Peer-reviewed Publications (Chronological)
Click on the number to get the full text of the paper, which is available for most papers.1. White, D. C. 1957. A shipboard epidemic of Asian Influenza. U.S. Armed Forces Medical Journal 8:1717-1725.
2. Mozell, M. M., and D. C. White. 1958. Behavioral effects of whole body vibration. J. Aviation Med. 29:706-724.
3. Caldwell, D. R., White, D.C., Bryant, M.P. . 1962. Specificity of heme requirement for growth of bacteroides-ruminicola-a ruminal saccharolytic bacterium. Journal of Dairy Science 45:690.
4. Smith, L., and D. C. White. 1962. Structure of the respiratory chain systems as indicated by studies with Hemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Biol. Chem. 237:1337-1341.
5. White, D. C. 1962. Cytochrome and catalase patterns during growth of Hemophilus Parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 83:851-859.
6. White, D. C., M. P. Bryant, and D. R. Caldwell. 1962. Cytochrome-linked fermentation in Bacteroides ruminicola. J. Bacteriol. 84:822-828.
7. White, D. C., and L. Smith. 1962. Hematin enzymes of Hemophiilus parainfluenzae. J. Biol. Chem. 237:1332-1336.
8. White, D. C. 1963. Respiratory systems in the hemin-requiring Haemophilus species. J. Bacteriol. 85:84-96.
9. White, D. C. 1963. Factors affecting the affinity for oxygen of cytochrome oxidases in Hemophillus nfluenzae. J. Biol. Chem. 238:3757-3761.
10. White, D. C., and S.Granick. 1963. Hemin biosynthesis in Haemophilus. J. Bacteriol. 85:842-850.
11. Lester, R. L., D. C. White, and S. L. Smith. 1964. The 2-desmethyl vitamin K2's. A new group of napahthoquinones isolated from Hemophilus parainfluenzae. Biochemistry 3:949-954.
12. Shope, R. E., D. C. White, and G. Leidy. 1964. Porcine contagious Pleuropneumonia. II. Studies of the pathogenicity of the etiological agent, Hemophilus pleuropneumoniae. J. Exp. Med. 119:369-376.
13. White, D. C. 1964. Differential synthesis of five primary electron transport dehydrogenases in Hemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Biol. Chem. 239:2055-2060.
14. White, D. C., G. Liedy, J. D. Jamieson, and R. E. Shope. 1964. Porcine contagious Pleuropneumoniade. III Interrelationship of Hemophilus pleuropneumoniae to other species of Hemoophilus: Hutritional, metabolic, transformation, and electron microscopy studies. J. Experimental Med. 120:1-12.
15. White, D. C., and L. Smith. 1964. Localization of the ezymes that catalyze hydrogen and electron transport in Hemophilus parainfluenzae and the nature of the respiratory chain system. J. Biol. Chem. 239:3956-3963.
16. Caldwell, D. R., D. C. White, M. P. Bryant, and R. N. Doetach. 1965. Specificity of the heme requirement for growth of Bacteroids ruminicola. J. Bacteriol. 90:1645-1654.
17. White, D. C. 1965. Synthesis of 2-demethyl vitamin K2 and the cytochrome system in Haemophilus. J. Bacteriol. 89:299-305.
18. White, D. C. 1965. The function of 2-demethyl vitamin K2 in the electron transport system of Hemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Biol. Chem. 240:1387-1394.
19. White, D. C. 1966. The obilgatory involvement of the electron transport system in the catabolic metabolism of Haemophilus parainflluenzae. J. Microbiol. Serol 32:139-158.
20. Wright, E. A., and D. C. White. 1966. Formation of a functional electron transport system during growth of penicillin-induced spheroplasts of Haemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 91:1356-1362.
21. Frerman, F. E., and D. C. White. 1967. Membrane lipid changes during formation of a functional electron transport system in Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol 94:1868-1874.
22. Lester, R. L., and D. C. White. 1967. Quantitative gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of ethanolamine, monomethyl ethanolamine, and dimethyl ethanolamine from lipids. J. Lipid Res. 8:565-568.
23. Sinclair, P., D. C. White, and J. Barrett. 1967. The conversion of protoheme to heme a in Staphylococcus. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 143:427-428.
24. White, D. C. 1967. Effect of glucose on the formation of the membrane-bound electron transport system in Haemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 93:567-573.
25. White, D. C. 1967. Changes in phospholipid synthesis and modification of electron transport system Presented at the Federation Proceedings 859.
26. White, D. C., and R. H. Cox. 1967. Identification of localization of the fatty acids in Haeophilus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 93:1079-1088.
27. White, D. C., and F. E. Frerman. 1967. Extraction, characterization, and cellular localization of the lipids of Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol 94:1854-1874.
28. Hill, G. C., White, D.C . 1968. Characterization of cytochromes in crithidia fasciculata. Journal of Protozoology S15:22.
29. Hill, G. C., and D. C. White. 1968. Respiratory pigments of Crithidia fascicullata. J. Bacteriol 95:2151-2157.
30. Rizza, V., P. R. Sinclair, D. C. White, and P.Courant. 1968. Electron transport system of the protoheme-requiring anaerobe Bacteroides melaninogenicus. J. Bacteriol. 96:665-671.
31. Tien, W., and D. C. White. 1968. Linear sequential arrangement of genes for the biosynthetic pathway of protoheme in Staphylococcus aureus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 61:1392-1398.
32. Walling, M. V., D. C. White, and J. G. Rodriguez. 1968. Characterization, distribution, catabolism and synthesis of fatty acid fo the two-spotted spider-mite, Tetranycus urticae. J. Insect Physiol. 14:1445-1458.
33. White, D. C. 1968. Lipid Composition of the Electron Transport Membrane of Haemophillus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 96:1159-1170.
34. White, D. C. 1968. Metabolism of phosphatidyl glycerol in bacteria. Presented at the Federation Proceedings 820.
35. White, D. C., and F. E. Frerman. 1968. Fatty acid composition of the complex lipids of Staphylococcus aureus during the formation of the membrane-bound electron transport system. J. Bacteriol. 95:2198-2209.
36. Biberstein, E. L., and D. C. White. 1969. A proposal for the establishment of two new Haemophilus species. J. Med. Microbiol. 2:75-78.
37. Hammond, R. K., and D. C. White. 1969. Separation of vitamin K2 isoprenologues by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography. J. Chromatog. 45:446-452.
38. Hammond, R. K., and D. C. White. 1969. Formation of vitamin K2 isoprenologues by Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 100:573-578.
39. LaBach, J. P., and D. C. White. 1969. Identification of ceramide phosphorylethanolamine and ceramide phosphorylglycerol in the lipids of an anaerobic bacterium. J. Lipid Res. 10:528-534.
40. Short, S. A., D. C. White, and M. I. H. Aleem. 1969. Phospholipid metabolism in Ferrobacillus ferrooxidans. J. Bacteriol. 99:142-150.
41. White, D. C., and A. N. Tucker. 1969. Phonpholipid metabolism during changes in the proportions of membrane-bound respiratory pigments in Haemophillus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 97:199-209.
42. White, D. C., and A. N. Tucker. 1969. Phospholipid metabolism during bacterial growth. J. Lipid Res. 10:220-233.
43. White, D. C., A. N. Tucker, and C. C. Sweeley. 1969. Characterization of the iso-branched sphinganines from the ceramide phospholipids of Bacteroides melaninogenicus. Biochem. Biophy. Acta 187:527-532.
44. Hammond, R. K., and D. C. White. 1970. Carotenoid formation by Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 103:191-198.
45. Hammond, R. K., and D. C. White. 1970. Inhibition of carotenoid hydroxyllation in Staphylococcus aureus by mixed-function oxidase inhibitors. J. Bacteriol. 103:607-610.
46. Hammond, R. K., and D. C. White. 1970. Inhibition of vitamin K2 and carotenoid synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus by diphenylamine. J. Bacteriol. 103:611-615.
47. Joyce, G. H., R. K. Hammond, and D. C. White. 1970. Changes in membrane lipid composition in exponentially growing Staphylococcus aureus during the shift from 37 to 25 C. J. Bacteriol. 104:323-330.
48. Morman, M. R., and D. C. White. 1970. Phospholipid metabolism during penicillinase production in Bacillus licheniformis. J. Bacteriol. 104:247-253.
49. Ono, Y., and D. C. White. 1970. Cardiolipin-specific phospholipase D activity in Haemophilius parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 103:111-115.
50. Ono, Y., and D. C. White. 1970. Cardiolipin-specific phosphlloipase D of Haemophilus parainfluenzae. II. Characterization and possible significance. J. Bacteriol. 104:712-718.
51. Rizza, V., A. N. Tucker, and D. C. White. 1970. Lipids of Bacteroides melaninogenicus. J. Bacteriol. 101:84-91.
52. Short, S. A., and D. C. White. 1970. Metabolism of the glucosyl diglycerides and phosphatidylglucose of Staphylocccus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 104:126-132.
53. Sinclair, P. R., and D. C. White. 1970. Effect of nitrate, fumarate, and oxygen on the formation of the membrane-bound electron transport system in Haemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 101:365-372.
54. Smith, L., D. C. White, P. Sinclair, and H. Chance. 1970. Rapid reactions of cytochromes on Haemophilus parainfluenzae on additions of substrates or oxygen. J. Biol. Chem. 245:5096-5100.
55. Tucker, A. N., and D. C. White. 1970. Release of membrane components from viable Haemophilus parainfluenzae by ethylenediaminetetracetic acid-Tris (hydroxymethyl-aminomethane). J. Bacteriol. 102:498-507.
56. Tucker, A. N., and D. C. White. 1970. Heterogeneity of phospholipid composition in the bacterial membrane. J. Bacteriol. 102:508-513.
57. Tucker, A. N., and D. C. White. 1970. Metabolism of phospholipid 2-linked fatty acids during the release of membrane fragments from Haemophilus parainfluenzae by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid-Tris (hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane. J. Bacteriol. 103:329-334.
58. White, D. C. 1970. The involvement of lipids in the modification of the bacterial membrane. Presented at the 10th International Congress for Microbiology, Mexico, August 1970, 219-225.
59. White, D. C., and A. N. Tucker. 1970. Ceramide phosphorylglycerol phosphate, a new sphigolipid found in bacteria. Lipids 5:56-62.
60. Joyce, G. H., and D. C. White. 1971. Effect of benzo(a)pyrene and piperonyl butoxide on the formation of the respiratory system, phospholipids and carotenoids of Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 106:403-411.
61. Lillich, T. T., and D. C. White. 1971. Phospholipid metabolism in the absence of net phospholipid synthesis in a glycerol-requiring mutant of Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 107:790-797.
62. Ono, Y., and D. C. White. 1971. Consequences of the inhibition of cardiolipin metabolism in Haemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 108:1065-1071.
63. Ray, P. H., D. C. White, and T. D. Brock. 1971. Effect of temperature on the fatty acid composition of Thermus aquaticus. J. Bacteriol. 106:25-50.
64. Ray, P. H., D. C. White, and T. D. Brock. 1971. Effect of growth temperatures on the lipid composition of Thermus aquaticus. J. Bacteriol. 108:227-235.
65. Short, S. A., and D. C. White. 1971. Metabolism of phosphatidylglycerol, lysylphosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin of Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 108:219-226.
66. Tucker, A. N., and D. C. White. 1971. Detection of a rapidly metabolizing portion of the membrane cardiolipin in Haemophilus parainfluenzae. J. Bacteriol. 108:1058-1064.
67. White, D. C., and P. R. Sinclair. 1971. Branched electron-transport systems in bacteria. Adv. Microob Physiol 5:173-211.
68. Ray, P. H., T. T. Lillich, and D. C. White. 1972. Consequences of glycerol deprivation on the synthesis of membrane components in a glycerol auxotroph of Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 112:413-420.
69. Ray, P. H., and D. C. White. 1972. Effect of glycerol deprivation on the phospholipid metabolism of a glycerol auxotroph of Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 109:668-677.
70. Short, S. A., and D. C. White. 1972. Biosynthesis of cardiolipin from phospatidylglycerol in Staphylococcus aureus. J. Bacteriol. 109:820-826.
71. Short, S. A., D. C. White, and H. R. Kaback. 1972. Active transport in isolated bacterial membrance vesicies. V. The transport of amino acids by membrane vesicles prepared from Staphylococcus aureus. J. Biol. Chem 247:298-304.
72. Short, S. A., D. C. White, and H. R. Kaback. 1972. Mechanisms of active transport in isolated bacterial membrane vesicles. IX. The kinetics and specificity of amino acid transport in Staphylococcus aurueus membrane vesicles. J. Biol. Chem. 247:7452-7458.
73. Wilkinson, B. J., M. R. Morman, and D. C. White. 1972. Phospholipid composition and metabolism of Micrococcus denitrificans. J. Bacteriol. 112:1288-1294.
