation of magnetite and maghemite by thermophjlic metal-reducing bacteria obtained from Triassic and Cretaceous basins” T. J. Phel[ps, S. Liu, C. Zang, D. R. Cole, T. C. Onstott & D. C. White.
March 20. Attended the Pittsburgh Conference on analytical instrumentation, Atlanta, GA
March 21. Met with Mayor Hon. Tom Ed McHugh, mayor of Baton Rouge, to discuss in pipe bioremediation as a benefit in waste disposal.
March 23-26. Visit of Dr. Christopher H. Sissons, Wellington School of Medicine, Dental Research Group, NA MRC, P.O. Box 27-007, Wellington, New Zealand to the CEB for discussions of collaborative oral biofilm research.
March 31-April 1. Invited as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Federal Integrated Biotreatment Research Consortium for the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) in Baltimore, MD.
April 13-17 Invited seminar at CAMS, Porton Downs, Salisbury, UK “Ecology of microbial biofilms” D. C. White and Symposium on Biofilms in Aquatic Systems conference at Warwick UK Seminar “Chemical Aspects of Biofouling and Corrosion in Process and Industrial Waters” D.C. White, A. A. Arrage, R.J. Palmer Jr., C.A. Flemming, K.T. Leung, C.B. Phiefer, & S.J. Macnaughton
April 18-20 National Water Research Institute, Scientific Advisory Board. Irvine, CA
April 21-23 Invited to the USDA laboratory, Albany, CA. Presented seminar “Detection and infectious potential of specific microbes in environmental samples”.
April 23-26. Invited presentation at the Center for Environmental Biotechnology, Lawrence Berkley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Presented seminar “What can Microbes tell you in assessing bioremediation effectiveness?”
April 27-May 1. Battelle Symposium In-situ and on site bioremediation, New Orleans, LA. Presented paper, White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, and S. A. Macnaughton “Signature lipid biomarker analysis for the quantitative assessment of in situ bioremediation effectiveness”
May 4-8. Attended the Annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Miami, FL. Presented posters: “Rapid extraction of lipid biomarkers from bacterial and eukaryotic biomass using pressurized hot solvent extraction” S. J. Macnaughton, T. L. Jenkins, M. H. Wimpee, M. R. Cormier, and D. C. White (I-27); “Phospholipid biosynthesis and solvent tolerance in Pseudomonas putida strains”. H. C. Pinkart and D. C. White (K-115); and “SREB-induced pitting of 316L stainless steel in aerobic seawater” G. Chen, R. J. Palmer, Jr., and D. C. White (Q-325).
May 11-16 Invited participant in the review of the NABIR programs for the DOE as the Science Team Leader in Acceleration and Community Dynamics and Microbial Ecology.
May 17-22 Visit by Dr. Michael Bakes, from Michael Bakes from CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia who presented a seminar “Adding Value To Australian Marine Oils”. We discussed lipid analytical procedures and potential commercially valuable products.
May 28-30 Invited participant in the ONR CSME program on biosensors, Crystal City, VA.
June 1-2 Attended planning meeting at DOE, Germantown, MD as the Science Team Leader in Acceleration and Community Dynamics and Microbial Ecology.
June 2-5. Invited participant in the SERDP Management Scale Ecosystem Research Workshop at the Airlie Conference Center, Warrington VA. Presented invited paper “Role of Microbes in Ecosystems”
June 1-5. American Society for Mass Spectroscopy Meeting Palm Springs, CA. Kevyn Smith presented a poster “Increased Sensitivity and Detection Limits for Nitro Containing Explosives by On-Column HPLC Reductions and ESI/APCI MS”, K. Smith, D. P. Schrum, and D.C. White.
June 6. Presentation to A. D. Venosa at the EPA Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH on utility of combined signature lipid biomarker analysis/gene probe analysis in bioremediation of petroleum products.
June 15-18 Invited as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Federal Integrated Biotreatment Research Consortium for the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) in Poet Hunamie, CA.
June 24-25. Invited participant in the ONR Biosensors program workshop, Harbor Branch Research Institute, Ft. Pierce FL.
July 1. Invited presentation to the Scientific Review Board, Cincinnati Water Works, Cincinnati, OH. Presented paper “Sensitive Quantitative Detection/Identification of infectious Cryptospridium parvum oocysts by signature lipid biomarker analysis” D. C. White, S. Alugupalli, D. P. Schrum, S. J. Macnaughton, S. T. Kelly, M. K. Sikka, R. Fayer, E. S. Kaneshiro, M. Cranfield, M. Williams6 & T. K. Graczyk. July 26-30. Invited participant in the First Triservice First Workshop on Biological Mass Spectrometry in Baltimore, MD. Presented paper “Rapid, Automatable, Detection/Identification, & Determination of BW Infectious Potential with Signature Biomarkers”, D. C. White*, C. A. Flemming, K. T. Leung, D. P. Schrum, S. Alugupalli, S. J. Macnaughton, & R. S. Burkhalter.
July 31-August 1. Invited seminar Jackson State University, Jackson, MS “What can Microbes tell you in assessing bioremediation effectiveness?” D. C. White
August 20. Meeting at CEB to discuss Lipid signatures of BW agents Kent J. Vorhees , Franco Basile Colorado school of mines, Wayne Griest, Steve A. Lammert ORNL, David Sickenberger, Alex Hryncewich, Ted Hadfield, and Alice Harper, U. S. Army Edgewood Research Development and Engineering Center
August 24-26. Visit to Dr. Philip Domenico, Research Director, Winthrop-University Hospital
Mineola, Long Island, New York to discuss research options.
September 4-7. Invited participant in the National Ground Water Association Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV presented paper “ Molecular Methods for the quantitatitive detection of unculturable patogens and monitoring bioremediation effectiveness” D. C. White, C. A. Flemming, K. T. Leung, A. A. Arrage, S. J. Macnaughton, S. Alugupalli, and S. T. Kelly.
September 3-7. E. S. Kaneshiro was an invited participant in the Fifth International Workshop on Protists and Fifth International General Meeting for the European Concerted Action of Pneumocystis Research Committee International Protozoology, Lille, France. Paper presented by Edna Kanishiro. “Sensitive Quantitative Detection/Identification of infectious Cryptospridium parvum oocysts by signature lipid biomarker analysis” D. C. White, S. Alugupalli, D. P. Schrum, Sarah J. Macnaughton, Sean T. Kelly, Monica K. Sikka, Ronald. Fayer, Edna S. Kaneshiro*, Michael R. Cranfield, Megan L. Williams & Thaddeus K. Graczyk
September 15-18. Invited participant in the review of proposals for the Scientific Advisry Panel for Pathogen Countermeasures and Advanced Diagnostics Programs of the Biological Warfare Defense (DARPA), Crystal City Hyatt, Crystal City VA.
September 23-October 3. Invited participant in the Australian Society for Microbiology annual meeting, Adelaide, South Australia. Three presentations: D. C. White “ Want Success? Ask the Microbes: Biomass, Community Composition, and Physiological Status whilst they work”; “Defining, Soil Quality in Terms of Microbial Biodiversity”; Ecology of Microbial Biofouling and Non-Polluting Mitigation”.
September XX. - Participant in the American Geophysical Union meeting San Francisco, CA Paper presented by S. Liu “Thermophilic iron-reducing bacteria from deep subsurface environments”. Liu, S., J. Zhou, T. J. Phelps, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White.
October 8-10. Invited seminar, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Layfette, LA D. C.
White “What can Microbes tell you in assessing subsurface microbial ecology?”
October 19-22. Invited to make a presentation at the EPA sponsored “Conference on analytical methods for concentrating, detecting, and assaying Cryptosporidium and Giardia in drinking waters, Arlington, VA. Presentation “D. C. White, R. S. Burkhalter, A. B. White, Detection of infectious Cryptosporidium oocysts with signature lipids.
October 23-27. Invited participant of the Scientific Advisory Board, National Water Research Foundation, Irving, CA. Presented report: “Risk Reduction in Drinking Water Distribution Systems by On-line monitoring of Pathogen Ecology for Quantitative Evaluation of Mitigation Procedures” M. Zinn, R. J. Palmer, Jr. D. C. White,
November 6-9. Invited presentation Geology Department, Princeton, University, Princeton NJ. D. C. White “Quantitatively assessing the microbial geochemical engine that runs the bisophere”.
November 11. Invited presentation East Tennessee Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group, Knoxville TN, Presented “Rapid, Potentially Automatable, MS Methods to Detect, Identify, and Predict Infectivity of Microbes with Biomarkers” D. C. White, R. S. Burkhalter, K. W. Whitaker, & S. J. Macnaughton.
November 12-14 Invited presentation at the NASA- Water Industries Microbiology Workshop -meeting, Denver, CO. “Monitoring spacecraft water: candidate technologies” D. C. White
November 17-21. Participant in the 1997 U. S. Army Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Scientific Conference on Chemical and Biological Defense Research, Edgewood Area Conference Center, Aberden Proving Ground, MD, presentation “Method to Extract Biomarkers For HPLC/ESI/MS/MS to Detect and Identify BW Agents” White, D. C.,R. S. Burkhalter, C. Smith, S. J. Macnaughton and K. W. Whitaker.
November 25. Visit to CEB of Martha J. Grahm and Susan A. Littelfield of Ciba Vision, 11460 Johns Creek Pky, Duluth, GA 30136-1463 to discuss projects of biofilm formation in soft contact lenses.
December 2-5, Invited participant Technical Advisory Committee, Strategic Environmental Research and Development program, Federal Integrated Biotreatment Research Consortium, and poster presentation at the annual SERDP Symposium, Washington, DC. Poster:“In situ microbial ecology for the quantitative assessment, monitoring, risk assessment and potential “end point” documentation of pollution remediation in soils and the subsurface”. D. C. White, K. T. Leung, S. M. Pfiffner, M. J. Barcelona, M. Henry and S. J. Macnaughton.
December 11. Invited participant in the DOE NABIR Data System Development program Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
December 15,16. Invited participant in the U. S. EPA Protozoan Method Development Stakeholder Meeting, RESOLVE 1255 23rd St, NW, Suite 275, Washington DC.
January 5-8. Invited participant in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures and Advanced Diagnostics Conference, Charleston SC.
January 9-10. Invited to meet R. Alberte and R. Zimmerman about zosteric acid incorporation into antibiofilm coatings, Reston VA.
January 12-15. Invited participant in the Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation (NABIR) Review meeting. Presented seminar on role of Science team Leader in Assessment and Microbial ecology & Community Dynamics and presented poster “Changes in microbial community lipid and DNA biomarkers in soil contaminated with Cd, Co, Cs, and Sr.” C. A. Flemming, K. T. Leung, A. Peacock, S. J. Macnaughton, and D. C. White.
January 24-27. Invited participant In the Acceleration element of NABIR program Science Plan Meeting, Salt lake City, UT. Gave talk on research program with expanded signature lipid analysis and CRIMS.
February 3. Invited to CIBA vision, Duluth, GA., Rob Palmer gave a presentation on Biofilms.
February 25-27. Invited participant in the Urban Water Institute Workshop, delivered talk
“The human immune system and the future of water”, City of Industry, CA.
February 25. Invited to Alpha Therapeutics, Inc. Los Angeles, CA to discuss biofilms in ultra-pure water systems.
February 25-26. S. J. Macnaughton presented invited talk at the National Institute for Global Environmental Change, South East Regional Center (NIGEC) Tusculoosa, AL.
March 1-5. Pittcon’98, New Orleans, LA, Poster presented by G. Chen “ ESCA Analysis if pitting corrosion type 316 L SS in a marine bacterial coculture” D. C. White, G. G. Chen, S. S. Cristy.
April 1-5. Invited Alberta Heritage Foundation Speaker, Calgary, Alberta to participate in the in the Canadian Biofilm Meeting, Calgary Alberta, Canada. Gave address: “Microbial Biofilms in Nature and Disease”, D. C. White, University of Calgary. At the Canadian Biofilm meeting Canemor, Alberta gave invited presentation “Manipulating Biofilm Architecture and Ecology” by D. C. White, R. J. Palmer, M. Zinn.
April 17. Invited presentation to the Knoxville Science Club, UTK, Knoxville, “Emerging Biological Problems with Water”
April 24-26 Meeting of the NWRI Science Advisory Board. Dallas, TX, Presented research report on “Effects of zosteric Acid on Biofouling Biofilms” M. Zinn and C. C. White
April 27-29. Invited participant at the NABIR Biogeochemistry element meeting at the Viridian Center, Lewes, DE.
May 13-16 invited to present lecture in the Science and Technology Seminar Series of the Center for in situ Exploration and Sample Return (CISSR) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. Presented “Quality assurance and planetary protection: Samples returned from Europa aren’t Staphylococcus aureus & won’t cover the Earth like kudzu” D. C. White
May 17-21. American Society for Microbiology annual meeting, Atlanta, GA. Invited seminar speaker “Quantitation of Biocontaminants in Indoor Air by Signature Lipid Analysis” David C. White, and Sarah J. Macnaughton. Posters: R. M. Lehman, F. S. Colwell, R. Smith, M. Delwiche, J. K. Fredrickson, T. Kieft, T. J. Phelps, And D. C. White “Alteration of the Microbial Ecology of a Fractured Basalt Aquifer by Contaminants”; R. S. Burkhalter, C. A. Smith, A. Peacock, D. C. White, K. W. Whitaker, R. Fayer “Detection of single infectious Cryptosporidium oocyst by signature free fatty acid 10 OH 18:0; Lovell, C. R., R. L. Marinelli, S. G. Wakeman, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White “Effects of host activities on the composition of microbial communities in biofilms lining borrows of marine infauna”; Macnaughton, S. J., T. L. Jenkins, M. R. Cormier, D. C. White. “The Direct measurement of biocontamination in indoor air using phospholipid fatty acid analysis”; Onstott, T. C., S. W. Squyres, S. Gorevan, D. C. White, G. G. Geesey, K. Nagai, B. Freemen, and T. J. Phelps. Mars sample return: “The challenge of Acquiring high quality samples for life detection experiments in the Athena ’01 mission”, Palmer, R. J., C. b. Pheifer, M. Zinn and D. C. White “Confocal microscopy of architecture/physiology in in vitro biofilms”, Zinn, M., R. C. Zimmerman, and D. C. White “Influence of zosteric acid on biofilms of Vibrio harveyi in flow cell experiments”.
May 29-June 5 American Society for Mass Spectrometry meeting Orlando, FL Attend the training session on LC/MS and deliver paper “Detection of signature lipid biomarkers specific to infectious Cryptosporidium” Burkhalter, R. S., A. A. Tuinman, C. A. Smith, K. W. Whitaker, A. B. White, and D. C. White.
May 31-June 3 Invited reviewer and panel participant in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures and Advanced Diagnostics preproposal review, Crystal City, VA.
June 20-25 Review of the NABIR proposals-served as Science Team Leader for Assessment and Microbial Ecology and Community Dynamics.
July 7 & 8. Visit to CEB by Dr. Randall Alberte of Arete (Crystal City, VA) to plan experiments in quantitative measurements of bacterial adhesion to treated surfaces.