74. Broman, R. L., W. J. Dobrogosz, and D. C. White. 1974. Stimulation of cytochyrome synthesis in Escherichia coli by cyclic AMP. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 162:595-601.
75. Goldenbaum, P. E., and D. C. White. 1974. Role of lipid in the formation and function of the respiratory system of Staphylococcus aureus. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 236:115-123.
76. White, D. C. 1974. Sex, Drugs and Pollution--A Biological Basis for Human Decisions. Paladin Press (paperback book) Revised edition published by Contemporary Publishing Co. (1978, Raleigh, N.C.), Geneva, IL.
77. White, D. C., A. N. Tucker, and H. R. Kaback. 1974. Relationships between amino acid transport and electron transport by membrance vesicles of Micrococcus denitrificans. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 165:672-680.
78. Wilkinson, B. J., and D. C. White. 1974. Lipids of Pediococcus cerevisiae and some methicillin-resistant substrains. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Journal of Microbiology 40:39-47.
79. Goldenbaum, P. E., P. D. Keyser, and D. C. White. 1975. Role of vitamin K2 in the organization and function of the Staphylococcus aureus membranes. J. Bacteriol. 121:442-449.
80. White, D. C. 1975. Mitochondrial cytotoxicity of carbon monoxide. Presented at the Tobacco and Health Research Institute and Kentucky Tobacco Research Board Symposium 126-129.
81. Sinclair, P. R., D. C. White, and L. Smith. 1976. Oxidation and reduction of membrane-bound cytochrome c in Hemophilus parainfluenzae. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 449:37-47.
82. King, J. D., and D. C. White. 1977. Muramic acid as a measure of microbial biomass in estuarine and marine samples. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 33:777-783.
83. King, J. D., D. C. White, and D. W. Tayler. 1977. Use of lipid composition and metabolism to examine structure and activity of estuarine detrital microflora. Appl. Environ. Microbol. 33:1177-1183.
84. Morrison, S. J., J. D. King, R. J. Bobbie, R. E. Bechtold, and D. C. White. 1977. Evidence for microflorall succession on allochthonous plant litter in Apalachicola Bay, Florida, USA. Marine Biology 41:229-240.
85. White, D. C., R. J. Bobbie, S. J. Morrison, D. K. Oosterhof, C. W. Tayler, and D. A. Meeter. 1977. Determination of microbial activity of estuarine detritus by relative rates of lipid biosynthesis. Limnology and Oceanography 22:1089-1099.
86. Bobbie, R. J., S. J. Morrison, and D. C. White. 1978. Effects of substrate biodegradability on the mass and activity of the associated esturarine microbiota. Apple. Environ. Microbiol. 35:179-184.
87. Herron, J. S., J. D. King, and D. C. White. 1978. Recovery of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate from estuarine microflora. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 35:251-257.
88. King, J. D., and D. C. White. 1978. Muramic acid as a measure of microbial biomass in Black Sea sediments. Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project 42B:765-770.
89. Bobbie, R. J., J. S. Nickels, W. M. Davis, D. C. White, D. F. Lott, R.Dyjak, and J. Hollowell. 1979. Measurement of microfouling mass and community structure during succession in OTEC simulatores -- a preliminary report. Presented at the Proceedings of the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Biofouling, Corrosion, and Materials Workshop, Rosslyn, VA 101-120.
90. Fazio, S. D., W. R. Mayberry, and D. C. White. 1979. Muramic acid assay in sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 38:349-350.
91. Nickels, J. S., J. D. King, and D. C. White. 1979. Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate accumulation as a measure of unbalanced growth of the estuarine detrital microbiota. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 37:459-465.
92. White, D. C., R. J. Bobbie, J. S. Herron, J. D. King, and S. J. Morrison. 1979. Biochemical measurements of microbial mass and activity from environmental samples. In J. W. C. a. R. R. Colwell (ed.), Native Aquatic Bacteria: Enumeration, Activity and Ecology. 69-81.
93. White, D. C., R. J. Bobbie, J. D. King, J. Nickets, and P. Amoe. 1979. Lipid analysis of sediments for microbial biomass and community structure. In C. D. Litchfield and P. L. Seyfried (ed.), Methodology for Biomass Determinations and Microbial Activities in Sediments. American Society for Testing and Materials. 87-103.
94. White, D. C., W. M. Davis, J. S. Nickels, J. D. King, and R. J. Bobbie. 1979. Determination of the sedimentary microbial biomass by extractable lipid phosphate. Oecologia 40:51-62.
95. White, D. C., R. J. Livingston, R. J. Bobbie, and J. S. Nickels. 1979. Effects of surface composition, water column chemistry and time of exposure on the composition of the detrital microflora and associated macrofauna in Apalachicola Bay, Florida. In R. J. Livingston (ed.), Ecological Prosses in Coastal and Marine Systems. Plenum Press, New York, NY. 83-116.
96. Bobbie, R. J., and D. C. White. 1980. Characterization of benthic microbial community structure by high-resolution gas chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 39:1212-1222.
97. Bobbie, R. J., D. C. White, and P. H. Benson. 1980. Biochemical analysis of the repsonse of the marine microfouling community structure to cleaning procedures designed to increase heat transfer efficiency. Presented at the Proceedings, Fifth International Congress of Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Barcelona, Spain 391-400.
98. Davis, W. M., and D. C. White. 1980. Fluorometric determination of adenosine nucleotide derivatives as measures of the microfouling, detrital and sedimentary microbial biomass and physiological status. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 40:539-548.
99. Morrison, S. J., and D. C. White. 1980. Effects of grazing by estuarine gammaridean amphipods on the microbiota of allochthonous detritus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 40:659-671.
100. White, D. C., R. J. Bobbie, J. S. Nickels, S. D. Fazio, and W. M. Davis. 1980. Nonselective biochemical methods for the determination of fungal mass and community structure in estuarine detrital microflora. Botanica Marina 23:239-250.
101. White, D. C., R. H. Rindlay, S. D. Fazio, R. J. Bobbie, J. S. Nickels, W. M. Davis, G. A. Smith, and R. F. Martz. 1980. Effects of bioturbation and predation by Mellita quinquies perforata on sedimentary microbial community structure. In V. S. Kennedy (ed.), Estuarine Perspectives. Academic Press, New York, NY. 163-171.
102. Berk, S. G., R. Mitchell, R. J. Bobbie, J. S. Nickels, and D. C. White. 1981. Microfouling on metal surfaces exposed to seawater. International Biodeterioration Bulletin 17:29-37.
103. Bobbie, R. J., J. S. Nichels, G. A. Smith, S. D. Frazio, R. H. Findlay, W. M. Davis, and D. C. White. 1981. Effect of light on biomass and community structure of estuarine detrital microbiota. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 42:150-158.
104. Nickels, J. S., R. J. Bobbie, D. F. Lott, R. F. Martz, P. H. Benson, and D. C. White. 1981. Effect of manual brush cleaning on biomass and community structure of microfouling film formed on aluminum and titanium surfaces exposed to rapidly flowing seawater. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 41:1442-1453.
105. Nickels, J. S., R. J. Bobbie, R. F. Martz, G. A. Smith, D. C. White, and N. L. Richards. 1981. Effect of silicate grain shape, structure and location on the biomass and community structure of colonizing marine microbiota. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 41:1262-1268.
106. Nickels, J. S., J. H. Parker, R. J. Bobbie, R. F. Martz, D. F. Lott, P. H. Benson, and D. C. White. 1981. Effect of cleaning with flow-driven brushes on the biomass and community composition of the marine microfouling film on aluminum and titanium surfaces. International Biodeterioration Bulletin 17:87-94.
107. White, D. C. 1981. The effects of brush cleaning upon microfouling in an OTEC siulation system. Presented at the Final Report ANL/OTEC-BCM-025, Argonne, IL 1-121.
108. Fazio, S. A., D. J. Uhlinger, J. H. Parker, and D. C. White. 1982. Estimations of uronic acids as quantitative measures of extracellular and cell wall polysaccharide polymers from environmental samples. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 43:1151-1159.
109. Federle, T. W., and D. C. White. 1982. Preservation of estuarine sediments for lipid analysis of biomass and community structure of microbiota. Appl. Environ. Microbial. 44:1166-1169.
110. Gehron, M. J., and D. C. White. 1982. Quantitative determination of the nutritional status of detrital microbiota and the grazing fauna by triglyceride glycerol analysis. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. 64:145-158.
111. Parker, J. H., G. A. Smith, H. L. Fredrickson, J. R. Vestal, and D. C. White. 1982. Sensitive assay, based on hydroxy-fatty acid from lipopolysaccharide lipid A for gram negative bacteria in sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 44:1170-1177.
112. Smith, G. A., J. S. Nickels, R. J. Bobbie, N. L. Richards, and D. C. White. 1982. Effects of oil and gas well drilling fluids on the biomass and community structure of microbiota that colonize sands in running seawater. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicology 11:17-23.
113. Smith, G. A., J. S. Nickels, W. M. Davis, R. F. Martz, R. H. Findlay, and D. C. White. 1982. Perturbations of the biomass, metabolic activity, and community structure of the estuarine detrital microbiota: Resource partitioning by amphipod grazing. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 64:125-143.
114. White, D. C. 1982. Biochemical determination of biomass and community structure of estuarine detrital and sedimentary microbiota. In B. T. Johnson (ed.), Impact of Xenobiotic Chemicals on Microbial Ecosystems, vol. Technical paper 107. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 22-28.
115. White, D. C. 1982. Microbial facilitation of corrosion. Presented at the Corrosion '82, Houston, TX.
116. Federle, T. W., M. A. Hullar, R. J. Livingston, D. A. Meeter, and D. C. White. 1983. Spatial distribution of biochemical parameters indicating biomass and community composition of microbial assemblies in estuarine mud flat sediments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 45:58-63.
117. Federle, T. W., R. J. Livingston, D. A. Meeter, and D. C. White. 1983. Modification of estuarine sedimentary microbiota by exclusion of epibenthic predators. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 73:81-94.
118. Findlay, R. H., J. W. Moriarty, and D. C. White. 1983. Improved method of determining muramic acid from environmental samples. J. Geomicrobiology 3:135-150.
119. Findlay, R. H., and D. C. White. 1983. Polymeric beta-hydroxyalkanoates from environemental samples and Bacillus megaterium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 45:71-78.
120. Findlay, R. H., and D. C. White. 1983. The effects of feeding by the sand dollar Mellita quinquiesperforata on the benthic microbial community. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 72:25-41.
121. Gehron, M. J., and D. C. White. 1983. Sensitive assay of phospholipid glycerol in environmental samples. J. Microbiol. Methods 1:23-32.
122. Martz, R. F., D. E. Sebacher, and D. C. White. 1983. Biomass measurement of methane forming bacteria in environmental samples. J. Microbial. Methods 1:53-61.
123. Uhlinger, D. J., and D. C. White. 1983. Relationship between physiological status and formation of extracellular polysaccharide glycocalyx in Pseudomonas atlantica. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 45:64-70.
124. White, D. C. 1983. Analysis of microorganisms in terms of quantity and activity in natural environments. In J. H. Slater, R. Whittenbury, and J. W. T. Wimpenney (ed.), Microbes in their Natural Environments, vol. 34. 37-66.
125. White, D. C., G. A. Smith, M. J. Gehron, J. H. Parker, R. H. Findlay, R. F. Martz, and H. L. Fredrickson. 1983. The ground water aquifer microbiota: Biomass, community structure and nutritional status. Developments in Industrial Microbiol 24:201-211.
126. White, D. C., J. T. Wilson, J. F. McNabb, W. G. Ghiorse, and D. L. Balkwill. 1983. Ground water sediment microbiota an unususal consortium. Presented at the Procced. Sixth Internat'l Symposium Environmental Bio-Geochemistry, Santa Fe, NM 1-12.
127. Findlay, R. H., and D. C. White. 1984. In situ determination of metabolic activity in aquatic environments. Microbiological Sciences 1:90-95.
128. Gehron, M. J., J. D. Davis, G. A. Smith, and D. C. White. 1984. Determination of the gram-positive bacterial content of soils and sediments by analysis of teichoic acid components. J. Microbiol. 2:165-176.
129. Parker, J. H., J. S. Nickels, R. F. Martz, M. J. Gehron, N. L. Richards, and D. C. White. 1984. Effect of well-drilling fluids on the physiological status and microbial infection of the reef building coral Montastrea annularis. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicology 13:113-118.
130. Sand, W., E. Bock, and D. C. White. 1984. Role of sulfur oxidizing bacteria in the degradation of concrete. Presented at the Corrosion '84, Houston, TX 96/2-96/11.