July 26-30. Attended Mars Architecture review at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA , and was appointed Distinguished Visiting Scientist by JPL with primary responsibilities in Planetary Protection.
August 4-7 Invited participant in the NABIR workshop on Acceleration and Biogeochemistry at Vancouver, WA
August 9-14. Eighth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada. Invited Plenary speaker White, D.C., Palmer, R.J., Zinn, M. “Manipulation of Biofilm Microbial Ecology”. Invited talks by J. R. Stevens “Effect of Heavy Metals on Endogenous Beta-Subgroup Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria Populations in Soil” Stephen, J.R., J. Chang, S. J. Macnaugton, K. Leung, G. Kowalchuk, and D. C. White; Venosa, A. D., G. A. Davis, J. R. Stephen, S. J. Macnaughton, Y-C. Chang, and D. C. White. 1998. Microbial population changes during bioremediation of an experimental oil spill. Contributed abstracts: “Effect of Heavy Metal Addition on The Endogenous Bacterial Community and Fate of an Introduced Microbial Consortium in Soil” Stephen, J. R., J. Chang, S. J. Macnaugton, K. Leung, and D. C. White; “Effect of heavy metals on endogenous beta-subgroup ammonia oxidizing bacteria populations in soil” Stephen, J. R., J. Chang, S. J. Macnaugton, K. Leung, G. Kowalchuk, and D. C. White; Lipid Biomarker and Nucleic Acid Analysis for the In Situ Monitoring of Remediation at a JP-4 Fuel Contaminated Site” Macnaughton, S. J., Y-J. Chang, Y. D. Gan, A. Peacock, M. J. Barcelona, and D. C. White.
August 17-20. Invited reviewer and panel participant in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures and Advanced Diagnostics proposal review, Crystal City, VA.
August 24-27. Visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA for coordinating research in Planetary Protection.
August 30-September 2. Visit of Dr. Peter D. Nichols to CEB to discuss research on fatty acids and other lipids.
September 4-15 Invited participant in the International Association for Water Quality
Workshop on Biofouling and Biocorrosion in Pretoria, SA. Gave a presentation “Monitoring Microbial Biofilm Ecology” D. C. White, R. J. Palmer, M. Zinn, C. A. Smith, and R. Burkhalter.
September 24-28. Attended Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in San Diego, CA and the Committee on Awards of the American Academy of Microbiology.
September 28-October 1. Visit to Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA, to work on Planetary Protection issues.
October 9-10. Participant in the Kentucky/Tennessee local Branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in Oak Ridge, TN
October 29- November 5 Visit to Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, to work on Planetary Protection issues.
November 6-8 Invited participant in the NSF sponsored Lake Vostok Workshop, at AGU building Washington, DC. Gave presentation “Detecting Spacecraft/Sample Return Contamination and Extraterrestrial Life” D. C. White.
November 10-12. Invited participant in the DOE/NABIR Acceleration Stocktaking Meeting for the South Oyster Site, Virginia Beach, VA. Presentations “Microbial characterization of South Oyster subsurface” D. C. White and D. Balkwill; “Additional tracking methods CRIMS and Fluorescent Stains” D. C. White and M. Fuller.
November 16-18. Invited participant DOE/NABIR Advance Technologies for Measuring Microbial Biomass and Activity, Bethesda, MD. “Prospects for more rapid, sensitive, specific and economical signature lipid analysis” D. C. White
December 8-19. Invited Participant in the JPL/NASA Conference on Planetary Protection for Extraterrestrial life detection experiments, Pasadena, CA.
December 17-18. Invited participant in the NABIR systems integration element in Herndon, VA.
January 6-7. Invited as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Federal Integrated Biotreatment Research Consortium for the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) in Salt Lake City, UT.
January 8-14. Invited Participant in the JPL Planetary Protection program experiments, Pasadena, CA
January 22-28 invited participant in the annual review of the NABIR program for DOE, Reston VA. Presented poster: “The in situ assessment of microbial community ecology within contaminated samples using a combined lipid/PCR-DGGE based approach”. D. C. White, R. S. Burkhalter, S. J. Macnaughton. And J. R. Stephen.
February 7-12. Invited participant in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Unconventional Pathogen Countermeasures and Advanced Diagnostics Conference, Monterey, CA
February 13-18 Invited Participant in the JPL Planetary Protection program experiments, Pasadena, CA
February 18-21 Meeting in Germantown, MD for NABIR on UMTRA sites
February 21-25. Participant in the Origin of life Gordon Conference, Ventura CA.
February 25-26 Invited Participant in the JPL Planetary Protection program experiments, Pasadena, CA
April 6-11 Invited Participant in the JPL Planetary Protection program experiments, Pasadena, CA
April 16-17 Invited presentation Kentucky/Tennessee ASM Branch Meeting Oak Ridge, TN
“Planetary Protection and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life”, D. C White
April 19-22. Participant in the in-situ and on-site bioremediation Fifth international Symposium, San Diego, CA, Presented platform paper: D. C. White, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, Y. Chang, Y. D. Gan, A. Peacock, and M. J. Barcelona. “Lipid/DNA analysis of the microorganisms at a jet fuel-contaminated Site”
April 24-26 Invited participant at the meeting of the NWRI Science Advisory Board, in Newport Beach, CA
April 27-29 Invited participant in the DARPA review of CBW detection technologies symposium in Santa Fe, NM.
May 4-9 Invited Participant in the JPL Planetary Protection program experiments, Pasadena, CA
May 12-13 Invited participant in the Mars 2003 Science Working Group Arcadia, CA
May 17-19. Panel member SERDP Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, Arlington, VA.
May 22-26 Invited participant, Space Station Human Environmental Monitoring program, at JPL Pasadena, CA.
May 29-June 4. American Society for Microbiology annual meeting, Chicago, IL. Invited preconference workshop speaker “ W-29 Molecular Approaches in Environmental Microbiology paper “ Molecular microbiological methods to be used by the Jet Propulsion laboratory planetary protection of Mars and Earth”; W-25 Biofilms “ Biofilms nurture pathogens” ; Posters: Bruggemann, J., J. R. Stephen, S. J. Macnaughton, D. C. White, A. B. White. “Quantitative PCR-DGGE analysis of bacterial communities in natural samples”;
Pruden, A. J, J. Bruggemann, J. R. Stephen, S. J Macnaughton, A. D. Venosa, and D. C. White. “16S rDNA analysis of enrichment cultures of freshwater and marine hydrocarbon degrading bacteria and effect of PCR primer choice”; Macnaughton, S. J., T. L. Marsh, J. R. Stephen, D. Long, Y-D. Gan, Y-J. Chang, J. Almeida, and D.C. White, “Lipid biomarker analysis of bacterial and eukaryote communities of chromium contaminated soils”
June 9-13 Invited participant in the COST 520 Workshop 1999 in Sion, Switzerland. Plenary Lecture “Utilization of signature lipid biomarkers to define microbial communities in biofilms and as contaminants of spacecraft searching for extraterrestrial life”, D. C. White, also provided the Concluding remarks with a summary of the meeting content.
June 17-24. Invited Participant in the JPL Planetary Protection program experiments, Pasadena, CA
June 30-July 1st. Invited to presentation of the 1999 Athalie Richardson Irvine Clarke Prize for water science and technology in Pasadena, CA as winner of the 1995 prize.
July 11-18 ISSOL-99 meeting Poster, San Diego, CA “Planetary protection: Detecting Earth-based contamination with lipid biomarkers in the search for extraterrestrial life. Kylen W. Whitaker, Robert G. Kern, Shirley Chung, Robert S. Burkhalter, Sarah J. Macnaughton and David C. White. Poster presented by K. Venkateswaran of JPL.
July 12-15 Attended 29th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Denver Co. regarding space station biosensor research.
July 15-21 Participant in the JPL Planetary Protection program experiments, Pasadena, CA
July 22-23 Invited presentation at 3M, St. Paul, MN “Assessment of Infection Control and Planetary Protection for Mars 2003/2005 Sample Return Missions” David C. White, Robert J. Palmer, Cory Lytle, Sarah J. Macnaughton, John R. Stephen, Roger G. Kern, Kasthuri J. Venkateswaran, Carol A. Smith, Ying Dong Gan, Yun-Juan Chang, Julia Brüggemann, Yevette M. Piceno
August 5-11 Biodiversity meeting Chicago ASM, Presenting poster: “Evaluating the
Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities Using Molecular Techniques and Established
Ecological Indexes” Peacock A.D., D. B. Hedrick, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen,
Y-H. Chang, J. Brüggemann, Y. D. Gan, and D. C. White.
August 22-28 ISSM-99 Vail CO, Papers “Assessing Earth-based Contamination with Lipid Biomarkers in Martian Extraterrestrial Life Detection” Whitaker, K. W., Kern, R. G., Chung, S., Burkhalter, R. S., Macnaughton, S. J., and White, D. C.; “Preliminary Results on Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of Uranium Mill Tailings Sites at Gunnison, Colorado and Shiprock, New Mexico” P. E. Long, D. Elias, K., Finneran, J. K. Fredrickson, C. Goodknight, J. Istok, L. R. Krumholz, D. R. Lovley, J. P. Mckinley, S. Morrison, J. M. Suflita, and D. C. White; “The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Microbial Community Assessment by Phospholipid Fatty Acid Analysis” Pfiffner S. M., Peacock A., Macnaughton, S. J., White D. C., Phelps, T. J., Moser, D., and Onstott, T. C.; “A Highly Sensitive Method for Tracking of Stable-Labeled Microbes for Bioaugmentation” Burkhalter, R. S., Fuller, M. E., and White, D.C.
September 23-30 visit to JPL
Gave invited talk at the Center for In Situ Exploration and Sample Return (CISSR)
October 11-17 Invited participant in the Planetary Protection, Jet Propulsion Laboratory –arranged for visit by Drs. Gary E. Krejcarek, . John Pournoor, and Dave Hasselroth from 3M to discuss mutually important tasks.
October 17-20, International Association on Water Quality, conference on biofilm systems, New York NY Talk presented by J. Almedia “Modeling removal of mixed volatile organic compounds in a vapor phase biofilm reactor using artificial neural network” J. Almedia, D. Phipps, H. Ridgeway, and D. C. White.
October 27-29 Invited Participant DOE/NABIR workshop “Combined chemical and microbiological approaches to remediating metal and radionuclide contaminants”, Dulles Airport Marriott, Washington, DC , Breakout Group Leader.
October 25-29 Geological Society of America, 1999 Annual Meeting, Denver CO. Abstracts: “Lipid biomarkers and carbon isotope fractionation by Thermophilic autotrophs: Implications for life in extreme environments” C. Zhang, S. Macko, A. Peacock, R. Burkhalter, D. White, J. Horita, and D. Cole.; “Forward Planetary Protection for the Mars 2003/2005 Sample”
David C. White, Roger G. Kern, Robert J. Palmer, Cory Lytle, Sarah J. Macnaughton, John R. Stephen, Kasthuri J. Venkateswaran, Carol A. Smith, Ying Dong Gan, Yun-Juan Chang, Julia Brüggemann, Cecilia Basic, Yevette M. Piceno. Paper given by Venkat.
November 1-5 Invited Participant USPA “Innovative clean-up approaches: Investments in technology development, results & outlook for the future”, Indian Lakes Resort, Bloomingdale, IL. Presentation: Macnaughton, S. J., J. R. Stephen, Y. J. Chang, Y. D. Gan, J. Bownas, K. R. Carmen, R. Millward, M. Barcelona, and D. C. White. “Bioabvailability of toxicants as reflected in the in-situ microbial community ecology and relationship to defensible end-points”.
November 7-27 Visit of MSc student Thea Greyling to the CEB to learn the lipid techniques from the laboratory of Dr. Karl-Heinz Joachim Riedel, Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of the Orange Free State (UOFS), Bloemfontein, South Africa.
November 8-12 Invited participant at 3M meeting for the JPL interaction in Planetary Protection. St Paul MN.
November 15-17 DOE/NABIR Stocktaking Meeting Ramada Conference Hotel, Norfolk, VA. Presented results on tracking Comomonas with 13C.
December 2-5 Visit by J. Routh of Schlumberger, Houston TX to the CEB to learn the phospholipid technique he will apply in his new position in Geochemistry at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. .
December 14-15 Invited as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Federal Integrated Biotreatment Research Consortium for the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), at USACE-Waterways Experiment Station, (WES)
Vicksburg, MS.
December 13-17, American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, CA “The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: A Window Into the Extreme Environment of Deep Subsurface Microbial Communities” TC Onstott, DP Moser, H Dong, JK Fredrickson, FJ Brockman, TJ Phelps, SM Pfiffner, A Peacock, DC White, S Macnaughton, FS Colwell, DL Balkwill, MF DeFlaun, T Kieft, DR Boone, AL Reysenbach, J Hoek , GI Omar, WC Ghiorse, G Southam, G Slater, B Sherwood-Lollar, S Kotelnikova, K Pedersen, L Pratt, J Fong, B Baker, C Wimpee, B MacGregor, S Fishbain, DA Stahl, M Stute, and R Hoover
December 21-23 Invited participant in discussions with Dr. James B. Peter of Specialty Labs in Santa Monica, CA “Challenges for an R & D driven Clinical Laboratory.
January 20-23: Invited member of the Scientific Review Board of PhycoGen, Inc. to review the antifouling properties of natural products, Orlando, FL.
January 27-30: Invited participant in the NASA sponsored Workshop on Laboratory Instrumentation for Analysis of Returned Samples (from Mars) at Airlie House, Warrenton, VA.
January 30-Feb 3: Invited participant in the DOE-NABIR PI Workshop, Reston VA. Lead Discussion Breakout on Methods for Community Fingerprinting and presented “Expanded Lipid Biomarker Analysis”. Presented posters: White, D. C., S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, J. A. Almeida, Y-J. Chang, Y-D. Gan, and A. Peacock. 2000. The in-situ assessment of microbial community ecology within samples from Chromium and Uranium contaminated Sites. NABIR workshop Abstracts. P. 32; Fuller, M. E., T. C. Onstott, D. C. White, W. P. Johnson, and W. E . Holben. 2000. Development and Evaluation of Stable isotope and Fluorescent labeling and detection methodologies for tracking injected bacteria during in-situ bioremediation. NABIR workshop Abstracts. P. 62; Long, P. E., J. P. Mckinley, D. Balkwill, D. Elias, J. Field, K. Finneran, J. K. Fredrickson, C. Goodnight, J. Istok, M. Kautzky, L. Kinderman, L. R. Krumholtz, D. R. Lovely, S. Nold, S. Macnaughton, S. Morrison, J. Stephen, J. M. Suflita, J. Tiedje, and D. C. White. 2000. Microbiological and biogeochemical characteristics of subsurface sediments at Uranium mill tailings sites at Gunnison Col., and Shiprock, N.M. NABIR workshop Abstracts. P. 66.
February 18. Invited seminar speaker at Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta GA, gave seminar “Rapid Detection/Identification of Microbes from Environmental Matrices”
February 20-23. Visit to Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge LA, Discuss ONR/NSF project.