131. White, D. C. 1984. Chemical characterization of films. In K. C. Marshall (ed.), Microbial Adhesion and Aggregation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, and Tokyo. 159-176.
132. White, D. C., and P. H. Benson. 1984. Determination of the biomass, physiological status, community structure and extracellular plaque of the microfouling film. In J. D. Costlow and R. C. Tipper (ed.), Marine Biodeterioration: An Interdisciplinary Study. U.S. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, MD. 68-74.
133. White, D. C., G. A. Smith, and G. R. Stanton. 1984. Biomass, community structure and metabolic activity of the microbiota in benthic marine sediments and sponge spicule mats. Antarctic J. United States 29:125-126.
134. Baird, B. H., D. E. Nivens, J. H. Parker, and D. C. White. 1985. The biomass, community structure and spatial distribution of the sedimentary microbiota from a high-energy area of the deep sea. Deep-Sea Research Part A-Ocenographic Research Papers 32:1089-1099.
135. Baird, B. H., and D. C. White. 1985. Biomass and community structure of the abyssal microbiota determined from the ester-linked phospholipids recovered from Venezula Basin and Puerto Rico trench sediments. Marine Geology 68:217-231.
136. Edlund, A., P. D. Nichols, R. Roffey, and D. C. White. 1985. Extractable and lipopolysaccharide fatty acid and hydroxy acid profiles from Desulfovibrio species. J. Lipid Res. 26:982-988.
137. Findlay, R. H., P. C. Pollard, D. J. W. Moriarty, and D. C. White. 1985. Quantitative determination of microbiall activity and community nutritional status in estuarine sediments: Evidence for a disturbance artifact. Canad. J. Microbiol. 31:493-498.
138. Guckert, J. B., C. P. Antworth, P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1985. Phospholipid, ester-linked fatty acid profiles as reproducible assays for changes in prokaryotic community structure of estuarine sediments. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 31:147-158.
139. Henson, J. M., P. H. Smith, and D. C. White. 1985. Examination of thermophilic methane-producing digesters by analysis of bacterial lipids. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 50:1428-1433.
140. Mancuso, C. A., G. Odham, G. Westerdahl, J. N. Reeve, and D. C. White. 1985. C15, C20, and C25 isoprenoid homologues in glycerol diether phosphoslipds of methanogenic archaebacteria. J. Lipid Res. 26:1120-1125.
141. Moriarty, D. J., D. C. White, and T. J. Wassenberg. 1985. A convenient method for measuring rates of physpholipid synthesis in seawater and sediments: Its relevance to the determination of bacterial productivity and the disturbance artifacts introduced by measurements. J. Microbiol. Methods 3:321-330.
142. Moriarty, D. J. W., P. I. Boon, J. A. Hanson, W. G. Hunt, I. R. Poiner, P. C. Pollard, G. W. Skyring, and D. C. White. 1985. Microbial biomass and productivity in seagrass beds. Geomicrobiology 4:21-51.
143. Nichols, P. D., J. M. Henson, J. B. Guckert, D. E. Nivens, and D. C. White. 1985. Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopic methods for microbial ecology: Analysis of bacteria, bacteria-polymer mixtures and biofilms. J. Microbiol. Methods 4:79-94.
144. Nichols, P. D., W. R. Mayberry, C. P. Antworth, and D. C. White. 1985. Determination of monounsaturated double bond position and geometry in the cellular fatty acids of the pathogenic bacterium Francisella tularensis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 21:738-740.
145. Nichols, P. D., G. A. Smith, C. P. Antworth, R. S. Hanson, and D. C. White. 1985. Phospholipid and lipopolysaccharide normal and hydroxy fatty acids as potential signatures for the methane-oxidizing bacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 31:327-335.
146. Odham, G., A. Tunlid, G. Westerdahl, L. Larsson, J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1985. Determination of microbial fatty acid profiles at femtomolar levels in human urine and the initial marine microfouling community by capillary gas chromatography-chemical ionization mass spectrometry with negative detection. J. Microbiol. Methods 3:331-344.
147. Palmisano, A. C., J. B. SooHoo, D. C. White, G. A. Smith, G. R. Stanton, and L. Burckle. 1985. Shade adapted benthic diatoms beneath Antarctic ice. Phycology 21:664-667.
148. Platt, R. M., G. G. Geesey, J. D. Davis, and D. C. White. 1985. Isolation and partial chemical analysis of firmly bound exopolysaccharide from adherent cells of a freshwater sediment bacterium. Canad. J. Microbiol 31:675-680.
149. Smith, G. A., J. S. Nickels, J. D. Davis, R. H. Findlay, P. S. Vashio, J. T. Wilson, and D. C. White. 1985. Indices identifying subsurface microbial communities that are adapted to organic pollution. In N. N. Durham and A. E. Redelfs (ed.), Second International Conference on Ground Water Quality Research. Oklahoma State University Printing Services, Stillwater, OK. 210-213.
150. Tunlid, A., B. H. Baird, M. B. Trexler, S. Olsson, R. H. Findlay, G. Odham, and D. C. White. 1985. Determination of physpholipid ester-linked fatty acids and poly beta hycroxybutyrate for the estimation of bacterial biomass and activity in the rhizosphere of the rape plant Brassica napus (L.). Canad. J. Microbiol 31:1113-1119.
151. Tunlid, A., G. Odham, R. H. Findlay, and D. C. White. 1985. Precision and sensitivity in the measurement of 15N enrichment in D-alanine from bacterial cell walls using positive/negative ion mass spectrometry. J. Microbiol. Methods 3:237-245.
152. Verheyen, T. V., G. J. Perry, P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1985. Investigation of surface oxidation in victorian brown coal by diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Presented at the Proceed. Inter. Coal Sci. Conference, New York, NY 822-825.
153. White, D. C., and P. Hirsch. 1985. Microbial extraction of hydrogen from lunar dust. In W. Mendell (ed.), Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century. NASA Publications Office. 591-602.
154. White, D. C., J. S. Nickels, M. J. Gehron, J. H. Parker, R. F. Martz, and N. L. Richards. 1985. Coral metabolic activity, nutritional status, and microbial infection with exposure to drilling fluids. In I. W. Duedall, D. R. Kester, and P. K. Park (ed.), Wastes in the Ocean, vol. 4. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 365-376.
155. White, D. C., J. S. Nickels, J. H. Parker, R. H. Findlay, M. J. Gehron, G. A. Smith, and R. F. Martz. 1985. Biochemical measures of the biomass, community structure and metabolic activity of the ground water microbiota. In C. H. Ward, W. Giger, and P. L. McCarty (ed.), Ground Water Quality. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 307-329.
156. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, P. D. Nichols, B. D. Kerger, J. M. Henson, G. G. Geesey, and C. K. Clarke. 1985. Corrosion of steels induced by aerobic bacteria and their exocellular polymers. Presented at the Argentine-U.S.A. Workshop on Biodeterioration, Sao Paulo, Brazil 73-86.
157. Dowling, N. J. E., F. Widdel, and D. C. White. 1986. Phospholipid ester-linked fatty acid biomarkers of acetate-oxidizing sulfate reducers and other sulfide forming bacteria. J. Gen. Microbiol. 132:1815-1825 Part 7.
158. Federle, T. W., R. J. Livingston, L. E. Wolfe, and D. C. White. 1986. A quantitative comparison of microbial community structure of estuarine sediments from microcosms and the field. Canad. J. Microbiol. 32:319-325.
159. Guckert, J. B., M. A. Hood, and D. C. White. 1986. Phospholipid, ester-linked fatty acid profile changes during nutrient deprivation of Vibrio cholera: Increases in the trans/cis ratio and proportions of cyclopropyl fatty acids. Appl. Environ. Micrbiol. 52:794-801.
160. Guckert, J. B., and D. C. White. 1986. Phospholipid, ester-linked fatty acid analysis in microbial ecology. Presented at the Perspectives in Microbial Ecology, Proceed. Fourth Int. Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia 455-459.
161. Hedrick, D. B., and D. C. White. 1986. Microbial respiratory quinones in the environment I. A sensitive lipuid chromatiographic method. J. Microbiol. Methods 5:243-254.
162. Hedrick, D. B., and D. C. White. 1986. Rapid extraction and fractionation of particulate BW agents for detection of signature biomarkers by mass spectrometry. Presented at the Proceed. U.S. Army Chem. Defense Res. and Engin. Center Conf. Edgewood area, APG, Maryland 313-318.
163. Hood, M. A., J. B. Guckert, D. C. White, and F. Deck. 1986. Effect of nutrient deprivation on the levels of lipid, carbohydrate, DNA, RNA, and protein levels in Vibrio cholerae. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52:788-793.
164. Kerger, B. D., P. D. Nichols, C. P. Antworth, W. Sand, E. Bock, J. C. Cox, T. A. Langworthy, and D. C. White. 1986. Signature fatty acids in the polar lipids of acid producing Thiobacilli: Methoxy, cyclopropyl, alpha-hydroxy-cyclopropyl and branched and normal monoenoic fatty acid. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 38:67-77.
165. Mancuso, C. A., P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1986. A method for the seperation and characterization of archaebacterial signature ether lipids. J. Lipid Res. 27:49-56.
166. Mancuso, C. A., P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1986. High proportions of tetraether phospholipids in Methanbacterium thermoautotrophicum strain Hvergerdi measured by high performance liquid chromatography. FEMS Microbiology Letters 35:115-118.
167. Nichols, P. D., Palmisano, A.C., Smith, G.A., White, D.C. . 1986. Microbial ecology in antarctic sea ice and benthic communities .1. lipids of the antarctic sea ice diatom nitzschia-cylindrus Phytochemistry 25:1649-1653.
168. Nichols, P. D., J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1986. Determination of monounsaturated fatty acid double-bond position and geometry for microbial monocultures and complex consortia by capillary GC-MS of their dimethyl disulphide adducts. J. Microbiol. Methods 5:49-55.
169. Nichols, P. D., A. C. Palmisano, G. A. Smith, and D. C. White. 1986. Lipids of the antarctic sea ice diatom nitzschia cylindrus. Phytochem 25:1649-1653.
170. Nichols, P. D., B. K. Stulp, J. G. Jones, and D. C. White. 1986. Comparison of fatty acid content and DNA homology of the filamentous gliding bacteria Vitreoscilla, Flexibacter and Filibacter. Arch. Microbiol. 146:1-6.
171. Nivens, D. E., P. D. Nichols, J. M. Henson, G. G. Geesey, and D. C. White. 1986. Reversible acceleration of corrosion of AISI-304 stainless steel exposed to seawater induced by the extracellular secretions of the marine vibrio V. natriegens. Corrosion 42:204-210.
172. Odham, G., A. Tunlid, A. Valeur, P. Sundin, and D. C. White. 1986. Model system for studies of microbial dynamics at exuding surfaces such as a rhizosphere. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52:191-196.
173. Scherer, P. A., H. P. Bochem, J. D. Davis, and D. C. White. 1986. Flocculation in methanogens, a comparative study of Methanosarcina barkeri stains Julich and Fusaro. Canadian J. Microbiol 32:137-144.
174. Smith, G. A., Nichols, P. D., White, D.C. . 1986. Microbial ecology in antarctic sea ice and benthic communities .2. fatty-acid composition and microbial activity of benthic marine sediment from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica FEMS Microbiology Ecology 38:219-231.
175. Smith, G. A., P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1986. Fatty acid composition and microbial activity of benthic marine sediments from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 32:219-231.
176. Smith, G. A., J. S. NIckels, B. D. Kerger, J. D. Davis, S. P. Collins, J. T. Wilson, J. F. McNabb, and D. C. White. 1986. Quantitative characterization of microbial biomass and community struture in subsurface material: A prokaryotic consortium responsive to organic contamination. Canad. J. Microbiol. 32:104-111.
177. Smith, G. A., D. C. White, and P. D. Nichols. 1986. Antarctic benthic and sea-ice microalgal interactions: Food chains processes and physiology. Antarctic Journal U.S. 21:174-175.
178. White, D. C. 1986. Quantitative physical-chemical characterization of bacterial habitats. In J. Poindexter and E. Leadbetter (ed.), Bacteria in Nature, vol. 2. Plenum Publishers, New York. 117-203.
179. White, D. C. 1986. Methods for microbial biomass, community structure and metabolic activites on surfaces. Presented at the Deuxieme Collloque International de Bacteriologie Marine, IFREMER, France 209-217.
180. White, D. C. 1986. Environmental effects testing with quantitative microbial analysis: Chemical signatures correlated with in situ biofilm analysis by FT/IR. Toxicity Assessment 1:315-338.
181. White, D. C. 1986. Quantitative analysis of biomass, community structure, and metabolic activity of environmental consortia. Presented at the 1985 Science Conference Chemical Defense Research, Maryland 1-6.