March 13-17. Presentation at Pittcon 2000 Analytical Chemistry, Applied Spectroscopy, March, New Orleans, LA Poster: Lytle, C.A., Gan, Y-D., and White, D.C. (2000) Reverse Phase Separation of Phospholipids Incorporating Piperidine As a Post Column Modifier for Negative Ion Detection by Mass Spectrometry.
March 17-20 Invited participant NABIR Augmentation Workshop, Salt Lake City UT presented paper: Lytle, C.A., M. E. Fuller, Y-D. M. Gan, A. Peacock, M. F. DeFlaun, T. C. Onstott and D. C. White. Utility of High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization/Mass Spectrometry of Polar Lipids in a Specific Per -13C Labeled Comamonas sp. DA001 as a method for detecting the organism in environmental samples
April 9-11 Invited speaker Wrightsville beach , NC Presented Keynote presentation:
D.C. White, C. Lytle, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, Y-D. M. Gan, Y-J. Chang, Y. M. Picenco, M. H. Wimpee . Quantitative Assessment of Biofilm Microbial Ecology Without Cultural Bias in Water Distribution Systems.
April 28-30 NWRI meeting presented invited presentation “Quantitative Detection of Injured or Non-Culturable Microorganisms by Signature Lipid Biomarker Analysis” D C. White, C. A. Lytle,, Y-D. Gan, Y. M. Picenco, and M. H. Wimpee, Costa Mesa, CA.
May 18-21 PhycoGen Board Meeting New Orleans, LA
May 21-25, 2000 Symposium at the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, in Los Angeles May 21-25, 2000.
Title “Search for Extraterrestrial Life”. Chairman D. C. White and K. N. Nealson
Forward Planetary Protection—not confuse Mars from Earth D. C. White, UTK/ORNL Distinguished Scientist, JPL Visiting Distinguished Scientist. Posters:
Chang, Y-J, Peacock, A. D., Stephen, J. R., Macnaughton, S.J., Buggermann, J., Ivanova, I. A., Long, P.E., Mckinley, J.P., and White, D.C. (2000). Microbial Community Characterization of polluted sediments at a Uranium Mill Tailings Site in relation to Metal Resistance; Musslewhite, C., McInerney, M., Dong, H., Green, M., Macnaughton, S.J., Stephen, J.R,. Murray, C., Onstott, T.C., Swift, D. and White, D.C.: Microbial Heterogeneity in the Subsurface near Oyster, VA. ; Kline, E., Macnaughton, S.J., ., Chang, Y-J, Bownas, J., Brüggemann, J., Barcelona, M.J., and White, D.C. (2000) How do changes in the microbial community structure reflect the bioavailability of MTBE/BTEX contaminants in soil? Xavier, J. B., Reis, A. M., Schnell, A., Wuertz, S., Gilbert, E. S., Cowan, S. E., Keasling. J. C., White, D. C., and J. S. Almeida. Quantification of biofilm morphology; Schubert, W., Echeverria, C., Musick, A., Vu, A.,., Chung, S. Y., Kazarians, G. A., Kern R. G., Basic, C. , White, D. C. Venkateswaran, K., Efficacy and evaluation of various technologies to clean and remove Biologicals from spacecraft materials. American Society for Microbiology, 100th anniversary meeting.
June 3 -8 Invited participant The fourth International symposium on the interface between analytical chemistry and microbiology , Bretagne, France Delivered talk ‘ Expanded utility of signature lipid biomarker analysis for microbial community composition and nutritional/physiological status with HPLC/ESI/MS analysis of intact lipid components. White, D. C., Lytle, C. , Macnaughton, S. J., Gan Y-D., Wimpee, M. , Piceno, Smith, C.,
June 11-13. Invited keynote speaker at UK network for natural attenuation of groundwater and soil workshop, Sheffield, UK talk: White, D. C., C. A. Lytle, Y-D. M. Gan, A. Peacock, and S. J. Macnaughton 2000. Assessment of Subsurface In-Situ Community by Biomarkers for Remediation Potential, Effectiveness, and as End-Points
June 14-19 Invited participant in the NATO advanced Research Workshop “The utilization of bioremediation to reduce soil contamination: Problems and solutions. Liblice Castle near Prague, Czech Republic. David C. White, Cory A. Lytle, Ying-Dong M. Gan, and Aaron Peacock. “New Insights into the viable biomass, community composition and nutritional/physiological status of microbial communities”
June 11-15 American Society for Mass Spectrometry 48th Annual meeting Long Beach, CA . Presented poster: Lytle, C.A., Y-D. Gan, and D. C White. 2000. A Rapid Method for the Accurate Assessment of Diglycerides in Environmental Matrices. Abstract 1408th
July 25-27 Attended the 2000 DOE Chemical and Biological Nonproliferation Program, summer meeting Alexandria, VA.
August 21-24 Visit of Drs. Donald Zak and Rebecca Phillips and graduate student Jared Deforest from the School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI for collaborative experiments on testing constancy of rhizosphere microbiota different forest types across the upper North East.
September 9-11. Visit to Mark Mittelman at Altran, Boston MA to discuss biofilm Ecology.
September 12-14. Visit to Drs. Dave and Miriam Mauzerall in Woods Hole, MA.
September 14-17. Meeting of PhycoGen, Inc. Scientific Advisory Board, Boston, MA.
September 21-22. Visit to the NABIR Field Research Center, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. Presented data on DGGE maps Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase genes of Uranium contaminated ground water at Shiprock, NM showing clades related to concentration.
October 9-11. Biology Advisory Panel for NABIR, Washington, DC.
October 11-14. NABIR Workshop on interaction of metals and metal oxide surfaces with microbes. Arlie House, Warrenton, VA.
October 19-21. Invited Seminar Speaker, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, MS. Gave Seminar “Quantitatively Defining the Microbial Basis of Food Chains” D. C. White, C. Lytle, A. M. Peacock, Y-J. Chang, Y-D. Gan, and K. Salome.
October 18-20 Conference Microbiology of Composting and other biodegradation processes, Innsbruck, Austria Oct. 18-20, 2000. Poster “Response Of Microbial Communities To Toxic Concentrations Of Diethylenephthalate In Compost Plant-Growth Medium”. M. Itavaara, A. Kapanen, J. Brüggemann, J. R. Stephen , D.C. White
October 27-29. Invited meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board, National Water Research Institute, Fountain City, CA Presented: “Quantitative Detection of Injured or Non-Culturable Microorganisms by Signature Lipid Biomarker Analysis” D. C. White, C. Lytle, A. M. Peacock, Y-J. Chang, Y-D. Gan, K. Salome, and Y. M. Piceno.
October 29-31. Invited to Millipore, Inc, Bedford, MA, to discuss research.
November 1-4. Invited Seminar Speaker, Institute for Molecular Biology, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. “Rapid Assessment of Subsurface in-situ Microbial Communities by Lipid Biomarkers for Remediation Potential, Monitoring Effectiveness, and as Rational End-Points” D. C. White, C. Lytle, A. M. Peacock, Y-J. Chang, Y-D. Gan, K. Salome, and Y. M. Piceno.
November 12-14. Invited reviewer, Networks of Centers of Excellence Review, Ottawa, Canada.
November 15-16. Invited participant, NABIR, UMTRA program review, Chicago, IL.
December 7-9 Invited Speaker Genomics & Informatics Seminar Series “Lipomics” plus: Seminar: “Rapid lipid Biomarker Analysis for Quantitative Assessment of Microbial Community Composition and Activity” D. C. White, C. Lytle, A. M. Peacock, Y-J. Chang, Y-D. Gan, Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC.
December 15-19, American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Abstract:; C. Musslewhite, H. Dong, M. Green, S. Macnaughton, M. McInerney, C. Murray, T.C. Onstott, D. Swift, and D.C. White “The Factors Controlling Bacterial Distribution and Activity near Oyster, VA; E. Ye, C. L. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Lytle, D. C. White, J. Fang, D. Goetz, A-L. Reysenbach, J. Horita,”Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionations associated with hyperthermophilic bacteria Thermotoga maritima and Persephonella halophila; Y. Li, C. Zhang, E. Ye, J. Fong, A. Peacock,E. Blunt, J. Fang, D. Lovley, and D. C. White “Carbon isotope compositions of cellular fatty acids in Shewanella putrefaciens and Geobacter metallireducens”; Pfiffner, S. Apeacock, D. C. White, T. Phelps, K. J. Fredrickson, D. Moser and T. C. Onstott, “Relating Subsurface Microbial Communities to Geochemical Parameters in Samples from Deep South African Gold Mines”.
January 11-14 Invited member of the Scientific Review Board of PhycoGen, Inc. to review the antifouling properties of natural products, Portland, ME.
February 1-4 EPA Fellowship panel
March 11-14: Invited participant in the DOE-NABIR PI Workshop, Arlie House, Warrenton, VA. Lead Discussion Breakout on Methods for Community Fingerprinting and presented “Expanded Lipid Biomarker Analysis, J. R. Fredrickson, C. Goodnight, J. Istok, M. Kautzky, L. Kinderman, L. R. Krumholtz, D. R. Lovely, S. Nold, S. Macnaughton, S. Morrison, J. Stephen, J. M. Suflita, J. Tiedje, and D. C. White. 2000. Microbiological and biogeochemical characteristics of subsurface sediments at Uranium mill tailings sites at Gunnison Col., and Shiprock, N.M. NABIR workshop Abstracts. P. 66. “Progress on Expanded Rapid, Comprehensive, Lipid Biomarker Analysis for Subsurface, Community Composition and Nutritional/Physiological Status as Monitors of Remediation and Detoxification Effectiveness”, D. C. White, C. A. Lytle, A. Peacock, and Y-J Chang. Workshop Abstracts P. 68.
May 3-5. Scientific advisory Board meeting and report to National Water Research Institute meeting, Costa Mesa CA. Present report: Modified WQ 524-94” Quantitative detection of injured or non-cuturable microorganisms by signature lipid biomarker analysis”
May 20-24, 2001 Symposium at the 101th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, in Orlando, FL.
Posters: Y-J. Chang, A. M. Peacock, S. Barnes, J. Ogle, D. J. Grimes and D. C. White.
“Microbial community shifts in water, foregut and hindgut during the 50 day growth cycle of the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei in mericulture”; Salone, K. M., A. Peacock, R.J. Palmer, C.H. Sissons and D.C. White. “Signature Lipid Analysis of Monoculture Oral Microorganism as Biofilms and Planktonic Cells”; Li, Y., C. Zang, E. Ye, J. Fong, A. Peacock, E. Blunt, J. Fang, D. Lovley, and D. C. White “Carbon isotope compositions of cellular fatty acids in Shewanella putrefaciens and Geobacter metallireducens”; Xavier, J.B., A. Schnell, S. Wuertz, R Palmer, D. C.White, J. S .Almeida “Segmentation of Confocal Laser Scaning Microscopy (CLSM) images by assigning image voxels (3D pixels) to the appropriate image elements”. May 26-31st American Society for Mass Spectroscopy, Chicago, IL Poster: Lytle, C. A., G. J. Van Berkle, and D. C. White. 2001. “Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization for the Analysis of Ubiquinones and Menaquinones” Attended training course Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry: The Techniques of Electrospray and APCI, Dr. R. D. Voyksner instructor.
June 3 -8 Sixth Battelle International Symposium: In situ and On-site Bioremediation San Diego, CA Platform presentation: A. D. Peacock, Y-J. Chang, C. Lytle, and D. C. White “Pesticide dissipation, soil chemistry, and microbial ecology in a soil bioreactor”.
Poster: Macnaughton, S. J., R. K. Millward, R. Carman, R. P. Gambrell, A. D. Peacock, and D. C. White . “Effects of metal/diesel contamination on benthic microbiota and meiofauna.
June 8-11 Dartmouth 50th reunion.
June 21-22 NABIR BRAC meeting Washington DC
July 24-27 Visit to Entach Inc. (Semi Valley, CA), Regenesis (San Clamentte, CA) and the Clarke Prize presentation Costa Mesa, CA.
July 29-August 2. Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Guelph, Ontario. Paper: White, D. C, Y-J. Chang, A. D. Peacock, P. E. Long, , J. P. McKinley, A. K. M. Anwar Hussain, A. M. Saxton, , J. S. Almeida, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, T. L. Marsh, D. Long, and G. Icopini, “Assessment of the impact of Cr(III) and U(VI) contamination on soil and sediment microbial community composition” Proceedings of the 6th p. 336.
August 9-11 Microbial Genome Conference, Pullman, WA.
August 26-31. Ninth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology: Interactions in the Microbial World, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Presentations: Peacock, A.D.,
S. J. Macnaughton, J. M. Cantu, V. H. Dale, D. C. White* “Changes in soil viable microbial biomass and composition reflect disturbance impacts and may serve as quantitative end points for reversibility” (Mo.O59); Stephen, J. D., * M. J. Barcelona, S. J. Macnaughton, S.J. , Y-J. Chang, A. Peacock, C. A. Lytle, J. Brueggemann, E. Kline, J. Bownas, D. C. White, D.C. “Microbial typing of subsurface communities in a controlled MTBE/BTEX contamination plume” (Tu.O72); Poster: McKinley, V., Apeacock, and D. C. hite. Effects of agriculture and praire resrtoration on soil microbial community PLFA, PHB, and sterols in a North-american tallgrass prairie ecosystem. (P.07.043)
October 8-9 DOE BERAC panel meeting Washington, DC
October 17-21 Submitted extended abstract but did not attend National Urban Watershed Conference Costa Mesa CA. Paper: Analysis of Biofilms Generated on Coupons for Rapid Quantitative Detection of Pathogens & Contamination in the Urban Watershed D. C. White, R. Geyer, A. M. Peacock, K. Salome, C. Lytle, Y-D. Gan, and Y. M. Picenco.
November 2-4 Scientific Advisory Board meeting National Water Research Institute, Tampa, FL.
November 4-7 SEMP Research Coordination Meeting, FT. Benning, Columbus GA, Presented “Soil chemical biomarker measurements for quantitative disturbance impacts& end points for reversibility” and provided demonstrations for the Technical Advisory Committee.
November 26-29 Annual Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) meeting, Washington, DC., A. Peacock attended (DCW had no Airline ticket), Presented poster CS-85: D. C. White, A. D. Peacock, V. Dale, W.F. DeBusk, A. Ogram J. Prenger, J. Zak, and A. Krzysik “Comprehensive Soil Microbial Analysis of Military Land Disturbance at Ft. Benning, GA”
February 1-3 Methane Hydrate Biocomplexity workshop, University of Missouri-Columbia, Paper: “ “Microbial lipid biomarkers—methods and implications” D. C. White and A. Peacock, Columbia, MO.
Feb. 11, Visit laboratory of David Stahl, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle WA.
March 17-20. DOE NABIR Principal investigators conference, Arlie House,
Warrington, VA. Poster: “Down-well microcosm “bug traps” and subsurface sediments for rapid expanded lipid biomarker analysis & DNA recovery for monitoring bioremediation microbial community ecology within samples from Uranium contaminated sites” Roland Geyer, Aaron D. Peacock, Yun-Juan Chang, Elizabeth Kline, Ying-Dong Gan, and David C. White. pp. 32.