182. White, D. C. 1986. Assessment of marine biofouling formation, succession and metabolic activity. In M. F. Thompson, R. Sarotini, and N. Nagabushanam (ed.), Marine Biodeterioration, Advanced Techniques Applicable to the Indian Ocean. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, India. 287-297.
183. White, D. C. 1986. Non-destructive biofilm analysis by Fourier transform spectroscopy (FT/IR). Presented at the Perspectives in Mcrobial Ecology, Proceed. Fourth Int. Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia 442-446.
184. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, P. D. Nichols, A. T. Mikell, B. D. Kerger, J. M. Henson, G. G. Geesey, and C. K. Clarke. 1986. Role of aerobic bacteria and their extracellular polymers in the faciltation of corrosion: Use of Fourier transforming infrared spectroscopy and "signature" phospholipid fatty acid analysis. In S. C. Dexter (ed.), Biologically Induced Corrosion, vol. 8. National Association of Corrosion Engineers Reference Book, Houston, TX. 233-243.
185. White, D. C., G. A. Smith, P. D. Nichols, G. R. Stanton, and A. C. Palmisano. 1986. The lipid composition and microbial activity of selected recent antarctic benthic marine sediments and organisms: A mechanism for monitoring and comparing microbial populations. Antarctic Journal U.S.:130-132.
186. Dowling, N. J. E., J. G. Guezennec, and D. C. White. 1987. Facilitation of corrosion of stainless steel exposed to aerobic seawater by micrbial biofilms containing both facultative and absolute anaerobes. In E. C. Hill, J. L. Sherman, and R. J. Watkinson (ed.), Microbial Problems in the Offshore Oil Industry. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Chichester, England. 27-38.
187. Dowling, N. J. E., J. G. Guezennec, and D. C. White. 1987. Methods for insight into mechanisms of microbially influenced corrosion. In D. R. Houghton, R. N. Smith, and H. O. W. Eggins (ed.), Biodeterioration 7. Elsevier Applied Sc., New York, NY. 404-410.
188. Findlay, R. H., and D. C. White. 1987. A simplified method for bacterial nutritional status based on the simultaneous determination of phospholipid and endogenous storage lipid poly beta-hydroxy alkanoate. J. Microbiol. Methods 6:113-120.
189. Guckert, J. B., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1987. Biosynthesis of trans- fatty-acids from acetate in the bacterium, Pseudomonas atlantica. Canad. J. Microbiol 33:748-754.
190. Kerger, B. D., P. D. Nichols, W. Sand, E. Bock, and D. C. White. 1987. Association of acid producing Thiobacilli with degradation of concrete: Analysis by "signature" fatty acids from the polar lipids and lipopolysaccharide. J. Industrial Microbiol. 2:63-69.
191. Mikell, A. T., T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. 1987. Phospholipids to monitor microbial ecology in anaerobic digesters. In W. H. Smith and J. R. Frank (ed.), Methane from biomass. A System Approach. Elsevier Publishing, Co., New York, NY. 413-444.
192. Nichols, P. D., J. M. Henson, C. P. Antworth, J. Parsons, J. T. Wilson, and D. C. White. 1987. Detection of a microbial consortium including type II methanotrophs by use of phospholipid fatty acids in an aerobic halogenated hydrocarbon-degrading soil column enriched with natural gas. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 6:89-97.
193. Nichols, P. D., C. A. Mancuso, and D. C. White. 1987. Measurement of methanotroph and methanogen signature phospholipids for use in assessment of biomass and community structure in model systems. Organic Geochemistry 11:451-461.
194. Nichols, P. D., J. K. Volkman, A. C. Palmisano, G. A. Smith, and D. C. Smith. 1987. Occurence of an isoprenoid C25 diunsaturated alkene and high neutral lipid content in Antarctic sea-ice diatom communities. J. Phycology 24:90-96.
195. Palmisano, A. C., G. A. Smith, D. C. White, P. D. Nichols, M. P. Lizotte, G. Cota, and C. W. Sullivan. 1987. Changes in photosynthetic metobolism of sea ice microalgae during a spring bloom in McMurdo Sound. Antarctic J. U.S. 21:176-177.
196. Pandolfo, A. G., R. B. Johns, P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1987. Aerial oxidation of maceral isolates from and Australian bituminous coal. Presented at the Proc. ACS Fuel Science Division, Denver, CO 71-78.
197. Potts, M., J. J. Olie, J. S. Nickels, J. Parsons, and D. C. White. 1987. Variation in phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids and caroteniods of desiccated Nostoc commune (Cyanobacteria) from different geographic locations. Applied Environ. Microbiol. 53:4-9.
198. Sand, W., E. Bock, and D. C. White. 1987. Biotest system for rapid evaluation of concrete resistance to sulfur oxidizing bacteria. Materials Performance 26:14-17.
199. Balkwill, D. L., F. R. Leach, J. T. Wilson, J. F. McNabb, and D. C. White. 1988. Equivalence of microbial biomass measures based on membrane lipid and cell wall components, adenosine triposphate, and direct counts in subsurface sediments. Microbial Ecology 16:73-84.
200. Borenstein, S. W., and D. C. White. 1988. Influence of welding variables of microbiologically influenced corrosion of austenitic stainless steel weldments. Presented at the Corrosion '89, Houston, TX.
201. Dowling, N. J. E., J. G. Guezennec, M. L. Lemoine, A. Tunlid, and D. C. White. 1988. Analysis of carbon steels affected by bacteria using electrochemical impedance and direct current techniques. Corrosion 44:869-874.
202. Dowling, N. J. E., C. Lundin, C. H. Lee, M. J. Franklin, and D. C. White. 1988. Enhanced corrosion rates of AISI 316 stainless steel weldments in the marine environment due to bacteria, Seventh International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling, Valencia, Spain.
203. Dowling, N. J. E., P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1988. Phospholipid fatty acid and infra-red spectroscopic analysis of a sulfate-reducing consortium. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 53:325-334.
204. Fliermans, C. B., T. J. Phelps, D. B. Ringelberg, A. T. Mikell, and D. C. White. 1988. Mineralization of trichloroethylene by heterotrophic enrichment cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:1709-1714.
205. Franklin, M. J., M. W. Mittelman, A. Vass, D. E. Nivens, R. Jack, N. J. E. Dowling, R. A. Mackowski, S. L. Duncan, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1988. An analogue MIC system with specific bacterial consortia to test effectiveness of materials selection and countermeasures, Corrosion '89. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
206. Guckert, J. B., and D. C. White. 1988. Evaluation of a hexane/isopropanal lipid solvent system for analysis of bacterial phospholipids and application to chloroform-soluble nucleopore (olycarbonate) membranes with retained bacteria. J. Microbial. Methods 9:131-137.
207. Guezennec, J. G., M. Therrene, N. Dowling, and D. C. White. 1988. Influence de la protection chathodique sur la croissance des bacteries sulfato-reductrices et sur la corrosion d'aciers doux dans les sediments marins. Presented at the Proceedings Seventh Intl. Congress Marine Corrosion, Valencia, Spain.
208. Henson, J. M., M. J. McInerney, P. S. Beaty, J. S. Nickels, and D. C. White. 1988. The phospholipid fatty acid composition of the syntrophic anaerobic bacterium Syntrophomonas wolfei. Appl. Environ. Micro. 54:1570-1574.
209. Kerger, B. D., C. A. Mancuso, P. D. Nichols, D. C. White, T. Langworthy, M. Sittig, H. Schlessner, and P. Hirsch. 1988. The budding bacteria, Pirellula and Planctomyces, with a typical 16S-rRNA and absence of peptidoglycan, show eubacterial phospholipids and unusually high proportions of long-chain beta-hydroxy fatty acids in the lipopolysaccharide lipid. A. Arch. Microbiol. 149:255-260.
210. Low, C. S. F., and D. C. White. 1988. Regulation of external polymer production in benthic microbial communites. Presented at the Microbial Mats, Washington, DC 227-237.
211. McKinley, V. L., J. W. Costerton, and D. C. White. 1988. Microbial biomass, activity, and community structure of water and particulates retrieved by backflow from a waterflood injection well. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:1383-1393.
212. Palmisano, A. C., M. P. Lizotte, G. A. Smith, P. D. Nichols, D. C. White, and C. W. Sullivan. 1988. Changes in photosynthetic carbon assimilation in Antarctic sea-ice diatoms during a spring bloom: Variations in synthesis of lipd classes. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. 116:1-13.
213. Phelps, T. J., D. B. Ringelberg, D. B. Hedrick, J. D. Davis, C. B. Fliermans, and D. C. White. 1988. Microbial activities and biomass associated with subsurface environments contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons. Geomicrobiology 6:157-170.
214. Schropp, S. J., G. Lewis, W. Eubanks, D. Carman, and D. C. White. 1988. Biochemical characterization of estuarine benthic microbial communities for use in accessing pollution. In J. J. L. berg, J. A. Winter, C. I. Weber, and L. Fradkin (ed.), Biochemical Characterization of Esturaine Benthic Microbial Communities for use in Assessing Pollution Impacts, vol. ASTM STP 976. Am. Soc. Testing and Material, Philadelphia, PA. 311-325.
215. Schropp, S. J., J. T. Phelps, A. T. Mikell, and D. C. White. 1988. The relationship of eubacterial and methanogenic community structure in anaerobic digesters. Proceedings 10th Annual Conference of Energy from Biomass and Waste.
216. Smith, G. A., J. Davis, A. Muscat, R. Moe, and D. C. White. 1988. Lipid composition and metabolic activities of Benthic Near Shore microbial communities of Arthur Harbor, Antarctic Peninusla: Comparisons with McMurdo Sound. Polar Biology 9:517-524.
217. White, D. C. 1988. Validation of quantitative anaylsis for microbial biomass, community structure, and metabolic activity. Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih. Ergebn. Limnol. 31:1-18.
218. White, D. C. 1988. Microbial community structure and function as indicators of environmental health. Presented at the Eighth Life Sciences Symposium, Intnational Conf. on Bioindicators, Knoxville, TN 1-20.
219. White, D. C., R. A. Buchanan, N. Dowling, J. C. Danko, and X. Zhang. 1988. Microbiological corrosion of stainless steel. Presented at the Bioprocess Engineering Symposium-1988, New York, NY 89-95.
220. White, D. C., and R. H. Findlay. 1988. Biochemical markers for measurement of predation effects on the biomass, community structure, nutritional status, and metabolic activity of microbial biofilms. Hydrobiologia 159:119-132.
221. Dowling, N. J. E., M. Franklin, D. C. White, C. Lee, and C. Lundin. 1989. The effect of microbiologically influenced corrosion on stainless steel weldments in seawater, Corrosion, Houston, TX, p.
222. Dowling, N. J. E., E. E. Stansbury, and D. C. White. 1989. On-line electrochemical monitoring of microbially induced corrosion: In Microbial Corrosion. Presented at the 1988 Workshop Proceedings (Electric Power Research Institute), Palo Alto, CA 5-1 to 5-17.
223. Findlay, R. H., W. A. Corpe, M. B. Trexler, P. D. Nichols, D. P. Antworth, and D. C. White. 1989. The occurrence of beta-hydroxy valerate in the endogenous polyester storage polymer of bacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Letters 32.
224. Hill, D., T. J. Phelps, A. Palumbo, and D. C. White. 1989. Bioremediation of polychlorinated biphenyls: Degradation capabilities in field lysimeters. Appl. Biochem. and Biotech. 20/21:233-243.
225. Jacq, E., D. Prieur, P. D. Nichols, D. C. White, T. Porter, and G. G. Geesey. 1989. Microscopic examination and fatty acid characterization of filamentous bacteria colonizing substrata around subtidal hydrothermal vents. Arch. Microbiol. 152:64-71.
226. Nichols, P. D., A. C. Palmisano, M. S. Rayner, G. A. Smith, and D. C. White. 1989. Changes in the lipid composition of Antartic Sea-ice Diatom communities during a spring bloom: An indication of community physiological status. Antarctic Science 1:133-140.
227. Nichols, P. D., and D. C. White. 1989. Accumulation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate in a methane-enriched halogenated hydrocarbon-degrading soil column: Implications for microbial community structure and nutrional status. Hydrobiologia 176/177:369-377.
228. Niedzielski, J. J., R. M. Schram, T. J. Phelps, S. E. Herbes, and D. C. White. 1989. A total-recycle expanded-bed bioreactor design which allows direct headspace sampling of volatile chlorinated aliphatic compounds. J. Microbiol. Methods 10:215-223.
229. Phelps, T. J., C. B. Fliermans, T. R. Garland, S. M. Pfiffner, and D. C. White. 1989. Methods for recovery of deep terrestrial subsurface sediments for microbiological studies. J. Microbiol. Methods 9:267-279.
230. Phelps, T. J., D. B. Hedrick, D. B. Ringelberg, C. B. Fliermans, and D. C. White. 1989. Utility of radiotracer activity measurements for subsurface microbiology studies. J. Microbiol. Methods 9:15-27.
231. Phelps, T. J., E. G. Raione, and D. C. White. 1989. Microbial activities in deep subsurface environments. Geomicrobiology 15:79-91.
232. Ringelberg, D. B., J. D. Davis, G. A. Smith, S. M. Pfiffner, P. D. Nichols, J. B. Nickels, J. M. Hensen, J. T. Wilson, M. Yates, D. H. Kampbell, H. W. Reed, T. T. Stocksdale, and D. C. White. 1989. Validation of signature polarlipid fatty acid biomarkers for alkane-utilizing bacteria in soils and subsurface aquifer materials. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 62:39-50.
233. Smith, G. A., Davic, J.D., Muscat, A.M., Moe, R.L., White, D.C. . 1989. Microbial ecology in antarctic sea-ice and benthic communities .4. lipid-composition and metabolic-activities of benthic near-shore microbial communities of Arthur Harbor, Antarctic Pennsulia - Comparisons with McMurdo Sound Polar Biology 9:517-524.
234. Smith, G. A., J. D. Davis, D. C. White, A. M. Muscat, and R. L. Moe. 1989. Benthic near shore microbial communities of Arthur Harbor, Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic J. U.S. 23:124-125.
235. Smith, G. A., P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1989. Triglyceride and sterol and composition of sediment microorganisms from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Polar Biology 9:273-279.
236. Smith, G. A., D. B. Ringelberg, B. B. Marinovic, and D. C. White. 1989. Arthur Harbor sediment Fluxes for a spring bloom: Measurements of particulate organic carbon and total lipid. U.S. Antarctic J. 24:184-185.
237. Tunlid, A., H. A. J. Hoitink, C. Low, and D. C. White. 1989. Characterization of bacteria that suppress Rhizoctonia damping-off bark compost media by analysis of fatty acid biomarkers. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:1368-1374.
238. Tunlid, A., D. B. Ringelberg, T. J. Phelps, C. Low, and D. C. White. 1989. Measurement of phospholipid fatty acids at picomolar concentrations in biofilms and deep subsurface sediments using gas chromatography and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. J. Microbiol. Methods 10:139-153.
239. Tunlid, A., N. A. Schultz, D. R. Benson, D. B. Steele, and D. C. White. 1989. Differences in fatty acid composition between vegetative cells and N2-fixing vesicles of Frankia sp. strain CPI1. Proceed. National Acad. Sci. (Washington) 86:3399-3403.
240. Vestal, J. R., and D. C. White. 1989. Lipid analysis in microbial ecology. Quantitative approaches to the study of microbial communities. Bioscience 39:535-541.
241. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, and M. W. Mittelman. 1989. How do we apply novel approaches for characterizing organic acids from aqueous matrices--focusing biological systems on environmental problems. In E. M. Perdue and E. T. Gjessing (ed.), Organic Acids in Aquatic Ecosystems, Berlin, FRG. 25-40.
242. White, D. C., and J. W. Wilson. 1989. Subsurface microbiota as monitors of contaminant migration and mitigation. In J. F. Molz (ed.), Symposium on New Field Techniques for Quantitating the Physical and Chemical Properties of Heterogeneoious Aquifers. National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH.
243. Zhang, X., A. Buchanan, E. E. Stansbury, J. C. Danko, N. J. E. Dowling, and D. C. White. 1989. Application of a platinum electrode in the study of microbially influenced corrosion. Corrosion.
244. Dade, W. B., J. D. Davis, P. D. Nichols, A. R. M. Nowell, D. Thistle, M. B. Trexler, and D. C. White. 1990. The effects of bacterial extracellular polymer adhesion on the entrainment of sand. Geomicrobiology 8:1-16.
245. Dowling, N. J. E., J. Bullen, D. C. White, and W. R. Finnerty. 1990. Corrosion of carbon steel by alkane-degrading aerobic bacteria, Corrosion '90. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
246. Dowling, N. J. E., D. C. White, R. A. Buchanan, J. C. Danko, A. Vass, S. Brooks, and G. L. Ward. 1990. Microbially influenced corrosion of 6% molybdenum stainless steels and AISI 316: Comparison with ferric chloride testing, Corrosion '90, vol. Paper 532. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
247. Federle, T. W., R. M. Ventullo, and D. C. White. 1990. Spatial distribution of microbial biomass, activity, community structure, and the biodegradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) and linear alcohol ethoxylate (LAE) in the subsurface. Microbial Ecology 20:297-313.
248. Findlay, R. H., M. B. Trexler, J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1990. Laboratory study of disturbance in marine sediments: Response of a microbial community. Marine Ecological Progess Series 62:121-133.
249. Findlay, R. H., M. B. Trexler, and D. C. White. 1990. Response of a benthic microbial community to biotic disturbance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 62:135-148.
250. Franklin, M. J., J. B. Guckert, D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1990. Spatial and temporal relationships between localized microbial metabolic activity and electrochemical activity of steel, Corrosion '91. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
251. Franklin, M. J., D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1990. The use of currenct density mapping in the study of microbial influenced corrosion, Corrosion '90. Naitonal Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
252. Geesey, G. G., and D. C. White. 1990. Determination of bacterial growth and activity at solid-liquid interfaces. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 44:579-602.
253. Mittelman, M. W., D. E. Nivens, C. Low, and D. C. White. 1990. Differential adhesion, activity, and carbohydrate: Protein rations of Pseudomonas atlantica monocultures attaching to stainless steel in a linear shear gradient. Microbial Ecology 19:269-278.
254. Nichols, P. D., A. C. Palmisano, M. S. Rayner, G. A. Smith, and D. C. White. 1990. Occurence of novel c30 sterols in Antarctic sea-ice diatom communities during a spring bloom. Organic Geochem 15:503-508.
255. Phelps, T. J., J. J. Niedzielski, R. M. Schram, S. E. Herbes, and D. C. White. 1990. Biodegradation of trichloroethylene in continous-recycle expanded-bed bioreactors. Appl. Environ. Micro. 56:1702-1709.
256. Phelps, T. J., and D. C. White. 1990. Bioremediation potential of toxics by manipulation of deep terrestrial subsurface ecosystems. Presented at the Proceed International Gas Technology Symposium on Gas, Oil, and Environmental Biotechnology, New Orlean, LA.
257. Smith, G. A., P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1990. Tridlyceride and polar lipid fatty acids and sterols of the Antarctic deep water amphipod Orchomene plebs. J. Compar. Biochem. Physiol. 91B.
258. Tunlid, A., and D. C. White. 1990. Use of lipid biomarkers in environmental samples. In A. Fox, S. L. Morgan, L. Larsson, and G. Odham (ed.), Analytical Microbiology Methods. Plemun Press, New York, NY. 259-274.
259. White, D. C., R. F. Jack, N. J. E. Dowling, M. J. Franklin, D. E. Nivens, S. Brooks, M. W. Mittelman, A. A. Vass, and H. S. Isaacs. 1990. Microbially influenced corrosion of carbon steel, Corrosion, vol. Paper 103. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
260. White, D. C., and M. W. Mittelman. 1990. Biological fouling of high purity waters: Mechanisms and consequences of bacterial growth and replication. In M. K. Balazs (ed.), Proceed. Semiconductor Pure Water Conference, Santa Clara, CA.
261. Dowling, N. J. E., S. A. Brooks, T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. 1991. Synergistic corrosion of pipe-line steel by obligately anaerobic bacteria. Presented at the Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN (Oct. 7-12) 3-1 to 3-12.
262. Dowling, N. J. E., S. A. Brooks, T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. 1991. Effects of selection and fate of substrates supplied to anaerobic bacteria involved in the corrosion of pipe-line steel. J. Industrial Microbiol. 10:207-215.
263. Dowling, N. J. E., M. W. Mittelman, and D. C. White. 1991. The role of consortia in microbially influenced corrosion. In J. G. Zeikus (ed.), Mixed Culture in Biotechnology. McGraw Hill, New York, NY. 341-372.
264. Federle, T. W., R. M. Ventullo, and D. C. White. 1991. Spatial distrihution of microbial biomass, activity, community structure, and xenobiotic biodegradation in the subsurface. In C. B. Fliermans and T. C. Hazen (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface. WSRC Informations Services, Aiken, SC. 7-109 7-115.
265. Franklin, M. J., Nivens, D.E., Vass, A.A., Mittelman, M.W., Jack, R.F., Dowling, N.J.E., White, D.C. . 1991. Effect of chlorine and chlorine bromine biocide treatments on the number and activity of biofilm bacteria and on carbon-steel corrosion CORROSION 47:128-134.
266. Franklin, M. J., D. E. Nivens, J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1991. Effect of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy on micrbial cell numbers, viability, and activity. Corrosion 79:519-522.
267. Franklin, M. J., D. E. Nivens, A. A. Vass, M. W. Mittelman, R. F. Jack, N. J. E. Dowling, and D. C. White. 1991. Efficacy analyses of chlorine and chlorine/bromine treatments against bacteria associated with corrosion steel. Corrosion 47:128-134.
268. Franklin, M. J., and D. C. White. 1991. Biocorrosion. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2:450-456.
269. Franklin, M. J., D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1991. Effect of bacterial biofilms on carbon steel pit propagation in phosphate containing medium, In N. J. E. Dowling, M. W. Mittelman, and J. C. Danko (ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN (Oct. 7-12), p. 3-35 to 3-46.
270. Franklin, N. J. E., D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1991. Pitting corrosion by bacteria on carbon steel, determined by the scanning vibrating electrode technique. Corrosion Science 32:945-952.
271. Guckert, J. B., D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, R. S. Henson, and B. J. Bratina. 1991. Membrane fatty acids as phenotypic markers in the polyphasic taxonomy of methylotrophs within the proteobacteria. J. Gen. Microbiol 137:2631-2641.
272. Hedrick, D. B., J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1991. Archaebacterial ether lipid diversity analyzed by supercritical fluid chromatography: Integration with a bacterial lipid protocol. J. Lipid Res. 32:659-666.
273. Hedrick, D. B., J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1991. The effect of oxygen and chloroform on microbial activities in a high-solids, high-productivity biomass reactor. Biomass and Bioenergy 1:207-212.
274. Hedrick, D. B., D. E. Nivens, C. Stafford, and D. C. White. 1991. Rapid differentiation of Archaebacteria from eubacteria by diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic analysis of lipid preparations. J. Microbiol. Methods 13:67-73.
275. Hedrick, D. B., B. Richards, W. Jewell, J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1991. Disturbance, starvation, and overfeeding stress influenced detected by microbial lipid biomarkers in high-soids high-yield methanogenic reactors. J. Industrial Microbiology 8:91-98.
276. Hedrick, D. B., A. Vass, B. Richards, W. Jewell, J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1991. Starvation and overfeeding stress on microbial activities in high-solids high-yield methanogenic high yield digesters. Biomass and Bioenergy 1:75-82.
277. Nivens, D. E., T. R. Anderson, J. Q. Chambers, and D. C. White. 1991. Detection of microbial biofilms using on-line monitoring techniques. Presented at the Microcontamination '91 (Oct. 14-17, 1991), San Jose, CA.
278. Nivens, D. E., J. Q. Chambers, and D. C. White. 1991. Non-destructive monitoring of microbial biofilms at solid-liquid interfaces using on-line devices. Presented at the Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN (Oct. 7-12) 5-47 to 5-56.
279. Phelps, T. J., N. J. E. Dowling, and D. C. White. 1991. Techniques for assessing microbial activities associated with microbially influenced corrosion. Presented at the Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbailly Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN Oct. 7-12 5-91 to 5-100.
280. Phelps, T. J., K. Malachowsky, R. M. Schram, and D. C. White. 1991. Aerobic mineralization of vinyl chloride by a bacterium of the order Actinomycetales. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57:1252-1254.
281. Phelps, T. J., J. J. Niedzielski, K. J. Malachowsky, R. M. Schram, S. E. Herbes, and D. C. White. 1991. Biodegradation of mixed organic wastes by microbial consortia in continuous-recycle expanded-bed bioreactors. Environ. Sci. and Tech. 25:1461-1465.
282. Phelps, T. J., J. J. Niedzielski, and D. C. White. 1991. Biodegradation of mixed organic wastes by microbial consortia enriched from subsurface sediments. In C. F. Fliermans and T. C. Hazen (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface. WSRC Information Services, Orlando, FL. 7-71 to 7-79.
283. Phelps, T. J., R. M. Schram, D. B. Ringelberg, N. J. E. Dowling, and D. C. White. 1991. Anaerobic microbial activities including hydrogen mediated acetogenesis within natural gas transmission lines. Biofouling 3:265-276.