March 18-20: Platform presentation by A. Peacock, Applied and Environmental Health of Soils, San Diego, CA “Integrating DNA and Lipid Biomarkers for determination in bioremediation effectiveness and endpoints” Peacock, A. D., Y-J. Chang, R. Geyer, J. S. Gouffon, and D. C. White
April 15-25 Visit of Dr. Neva Ciftcioglu from NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston for experiments to demonstrate presence of intact lipid synthesis in Nanobacteria. Presented seminar on “Nanobacteria” April 23rd.
April 21-25 Visit of Dr. Jay Gulledge and graduate students, Dianne Grimm, and Erica Englehaupt from Tulane to learn lipid/PLFA technique for their NSF grant on monitoring methane oxidizing bacteria.
May 3-5 NWRI Research Advisory Board, Orange County, CA. Presented: “Rapid Quantitative Detection & Speciation of Contamination in the Urban Watershed & Distribution Systems” D.C. White, J. S. Gouffon, A. D. Peacock, R. Geyer, G.A. Davis, M. Pryor and K. L. Sublette
May 7, 8 NABIR-BERAC advisory committee meeting Baltimore, MD.
May 8-11 DARPA DSO, Biological Agent Identification Technologies (BAIT 2002) Principal Investigators Meeting, meeting Los Vegas, NV. Presented Poster and seminar: “Semi-volatile Expired Breath Condensate Analysis” D. C. White, R. Geyer, T. A. Tynan.
May 18-23 Annual Meeting American Society for Microbiology, Salt Lake City, UT.
May 20-21 Invited presentation D. C. White “The role of microbial populations in incomplete dechlorination in aquifers”, 3rd International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated sand Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA.
May 28-30 Visit of Brandy Fidlar, graduate student in chemical engineering from the Sublette Laboratory at the University of Tulsa to learn lipid and DNA techniques.
June 1-6. American Society for Mass Spectrometry annual meeting Orlando, FL.
June 9-10 Presentation of Genomes to Life proposal “Genomic and Lipid Analyses of Marine Microbial Communities via Cell Sorting of Narrow Phylogenetic Lineages” with Ena Urbach to review committee, AGU, Washington DC.
June 10-12. Platform presentation by D. C. White at Bio 2002 International Biotechnology Convention & Exhibition, Toronto, Canada “Molecular Biomarkers for determining bioremediation effectiveness and endpoints” White, D. C., A. D. Peacock, Y-J. Chang, R. Geyer, and J. S. Gouffon.
June 18-August 24 Visit to CBA of Laura Villanueva, Ph.D. student of Dr. Ricardo Guerrero, Department of Microbiology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain to learn lipid and DNA techniques and analyze microbial mat samples
July 9-August 16 Collaborative visit by Dr. Martin A. Quirke, Professor of Organic Chemistry, Florida International University, Miami, FL for development of specific derivatizations to enhance sensitivity and specificity of biomarkers in HPLC/APCI/MS/MS.
July 10-15. Visit of Chuanlun Zhang’s graduate students Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia MO Joyce McBeth and Brady Pittman to study new methods for Archaeol and Caldarchaeol.
July 22-26 Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Research (ICWRER) Dresden Germany. Paper: Rapid Quantitative Detection of Pathogens & Contamination by Analysis of Biofilms Generated on Coupons in Water Resource Management, Julia S. Gouffon, Roland Geyer, Aaron M. Peacock, Ying- Dong Gan, Yun-Juan Chang, Kimberly Salome, Cory Lytle, Kerry L. Sublette, and David C. White; “Advantages of lipid biomarkers in the assessment of environmental microbial communities in contaminated aquifers and surface waters”, Roland Geyer, Anke Bittkau, Margaret Gan, David C. White, Dietmar Schlosser.
August 8 Participated in the videoteleconference for the DARPA-DSO Program “Non-invasive detection of pulmonary molecular markers”, with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford Research International Organization, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, CIIT Centers for Health Research. Delivered progress report on “Semi-volatile Expired Breath Condensate Analysis” D. C. White, R. Geyer, T. Tynan.
August 17-August 31. Visit of Dr. Peet Jansen van Rensburg, School for Environment and Engineering, South Africa, to learn the lipid biomarker technology for their work in applied industrial microbial ecology.
September 7-15 Present papers: Facile quantitative detection of microbial biofilms capable of potential in situ bioimmobilization of Uranium in aquifers. David C. White, Mostafa Fayek, Julia S. Gouffon, Aaron D. Peacock, Susan M. Pfiffner, Roland Geyer, and Kerry L. Sublette Abstract 131, p.24; Convenient, down-well, in-situ monitoring of chlorinated hydrocarbon remediation with sterilizable “bug traps” containing Bio Sep® beads, Kerry L. Sublette, Aaron D. Peacock, Greg A. Davis, Mark C. Harrison, Roland Geyer and David C. White, Abstract 171, page 46. at the 2002 International Society for Subsurface Microbiology, Copenhagen Denmark,
September 16 Participated in the videoteleconference for the DARPA-DSO Program “Non-invasive detection of pulmonary molecular markers”, with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford Research International Organization, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, CIIT Centers for Health Research. Delivered progress report on “Semi-volatile Expired Breath Condensate Analysis” D. C. White, R. Geyer, T. Tynan.
September 24: Invited presentation at the NABIR FRC Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN “Bio-Traps with BioSep beads to facilitate biofilm detection in FRC” given by A. Peacock.
September 25-26 Member panel NASA Office of Biological and Physical Research, Waste Processing Panel, Washington, DC.
October 10-11 CBA short course in HPLC/electrospray/tanden mass spectrometry with R.Geyer and G J. VanBerkel (ORNL) attended by our staff and Dr. J. Lee , Biosystems Engineering & Environmental Sciences (UTK), his Post doctoral fellow S. Chun and gradate student J. Chang.
October 21-23 Invited panel member NIDCR advisory panel, Musculoskeletal and Dental Sciences Integrated Review Group, Oral Biology and Medicine Subcommittee 1 OBM-1, Washington DC.
October 25 Participated in First Annual EICE On-Line Conference in Environmental Biotechnology 12:00 noon –1600 with T. Hazen, S. Koenigsberg, P. Evans, D. White, A. Peacock, F. Loeffler and L. Laing.
November 1-3 National Water Research Foundation Scientific Advisory Board. Chicago, IL. Presented paper “Rapid Quantitative Detection & Speciation of Contamination in the Urban Watershed & Distribution Systems” D. C. White, J.S. Gouffon, A. D. Peacock, R.Geyer, G.A. Davis, M. Pryor and K.L. Sublette
November 7- 9 NABIR BRAC meeting Baltimore, MD Presented report: Department of Energy, DE-FC02-96ER62278 (NABIR Assessment Element), Expanded Rapid, Comprehensive, Lipid Biomarker Analysis for Subsurface, Community Composition and Nutritional/Physiological Status as Monitors of Remediation and Detoxification Effectiveness.
November 12 Participated in the videoteleconference for the DARPA-DSO Program “Non-invasive detection of pulmonary molecular markers”, with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford Research International Organization, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, CIIT Centers for Health Research. Delivered progress report on “Semi-volatile Expired Breath Condensate Analysis” D. C. White, R. Geyer, T. Tynan.
December 3-4 College of Veterinary Medicine representative to the Federal Biodefense Research FY 2003 Symposium. Washington DC.
December 17. Participated in the videoteleconference for the DARPA-DSO Program “Non-invasive detection of pulmonary molecular markers”, with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford Research International Organization, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, CIIT Centers for Health Research. Delivered progress report on “Semi-volatile Expired Breath Condensate Analysis” D. C. White, R. Geyer, T. Tynan.