284. Phelps, T. J., and D. C. White. 1991. Activities of microorganisms in deep, unconsolidated Eastern coastal plain sediments. In C. F. Fliermans and T. C. Hazen (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface. WSRC Information Services, Aiken, SC. 4-125 to 4-135.
285. Smith, G. A., D. B. Ringelberg, J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1991. Membrane lipid probe techniques indicate minimal temporal carbon coupling between benthic algal and bacterial populations of Arthur Harbor, Antarctica. Presented at the Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
286. Tunlid, A., and D. C. White. 1991. Infrared monitoring of the adhesion of Catenaria anguillulae zoospores to solid surfaces. Experimental Mycology 15:206-214.
287. Webb, O. F., T. J. Phelps, P. R. Bienkowski, P. M. DiGrazia, G. D. Reed, J. M. H. King, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. 1991. Development of a differential volume reactor system for soil biodegradation systems. Appl. Biochem. and Biotech. 28/29:5-19.
288. White, D. C., Nivens, D.E., Franklin, M.J., Mittelman, M.W., Chambers, J.Q., King, J.M.H., Sayler, G.S. 1991. Online monitoring of microbial biofilms. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 202:99-BIOT.
289. White, D. C., R. F. Jack, and N. J. E. Dowling. 1991. The microbiology of MIC, In N. J. E. Dowling, M. W. Mittelman, and J. C. Danko (ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN (Oct. 7-12), p. 1-1 to 1-10.
290. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, M. W. Mittelman, J. Q. Chambers, J. H. M. King, and G. S. Sayler. 1991. Non-destructive on-line monitoring of MIC. Presented at the Corrosion '91, Houston, TX.
291. White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, J. B. Guckert, and T. J. Phelps. 1991. Biochemical markers for in situ microbial community structure. Presented at the Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface, Aiken, SC 4-45 to 4-56.
292. Decker, D. M., D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1992. Lipid components in anal scent sacs of three mongoose species (Helogale parvula, Crossarchus obscurus, Suricata suricatta). J. Chem. Ecol. 18:1511-1524.
293. Dowling, N. J. E., J. G. Guezennec, J. Bullen, B. J. Little, and D. C. White. 1992. Effect of photosynthetic biofilms on the free corrosion potential of stainless steel. Biofouling 5:315-322.
294. Franklin, M. J., D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1992. A study of carbon steel corrosion inhibition by phosphate ions and by an organic buffer using a scanning vibrating electrode. Corrosion Sci. 33:251-260.
295. Guckert, J. B., S. C. Nold, H. L. Boston, and D. C. White. 1992. Periphyton response along an industrial effluent gradient: Lipid-based physiological stress analysis and pattern recognition of microbial community structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:2579-2587.
296. Guezennec, J. G., M. W. Mittelman, J. Bullen, D. C. White, and J.-L. Crolet. 1992. Role of inhomogeneities and microbial distribution in MIC attack and progression. Presented at the Corrosion, Houston, TX.
297. Guezennec, J. G., D. C. White, and J.-L. Crolet. 1992. Stabilization of localized corrosion on carbon steel by SRB. Presented at the United Kingdom Corrosion '92, London, England 1-10.
298. Hawthorne, S. B., D. J. Miller, D. E. Nivens, and D. C. White. 1992. Supercritical fluid extraction of polar analytes using in situ chemical derivatization. Anal. Chem. 64:405-412.
299. Hedrick, D. B., R. D. Pledger, D. C. White, and J. A. Baross. 1992. In situ microbial ecology of hydrothermal vent sediments. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 101:1-10.
300. Hedrick, D. B., T. White, J. B. Guckert, W. Jewell, and D. C. White. 1992. Microbial biomass and community structure differences in phase-separated methanogenic reactors determined by lipid analysis. J. Industrial Microbiol. 9:193-199.
301. Jack, R. F., D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1992. Differential corrosion of carbon steel by combinations of Bacillus sp., Hafnia Alvei and Desulfovibrio gigas established by phospholipid analysis of electrode biofilm. Corrosion Sci. 32:1843-1853.
302. Lou, J.-S., X. Campaignolle, J. Bullen, M. W. Mittelman, D. C. White, and J. F. Zibrida. 1992. Influence of molybdate on microbiologically influenced corrosion of mild steel. Presented at the Corrosion '92, Houston, TX.
303. Lou, J.-S., X. Capaignolle, J. Bullen, M. W. Mittelman, L. Kohring, and D. C. White. 1992. Accelerated testing of MIC resistance of materials and weldments using flow-through tesing with indigenous microbiota. Presented at the International Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Testing, Miami, FL.
304. Lovely, D. R., S. J. Giovannoni, D. C. White, J. E. Champine, E. J. P. Phillips, Y. A. Gorby, and S. Goodwin. 1992. Geobacter metallireducens gen. nov. sp. nov., a microorganism capable of coupling the complete oxidation of organic compounds to the reduction of iron and other metals. Arch. Microbiol. 159:336-344.
305. Mittelman, M. W., J. M. H. King, G. S. Sayler, and D. C. White. 1992. On-line detection of bacterial adhesion in a shear gradient with bioluminescence by a Pseudomonas fluorescens(lux) strain. J. Microbiol. Methods 15:53-60.
306. Mittelman, M. W., L. L. Kohring, and D. C. White. 1992. Multipurpose laminar-flow adhesion cells for the study of bacterial colonization and biofilm formation. Biofouling 6:39-51.
307. Nivens, D. E., R. Jack, A. Vass, J. B. Guckert, J. Q. Chambers, and D. C. White. 1992. Multi-electrode probe for statistical evaluation influenced corrosion. J. Microbiol. Methods 16:47-58.
308. Palumbo, A. V., P. A. Boreman, S. E. Herbes, D. C. White, G. W. Stanberg, T. L. Donaldson, A. J. Lucero, H. L. Jennings, T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. 1992. A co-metabolic approach to groundwater remediation. Presented at the Environmental Remediation '91, Pasco, WA (Sept. 8-11) 95-100.
309. Ringelberg, D. B., and D. C. White. 1992. Fatty acid profiles. In H. I. Adler, R. L. Jolley, and T. L. Donaldson (ed.), Bioremediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soil on Kwajalein Island: Microbial Characterization and Biotreatability Studies. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL/TM-11925, Oak Ridge, TN. 31-36.
310. Tunlid, A., and D. C. White. 1992. Biochemical analysis of biomass, community structure, nutritional status, and metabolic activity of the microbial communities in soil. In J.-M. B. G. Stotzky (ed.), Soil Biochemistry, vol. 7. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY. 229-262.
311. White, D. C., Ringelberg, D.B., Hedrick, D.B., Nivens, D.E. 1992. Rapid identification of microbes from clinical and environmental matrices by mass-spectrometry of signature lipids Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 204; 157-ANYL Part 1.
312. White, D. C. 1992. Chromatography and mass-spectrometry in microbiology - 2nd International-Symposium on the Interface between Analytical-Chemistry and Microbiology, Lund, SWEDEN - June 10-13, 1991 - Introduction. Journal of Microbiological Methods 15:145.
313. Angell, P. A., A. Arrage, M. W. Mittelman, and D. C. White. 1993. On-line, non-destructive biomass determination of bacterial biofilms by fluorometry. J. Microbiol. Methods 18:317-327.
314. Arrage, A. A., T. J. Phelps, R. E. Benoit, A. V. Palumbo, and D. C. White. 1993. Bacterial sensitivity to UV light as a model for ionizing radiation resistance. J. Microbiol. Methods 18:127-136.
315. Arrage, A. A., T. J. Phelps, R. E. Benoit, and D. C. White. 1993. Survival of subsurface microorganisms exposed to UV radiation and hydrogen peroxide. Appl. Environ. Micro. 59:3545-3550.
316. Brownlie, R. M., H. N. Brahmbhatt, and D. C. White. 1993. Stimulation of secretary antibodies against Bordetella pertussis antigens in the lungs of mice after oral or intranasal administration of liposome incorporated cell-surface antigens. Microbial Pathogenesis 14:149-160.
317. Campaignolle, X., J. Lou, D. C. White, J. G. Guezennec, and J. L. Crolet. 1993. Stabilization of localized corrosion on carbon steel by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Presented at the Corrosion '93, Houston, TX 302/1-302/8.
318. Coleman, M. L., D. B. Hedrick, D. R. Lovely, D. C. White, and K. Pye. 1993. Reduction of Fe(III) in sediments by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Nature 361:436-438.
319. Govindaswami, M., T. M. Schmidt, D. C. White, and J. C. Loper. 1993. Phylogenic analysis of a bacterial aerobic degrader of azo dyes. J. Bacteriology 175:6062-6066.
320. Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1993. Characterization of the microbiology within a 21 m3 section of rock from the deep subsurface. Microbiol. Ecol. 26:145-159.
321. Hedrick, D. B., and D. C. White. 1993. Application of analytical microbial ecology to the anaerobic conversion of biomass to methane. Biomass and Bioenergy 5:247-359.
322. Korde, V. M., T. J. Phelps, P. R. Bienkowski, and D. C. White. 1993. Biodegradation of chlorinated aliphatics and aromatic compounds in total-recycle expanded-bed biofilm reactors. Appl. Biochem. and Biotech 39/40:631-641.
323. Lackey, L. W., T. J. Phelps, P. R. Bienkowski and D. C. White. 1993. Biodegradation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon mixtures in a single-pass packed-bed reacor. Applied Biochem. and Biotech. 39:701-713.
324. Lou, J.-S., X. Campaignolle, D. C. White, and I. Vance. 1993. Corrosion of mild steel by thermophilic anaerobes. Presented at the Corrosion '93, Houston, TX.
325. Mittelman, M. W., J. Packard, A. A. Arrage, S. L. Bean, P. A. Angell, and D. C. White. 1993. Test systems for determining bioluminescence and fluorescence in a laminar-flow environment. J. Microbiol. Methods 18:51-60.
326. Nivens, D. E., J. Q. Chambers, T. R. Anderson, A. Tunlid, J. Smit, and D. C. White. 1993. Monitoring microbial adhesion and biofilm formation by attenuated total reflection/Fourier transform infrared sptectoscopy. J. Microbial. Methods 17:199-213.
327. Nivens, D. E., J. Q. Chambers, T. R. Anderson, and D. C. White. 1993. Long-term, on-line monitoring of microbial biofilms using a quartz crystal microbalance. Anal. Chem. 65:65-69.
328. Nivens, D. E., J. Schmit, J. Sniateki, T. Anderson, J. Q. Chambers, and D. C. White. 1993. Multi-channel AFT/FT-IR spectrometer for on-line examination of microbial biofilms. Applied Spectroscopy 47:668-671.
329. Parkes, R. J., N. J. E. Dowling, D. C. White, R. A. Herbert, and G. R. Gibson. 1993. Characterization of sulfate-reducing bacterial populations within marine and estuarine sediments with different rates of sulfate reduction. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 102:235-250.
330. Seckbach, J., R. Ikan, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1993. Sterols and phylogeny of the acidophilic hot springs algae Cyanidium caldarium and Galdieria sulphurara. Phytochem 34:1345-1349.
331. Shively, J. M., R. S. English, R. C. B. II, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1993. A phenotypic and genotypic comparison of six strains of Thiobacillus rferroxidans. In A. E. Torma, M. L. Apel, and C. L. Brierly (ed.), Biohydrometalurigical Techniques, Fossil Energy Materials, Bioremediation, Microbial Physiology, vol. II. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, Warrensville, PA. 507-518.
332. Topp, E. R., R. S. Hanson, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, and R. Wheatcroft. 1993. Isolation and characterization of an N-methylcarbomate insecticide-metabolizing bacterium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 59:3339-3349.
333. Walker, J. T., A. Sonesson, C. W. Keevil, and D. C. White. 1993. Detection of Legionella pneumophila in biofilms containing a complex microbial consortium by gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of genus-specific hydroxy fatty acids. FEMS Microbiol. Letters 113:139-144.
334. White, D. C. 1993. In situ measurement of microbial biomass, community structure, and nutritional status. In C. C. M. Coleman, G. Turner (ed.), Quantifying Sedimentary Geochemical Processes, vol. 344. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A; The Royal Society Press, Oxford University Press, Great Britain. 59-67.
335. White, D. C. 1993. Special Issue - Analysis of host-pathogen interactions - implications for pathogenesis. Journal of Microbiological Methods 18:R3.
336. White, D. C. 1993. Vestal, J.Robie 1942-1992 - Obituary. Journal of Microbiological Methods 17:245.
337. White, D. C., G. A. Smith, J. B. Guckert, and P. D. Nichols. 1993. Marine Sediments. In E. I. Friendman (ed.), Antarctic Microbiology. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, NY. 219-240.
338. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1994. Use of 2-D vibrating electode technique in MIC studies. Presented at the Corrosion '94, Houston, TX.
339. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1994. Mechanisms of reproducible microbial pitting of 304 stainless steel by a mixed consortium containing sulfate-reducing bacteria. Presented at the Proceedings of the Triservice Conference on Corrosion, Washington, DC 157-168.
340. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1994. High resolution microbial pitting corrosion studies utilizing a two dimensional scanning vibrating electrode microscope (SVEM) system. Presented at the Triservice Conference of Corrosion, Washington, DC 169-181.
341. Brink, D. E., I. Vance, and D. C. White. 1994. Detection of Desulfobacter in oilfield environmetns using non-radioactive DNA probes. Appl. Environ. Microtechnol 42:469-475.
342. Cox, E. E., D. W. Major, D. W. Acton, T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. 1994. Evaluating trichloroethylene biodegradation by measuring the in situ and activities of microbial populations. In R. E. Hinchee, A. Leeson, L. Semprini, and S. K. Ong (ed.), Bioremediation of Chlorinated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. Lewis Pub., Ann Arbor, MI. 37-49.
343. Franklin, M. J., C. E. Chetan, P. Gacasa, A. Sonesson, D. C. White, and D. E. Ohman. 1994. Pseudomonas aerguinosa AlgG is a processed, polymer level alginate C5-mannuronan epimerase. J. Bacteriol. 176:1821-1830.
344. Guezennec, J. G., N. J. E. Dowling, J. Bullen, and D. C. White. 1994. Relationship between bacterial colonization and cathodic current density associated with mild steel surfaces. Biofouling 8:133-146.
345. Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, D. C. White, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1994. Changes in bacteria recoverable from subsurface volcanic rock samples during storage at 4oC. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:2697-2703.
346. Hedrick, D. B., and D. C. White. 1994. Archael lipid analysis, Protocol for Archael Research.
347. Heitzer, A., K. Malachowsky, J. E. Tonnard, P. R. Bienkowski, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. 1994. Optical biosensor for environmental on-line monitoring of naphthalene and salicylate bioavailability using an immobilized bioluminescent catabolic reporter bacterium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:1487-1494.
348. Kieft, T. L., D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1994. Changes in ester-linked phospholipid fatty acid profiles of subsurface bacteria during starvation and desiccation in a porous medium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:3292-3299.
349. Kohring, L. L., D. B. Ringelberg, R. Devereux, D. Stahl, M. W. Mittelman, and D. C. White. 1994. Comparison of phylogenetic relationships based on phospholipid fatty acid profiles and ribosomal RNA sequence similarities amoung dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria. FEMS Microbiol Letters 119:303-308.
350. Lackey, L. W., T. J. Phelps, V. Kirde, S. Nold, D. Ringelberg, P. R. Bienkowski, and D. C. White. 1994. Feasibility testing for the on-site bioremeidaiton of organic wastes by native microbial consortia. Intern'l. Biodeter. and Biodegrad. 33:41-59.
351. Lou, J.-S., P. A. Angell, D. C. White, and I. Vance. 1994. MIC of mild steel in oilfield produced water. Presented at the Corrosion '94, Houston, TX.
352. Lou, J.-S., X. Campaignolle, and D. C. White. 1994. Microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) accelerated testing using as flow-through system. Presented at the Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Testing, Philadelpia, PA 283-292.
353. Malachowsky, K. J., T. J. Phelps, A. B. Teboli, D. E. Minnikin, and D. C. White. 1994. Aerobic mineralization of trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, and aromatic compounds by Rhodococci species. Appl. Environ. Micrbiol. 60:542-546.
354. Mittelman, M. W., and D. C. White. 1994. Emerging techniques for the evaluation of bacterial biofilm formation and metabolic activity in marine and freshwater environments. In M.-F. Thompson, R. Nagabhushaanam, R. Sarojini, and M. Fingerman (ed.), Recent Developments in Biofouling Control. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. 49-56.
355. Napolitano, G. E., W. R. Hill, J. B. Stewart, S. C. Nold, and D. C. White. 1994. Changes in periphyton fatty acid compositon in chlorine-polluted streams. J.N. Amer. Benthol. Soc. 13:237-249.
356. Onstott, T. C., D. L. Balkwill, D. R. Boone, F. S. Caldwell, T. Griffin, T. L. Kieft, R. M. Lehman, J. P. McKinley, S. Nierzwicki-Baurer, H. Y. Tseng, G. Gao, T. J. Phelps, D. B. Ringelberg, B. Russell, T. O. Stevens, D. C. White, and F. J. Wobber. 1994. DOE seeks origin of deep subsurface. EOS 75:385-395.
357. Phelps, T. J., E. M. Murphy, S. M. Pfiffner, and D. C. White. 1994. Comparison of geochemical and biological estimates of subsurface microbial activity. Microbial Ecology 28:335-349.
358. Phelps, T. J., S. M. Pfiffner, R. Mackowski, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, S. E. Herbes, and A. V. Palumbo. 1994. Application of microbial biomass and activity measures to asses in situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents. In R. E. Hinchee, A. Leeson, L. Semprini, and S. K. Ong (ed.), Bioremeidation of Chlorinated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. Lewis Pub., Ann Arbor, MI. 404-408.
359. Phelps, T. J., S. M. Pfiffner, K. A. Sargent, and D. C. White. 1994. Factors influencing the abundance and metabolic capacities of microorganisms in eastern coastal sediments. Microb. Ecology 28:351-364.
360. Ringelberg, D. B., T. Townsend, K. A. DeWeerd, J. M. Suflita, and D. C. White. 1994. Detection of the anaerobic declorinator Desulfomonile tiedjei in soil by its signature lipopolysaccharide branched-long-chain hydroxy fatty acids. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 14:9-18.
361. Wallace, W. H., J. T. Fleming, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. 1994. An algD-bioluminescent reporter plasmid to monitor alginate production in biofilms. Microbial Ecology 27:225-239.
362. Wallace, W. H., J. F. Rice, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. 1994. Distribution of alginate genes in bacterial isolates from corroded metal surfaces. Microbial Ecology 27:213-223.
363. White, D. C. 1994. Is there anything else you need to understand about the microbiota that cannot be derived from analysis of nucleic acids? Microb. Ecol. 28:163-166.
364. White, D. C. 1994. In situ measurement of microbial biomass, community structure and nutritional status. In M. Coleman, C. Curtis, and G. Turner (ed.), Quantifying Sedimentary Geochemical Processes. The Royal Society Press, Oxford University Press. 59-67.
365. White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, D. B. Hedrick, and D. E. Nivens. 1994. Rapid Identification of Microbes from Clinical and Environmental Matrices: Characterization of Signature Lipids. In C. Fenselau (ed.), Mass Spectrometry for the Characterization of Microorganisms, vol. Paper 541. American Chemical Society Symposium Series, Washington, DC. 8-17.
366. Almeida, J. S., A. Sonesson, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1995. Application of artificial neural networks to the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis,its antibiotic resistance and prediction of pathogenicity amongst Mycobacterium spp.based on signature lipid biomarkers. Binary 7:159-166.
367. Anderson, T. A., D. C. White, and B. T. Walton. 1995. Degradation of hazardous organic compounds by rhizosphere microbial communities. In V. P. Singh (ed.), Biotransformations: Microbial Degradation of Health-Risk Compounds. Elsevier, The Netherlands. 205-225.
368. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1995. Microbially sustained pitting corrosion of 304 stainless steel in anaerobic seawater. Corrosion Sci. 37:1085-1096.
369. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1995. Studies of the reproducible pitting of 304 stainless steel by a consortium containing the sulphate reducing bacteria, International MIC Meeting, vol. in press, New Orleans, LA.
370. Angell, P. A., A. Sonesson, P. Wagner, D. C. White, and B. Little. 1995. The role of Oceanospirillum exopolymer in marine copper corrosion, International Conference on Microbially Influenced Corrosion, New Orleans, LA (May 8-10).
371. Angell, P. A., and D. C. White. 1995. Is metabolic activity by biofilms with sulfate-reducing bacterial consortia essential for long-term propagation of pitting corrosion of stainless steel? J. Industrial Microbiol. 15:329-332.
372. Arrage, A. A., N. Vasishtha, D. Sundberg, G. Bausch, H. L. Vincent, and D. C. White. 1995. On-line monitoring of antifouling and fouling-release surfaces using bioluminescence and fluorescence measruements during laminar-flow. J. Indust. Microbiol. 15:277-282.
373. Canuel, E. A., J. E. Cloern, D. B. Ringelberg, J. B. Guckert, and G. H. Rau. 1995. Molecular and isotopic tracers used to examine sources of organic matter and its incorporation into the food webs of San Fransisco Bay. Limnol. Oceanogy 40:67-81.
374. Fredrickson, J. K., D. L. Balkwill, G. R. Drake, M. F. Romine, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1995. Aromatic-degradation spingomonas isolates from the deep subsurface. Applied and Environ. Micro. 61:1917-1922.
375. Fredrickson, J. K., J. P. McKinley, S. A. Nierzwicki-Bauer, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, S. A. Rawson, F. J. Brockman, and B. N. Bjornstad. 1995. Microbial community structure and biogeochemistry of miocene subsurface sediments: implications for long-term microbial survival. Molecular Ecology 4:619-626.
376. Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, R. E. Garen, and W. C. Ghiorse. 1995. Microbial growth and resuscitation alter community structure after pertubation. FEMS Microb. Ecol. 17:27-37.
377. Herb, S., J. O. Stair, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, and H.-C. Flemming. 1995. Characterization of biofilms on corroded concrete surfaces in drinking water reservoirs. Water Science and Technology 32:414-147.
378. Knowles, C. J. a. W., D.C. 1995. Amplification Methods in Diagnostic Microbiology - Forward. Journal of Microbiological Methods 23:R5.
379. Lehman, R. M., F. S. Colwell, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1995. Combined microbial community-level analyses for quality assurance of terrestial subsurface cores. J. Microbiol. Methods 22:263-281.
380. Nivens, D. E., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1995. Continuous nondestructive monitoring of microbial biofilms: a review of analytical techniques. J. Ind. Microbiol. 15:263-276.
381. Pinkart, H. C., D. B. Ringelberg, J. O. Stair, S. D. Sutton, S. M. Pfiffner, and D. C. White. 1995. Phospholipid analysis of extant microbiota for monitoring In Situ bioremediation effectiveness. Presented at the Proceeding of the Third International Symposium In Situ and On-site Bioreclamation, San Diego, CA 49-57.
382. Rice, J. F., R. F. Fowler, A. A. Arrage, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. 1995. Effects of external stimuli on environmental bacterial strains harboring an algD-lux bioluminescent reporter plasmid for studies of corrosive biofilms. J. Indust. Microbiol. 15:318-328.
383. Rieley, G., D. B. Hedrick, C. L. V. Dover, D. C. White, and G. Eglington. 1995. Lipid characteristics of hydrothermal vent organisms form 9oN, East Pacific rise. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 87:329-342.
384. Schmitt, J., D. E. Nivens, D. C. White, and H.-C. Flemming. 1995. Changes in biofilms properties in response to sorbed substances--an ATR-FTIR study. Water Science and Technology 32:149-155.
385. Wander, M. M., Hedrick, D.S., Kaufman, D., Traina, S.J., Stinner, B.R., Kehrmeyer, S.R., and White, D.C. 1995. The functional - significance of the microbial biomass in organic and conventionally managed soils. Plant and Soil 170:87-97.
386. Wander, M. M., D. S. Hedrick, D. Kaufman, S. J. Traina, B. R. Stinner, S. R. Kehrmeyer, and D. C. White. 1995. The functional significance of the microbial biomass in organic and conventionally managed soils. In H. P. Collins, G. P. Roberston, and M. J. Klug (ed.), The Significance and Regulation of Soil Biodiversity. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA. 87-97.
387. White, D. C. 1995. Chemical ecology: Possible linkage between macro- and microbial ecology. OIKOS 74:177-184.
388. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1995. Utility of signature lipid biomarker analysis in determining the in situ viable biomass, community structure, and nutritional/physiologic status of the deep subsurface microbiota. In P. S. A. a. D. L. Haldeman (ed.), The Microbiology of the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface. CRC Press Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 119-136.
389. Burkhalter, R. S., C. A. Smith, D. C. White, and R. Fayer. 1996. In situ characterization of the microbiota in Yucca, Mountain, sediments, International High Level Radioactive Waste Management (IHLRWM), vol. 155, Las Vegas, NV.
390. Duan, W. M., D. B. Hedrick, K. Pye, M. L. Coleman, and D. C. White. 1996. A preliminary study on the geochemical and microbiologcial characteristics of modern sedimentary concretions. Limnol. Oceanogr. 41:1404-1414.