February 3 Participated in the videoteleconference for the DARPA-DSO Program “Non-invasive detection of pulmonary molecular markers”, with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford Research International Organization, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, CIIT Centers for Health Research. Delivered progress report on “Semi-volatile Expired Breath Condensate Analysis” D. C. White, T. Tynan
February 10 renewed Collaborative analyses with UTK graduate students Anjana Sharma Botany for work on Sphingomonas lipids and , Valerie Ling of Food Science on her work with pathogenic E. coli
February 10 continuing Collaboration with Soul Chum graduate student of Jaehoon Lee in the Biosystems Engineering and Environmental Science Department.
February 28 Participated in the videoteleconference for the DARPA-DSO Program “Non-invasive detection of pulmonary molecular markers”, Principal Investigators with Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford Research International Organization, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, CIIT Centers for Health Research. Principal investigators conference
March 3-6 Invited participant for the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory review of the Environmenal Biotechnology Group research program. Berkeley, CA.
March 16-18 DOE NABIR Principal investigators conference, Arlie House,
Warrington, VA. Poster: A.D. Peacock, Y-J. Chang, R. Geyer, P.E. Long, J. D. Istok, K. L. Sublette and D. C. White “New Methods to Monitor Microbial Community Dynamics During In situ Biostimulation; gave an invited presentation at the UMTEA break-out session
March 27-30 Visit of Dr. Steven S. Koengsberg, Vice President of Regenesis, Inc. San Clemente CA to discuss research possibilities and collaborations.
March 31 .Visit of Dr. Chuanlun Zhang of the Savanah River Ecology Laboratory to discuss collaborative research programs.
April 3-4 Meeting of advisor board new business “Cerno Biosciences Llc. Followed by discussions with Marc Mittleman in Boston, MA of biosensor research possibilities.
April 8 Visit to Georgia Tech Research Institute, Atlanta GA. With Drs G. Stemeler, A. McMillan, G. Van Berkel of ORNL, presented seminar “First Responder Monitoring System” G. J. Van Berkel and D. C. White
April 9-10 Visit by Dr. John Biggerstaff of the University of Central Florida, Orlando about possible collaborations and potential to work with us as Director of the CBA Biofilm Imaging Facility.
April 28-29 Conference between Pekka Eskelinen of Savcor ART, Inc., Finland, Marc W. Mittelman, Principal, Mittelman & Associates, Braintree, MA, and Randal A. Alberte, Manager & CSO, Cerno Biosciences LLC, Boston MA, for a cooperative development of anti-biofouling technologies with the possibilitiesof developing a Clean (green) surfaces Center.
May 3. NWRI Research Advisory Board, Irving, Orange County, CA. Presentation by D C. White “Facile cost-effective monitoring of enteric pathogens & pharmaceutically active pollutants (PAP) essential for direct reuse of potable water” for consideration of funding and meeting of the Scientific Advisory board or NWRI.
May 1-July 30 Visit to CBA of Laura Villanueva, Ph.D. student of Dr. Ricardo Guerrero, Department of Microbiology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain to learn lipid and DNA techniques and analyze microbial mat samples & develop ornithine lipid analysis.
May 18-22 Annual Meeting American Society for Microbiology, Washington DC. Presented posters: “Effect of biofilm on high-reflectance roofing materials” S.M. Pfiffner, D.C. White, M-D. Cheng, and W.A. Miller; “Recovery of a Subsurface Microbial Community Following a Controlled MTBE/BTEX Release: Shifts in Biomass and Community Structure. Y-J. Chang, D. B. Hedrick, A. D. Peacock, J. R. Stephen, S. J. Macnaughton, and D. C. White.
June 2-5 Battelle In-situ and on-site bioremediation, Orlando FL. Platform presentation: In situ monitoring of the remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbons using sterilizable “bug traps” K. L. Sublette, A. D. Peacock, G. A. Davis, M. C. Harrison, R. Geyer, and D.C. White; Bioremediation feasibility evaluation—Comparison of down-well and laboratory microcosms, S. L. Boyle, G. M. White, V. B. Dick, S. M. Haber, D. C. White A. D. Peacock, E. J Raes, and S. S. Koenigsberg; Quantification of microbial processes induced via injection of HRC at a CAH site, E. J Raes, D. C. White, A. Peacock, S. S. Koenigsberg, S. L. Boyle, G. M. White, V. B. Dick, G. Davis, and K. L. Sublette. Posters: “Biosep® beads accelerate biofilm formation for remediation effectiveness forensic analysis” David C. White, Julia S. Gouffon, Aaron D. Peacock, Roland Geyer, Greg A. Davis, Marsha Pryor, and Kerry L. Sublette. : .
June 6-12 American Society for Mass Spectrometry annual meeting Montreal. Canada. Posters: D. C. White, R. Geyer, T. A. Tynan, E. Terry, J. Smoll, S. Mani,
M. Jett, J. Jackman, M. D. Karlstad, and J. D. Morrow “Breath condensate lipids as non-invasive biomarkers for respiratory pathophysiology, June 11, WPL 227; G. Harkey, R. Geyer, T. A. Tynan, D. C. White, J. Smoll, J. Jackman S. Mani, M. Jett, and K. Asano. Facile detection of PFB-eicosanoid regulatory lipids at fg/µL sensitivity from piglet breath condensate as non-invasive inflammatory response monitors, June 11, WPH149: R. Geyer, Y-J. Gan, D. C. White, and G J. Van Berkel “APPI and APCI for analysis of quinones as signature biomarker in environmental analysis” June10, ThPG117.
July 17-18 UT Summit on Agroterrorism and Bioterrorism, White,, D. C., R. Geyer, J. Cantu, A. Peacock, G. J. Van Berkel, K. L. Sublette. “Applications of Rapid Diagnostics for Detecting Biomarkers” UT Health Center Memphis, TN.
July 21-24 NRL Base External Review panel member, Stennis Space Center MS
August 26-28 Invited Speaker 2nd Annual Technologies and Applications in Biodefense, D. C. White “Quantitative flash detection of potential pathogens, bacterial spores and Bioterrorism biomarkers from complex clinical and environmental matrices” Washington, DC
August 28-29 Participant in the DSO-DARPA Breath Seedling Project Outbrief presentation D. C. White “Semi-volatile Expired Breath Condensate Analysis”
September 16-18 Mass Spectrometry in Homeland Security Workshop. Knoxville, TN
October 3-6. American Society for Horticultural Science, Annual meeting. Poster: Martin T. Lyons*, Carl E. Sams, Aaron D. Peacock, David C. White “Integrating Low-dose Soil Fumigation and Organic Amendments Suppresses Southern Blight and Results in a Shift in PLFA Biomarker Composition” Providence, Rhode Island
October 20-24, AEHS meeting, Annual Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, at Amherst MA, Invited presentation : D. C. White, A. D. Peacock, E. Sobek, G. Davis “Let’s ask the Microbes what Matters? A field guide to the biochemical responses of degrader populations to environmental conditions”.
November 2-5 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Poster Dai J., Zhang, C. L., Sun M. Y., Fouke, B., Bonheyo, G., Peacock, A., and White, D. C. “Lipid biomarkers and isotope signatures associated with travertine deposits in a Yellowstone hot spring, USA” Seattle, WA.
November 1-7 American Society for Microbiology Biofilms 2003 ,
D. C. White, A. D. Peacock, Y-J Chang, G. A. Davis, M. Pryor, J. S. Gouffon, A. Biernacki, R. Geyer4 and K.L. Sublette “Drinking water biofilms, continuous concentrating biosensor monitors of contamination, pollution, and Bioterrorism”. Victoria, British Columbia.