391. Guezennec, J. G., J. Dussaze, M. Bian, F. Rocchiccioli, D. B. Ringelberg, D. B. Hedrick, and D. C. White. 1996. Bacterial community structure in sediments from Guaymas basin, Gulf of California, as determined by analyis of phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids. J. of Marine Biotechnology 4:165-175.
392. Kehrmeyer, S. R., B. M. Applegate, H. C. Pinkart, D. B. Hedrick, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. Combined lipid/DNA extraction method for environmental samples. J. Microbiol. Meth. 25:153-163.
393. Little, B., P. Wagner, P. A. Angell, and D. C. White. 1996. Correlation between localized anodic areas and oceanosprillum biofilms on copper. Intern'l Biodeterioration & Biodegradation:159-162.
394. MacGregor, B., Stahl, D.A., Ringelberg, D., White, D.C., Nealson, K., Moser, D., and Hollander, D.J. 1996. Nucleic acid and lipid chemical indicators of archaeal activity and their contribution to sedimentary organic carbon in anaerobic sediment, Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society 211, American Chemical Society, p. 63-GEOC part 1.
395. Palmer, R. J., Almeida, J.S., Ringelberg, D.B., and White, D.C. 1996. In vitro analogues of oral biofilms: Changes in community structure revealed by lipid profiles. Journal of Dental Research 75:1501.
396. Palmer, R. J., Ringelberg, D.B., and White, D.C. 1996. In vitro analogues of oral biofilms: Phospholipid-bound fatty acid (PLFA) composition. Journal of Dental Research 75:1502.
397. Palmer, R. J., C. Phiefer, R. Burlage, G. Sayler, and D. C. White. 1996. Single-cell bioluminescence and GFP in biofilm research. In J. W. Hastings, L. J. Kricka, and P. E. Stanley (ed.), Bioluminescence & Chemiluminescence Molecular Reporting with Photons. John Wiley & Sons, Woods Hole, MA. 445-450.
398. Pinkart , H. C., J. W. Wolfram, R. Rogers, and D. C. White. 1996. Cell envelope changes in solvent-tolerant and solvent -sensitive Pseudomonas putida strains following exposure to O-xylene. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 62:1129-1132.
399. Rayner, M., P. D. Nichols, D. E. Nivens, and D. C. White. 1996. Rapid method for extraction of the fecal sterol coprostanol using supercritical fluid carbon dioxide. Division of Environ. Chem. Preprints of Extended Abstracts 36:273-276.
400. Ringelberg, D. B., J. O. Stair, L. H. Herseman, and D. C. White. 1996. In situ characterization of the microbiota in Yucca Mountain sediments. Presented at the International High Level Radioactive Waste Management (IHLRWM), Las Vegas, NV, May 22, 33-35.
401. Steward, C. C., S. C. Nold, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, and C. R. Lovell. 1996. Microbial biomass and community structure in the borrows of bromophenol producing and non-producing marine worms and surrounding sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series 133:149-165.
402. White, D. C., David B. Ringelberg. 1996. Signature lipid biomarker analysis for the quantitative analysis of environmental microbial ecology, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, vol. 212. American Chemical Society, p. 15-Envr Part 1.
403. White, D. C. 1996. Editoral "Congratulations to Dr. Alexander von Graevenitz" awarded the 1996 Becton Dickinson and Company Award in Clincial Microbiology by the American Society for Microbiology. Journal of Microbiological Methods 26:213-214.
404 White, D. C. 1996. Professor David Heuston Hubbell, University of Florida, FL, USA-Obituary. Journal of Microbiological Methods 26:R3.
405. White, D. C. 1996. Robert Marshall Gardner-Obituary. Journal of Microbiological Methods 27:109.
406. White, D. C. 1996. Special issue: Analytical chemistry in environmental microbiology-Introduction. Journal of Microbiological Methods 25:99.
407. White, D. C., A. A. Arrage, D. E. Nivens, R. J. Palmer, J. F. Rice, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. Biofilm Ecology: On-line methods bring new insights into MIC and microbial biofouling. Biofouling 10:3-16.
408. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, A. A. Arrage, B. M. Applegate, S. R. Reardon, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. Protecting drinking water: Rapid detection of human fecal contamination, injured and non-culturable microbes in water systems. Presented at the North American Water and Environment Congress '96, Anaheim, CA.
409. White, D. C., H. C. Pinkart, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Biomass measurements: Biochemical approaches. In C. H. Hurst, G. Knudsen, M. McInerney, L. D. Stetzenach, and M. Walter (ed.), Manual of Environmental Microbiology. American Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, DC. 91-101.
410. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Signature lipid biomarker analysis. In R. S. Burlage, R. Atlas, D. Stahl, G. Geesey, and G. Sayler (ed.), Techniques in Microbial Ecology. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. 255-272.
411. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Monitoring deep subsurface microbiota for assessment of safe long-term nuclear waste disposal. Can. J. Microbiol. 42:375-381.
412. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Quantitative assessment of in situ microbial communities affecting nuclear waste disposal. Presented at the Waste Management '96, Tuscon, AZ.
413. White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, and S. J. MacNaughton. 1996. Review of PHA and signature lipid biomarker analysis for quantitatiive assessment of in situ environmental microbial ecology. Presented at the 1996 International Symposium on Bacterial Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Davos, Switzerland, August 18-23, 1996, 161-170.
414. White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, and R. J. Palmer. 1996. Quantitative comparison of the in situ microbial communities in different biomes. Presented at the Seventh International Symosium on Microbial Ecology, Santos, Brazil.
415. White, D. C., J. O. Stair, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Quantitative comparisons of in situ microbial biodiversity by signature biomarker analysis. J. Indust. Microbiol. 17:185-196.
416. White, D. C., S. D. Sutton, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. The Genus Sphingomonas: physiology and ecology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 7:301-306.
417. Zak, D. R., Ringelberg, D.B., Pregitzer, K.S., Randlett, D.L., White, D.C., and Curtis, P.S. 1996. Soil microbial communities beneath Populus gradidentata crown under elevated atmospheric CO2. Ecological Applications 6:257-262.
418. Arrage, A. A., and D. C. White. 1997. Monitoring biofilm-induced persistence of Mycobacterium in drinking water systems using GFP fluorescence. In J. W. Hastings, L. J. Kricka, and P. E. Stanley (ed.), Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Molecular Reporting with Photons. John Wiley & Sons, Woods Hole, MA. 383-386.
419. Balkwill, D. L., G. R. Drake, R. H. Reeves, J. K. Fredrickson, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, D. P. Chandler, M. F. Romine, D. W. Kennedy, and C. M. Spadoni. 1997. Taxonomic study of aromatic-degrading bacteria from deep-terrestrial-subsurface sediments and description of Sphingomonas aromavorans sp. nov., Sphingomonas subterranea sp. nov. and Sphingomonas stygiasp. nov. Intern'l J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47:191-201.
420. Chen, G., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1997. Instrumental analysis of microbiologically influenced corrosion. Biodegradation 8:189-200.
421. Colwell, F. S., T. C. Onstott, M. E. Delwiche, D. Chandler, J. K. Fredrickson, Q.-J. Yao, J. P. McKinley, D. R. Boon, R. Griffiths, T. J. Phelps, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, L. LaFreniere, D. Balkwill, R. M. Lehman, J. Konisky, and P. E. Long. 1997. Microorganisms from deep, high temperature sandstones: constraints on microbial colonization. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20:425-435.
422. Dever, M., W. T. Davis, A. A. Arrage, D. C. White, and R. S. Benson. 1997. Characterization of melt-blown filters made of polypropylene and polypropylene-antimicrobial blends. TAPPI 80:157-168.
423. Fredrickson, J. K., J. P. McKinley, B. N. Bjornstad, P. E. Long, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, L. R. Krumholz, J. M. Suflita, F. S. Colwell, R. M. Lehman, and T. J. Phelps. 1997. Pore-size constraints on activity and survival of subsurface bacteria in a late cretaceous shale-sandstone sequence, northwestern New Mexico. Geomicrobiology Journal 14:183-202.
424. Kieft, T. L., W. P. Kovacik, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, D. L. Haldeman, P. S. Amy, and L. E. Hersman. 1997. Factors limiting microbial growth and activity at a proposed high-level nuclear repository, Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Applied and Environ. Microbiology 63:3128-3133.
425. Kieft, T. L., E. M. Murphy, P. S. Amy, D. L. Haldeman, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1997. Laboratory and field evidence for long-term starvation survival of microorganisms in subsurface terrestrial environments. Presented at the Proceedings Instruments, Methods and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Organisms, San Diego, CA, July 27 - August 1, 1997, 366-377.
426. Kieft, T. L., E. Wilch, K. O'Conner, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1997. Survival and phospholipid fatty acid profiles of surface and subsurface bacteria in natural sediment microcosms. Applied & Environ. Microbiology 63:1531-1542.
427. Macnaughton, S. J., T. L. Jenkins, S. Alugupalli, and D. C. White. 1997. Quantitative sampling of indoor air biomass by signature lipid biomarker analysis: Feasability studies in a model system. Amer. Ind. Hygience Assoc. J. 58:270-277.
428. Macnaughton, S. J., T. L. Jenkins, R. Gall, and D. C. White. 1997. Quantitative lipid biomarker analysis of airborne microorganisms in indoor environments. Presented at the Air & Waste Management Association's 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
429. Macnaughton, S. J., T. L. Jenkins, M. H. Wimpee, M. R. Cormier, and D. C. White. 1997. Rapid extraction of lipid biomarkers from pure culture and environmental samples using pressurized accelerated hot solvent extraction. J. Microbiol. Methods 31:19-27.
430. Onstott, T. C., K. Tobin, H. Dong, M. F. DeFlaun, J. K. Fredrickson, T. Bailey, F. Brockman, T. Kieft, A. Peacock, D. C. White, D. Balkwill, T. J. Phelps, and D. R. Boone. 1997. The deep gold mines of South Africa: Windows into the subsurface biosphere. Presented at the Proc. Instruments, Methods and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrail Organisms, SPIE, International Society for Optical Engineering, San Diego, CA, July 27-August 1, 1997.
431. Palmer, R. J., Ringelberg, D.B., and White, D.C. 1997. Comparative analysis of total lipid from dental plaque and calculus. Journal of Dental Research 76:1716.
432. Palmer, R. J., and D. C. White. 1997. Development biology of biofilms: implications for treatment and control. Trends in Microbiol. 5:435-440.
433. Pinkart, H. C., and D. C. White. 1997. Phospholipid biosynthesis and solvent tolerance in Pseudomonas Putida strains. J. Bacteriology 179:4219-4226.
434. Ringelberg, D. B., J. O. Stair, J. S. Almeida, R. J. Norby, E. G. O'Neill, and D. C. White. 1997. Consequences of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the belowground microbiota associated with white oak. J. Envron. Qual. 26:495-503.
435. Ringelberg, D. B., S. D. Sutton, and D. C. White. 1997. Biomass, bioactivity and biodiversity: microbial ecology of the deep subsurface: analysis of ester-linked phospholipid fatty acids. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20:371-377.
436. Schrum, D. P., S. Alugupalli, S. T. Kelly, D. C. White, and R. Fayer. 1997. Structural characterization of a "signature" phospatidylethanolamine as the major 10-hydroxy stearic acid containing lipid of cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Lipids 32:789-793.
437. Smith, K., D. Schrum, and D. C. White. 1997. Increased sensitivity and detection limits for nitro containing explosives by on-column HPLC reductions and ESI/APCI MS, 45th American Society Mass Spectrometry, Palm Springs, CA.
438. Suci, P. A., K. J. Siedlecki, R. J. Palmer, Jr., D. C. White, and G. G. Geesey. 1997. Combined Light Microscopy and Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for Integration of Biofilm Structure, Distribution, and Chemistry at Solid-Liquid Interfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63:4600-4603.
439. White, D. C., S. Alugupalli, D. P. Schrum, S. T. Kelly, M. K. Sikka, R. Fayer, and E. S. Kaneshiro. 1997. Sensitivie quantitative detection/identification of infectious Cryptosporidium parvum oocycts by signature lipid biomarker, Proceeding AWWARF conference on Cryptospordium, Newport Beach, CA.
440. White, D. C., R. S. Burkhalter, C. A. Flemming, K. T. Leung, K. W. Whitaker, J. S. Almeida, and S. J. Macnaughton. 1997. A rapid, automatable method to detect and identify the infectious potential of BW agents using signature biomarkers. Presented at the First Joint Service Workshop on Biological Mass Spectrometry, Edgewood, MD, July 28-30, 61-67.
441. White, D. C., R. S. Burkhalter, C. A. Smith, S. J. Macnaughton, and K. W. Whitaker. 1997. Rapid, potentially automatable, method extract biomarkers for HPLC/ESI/MS/MS to detect and identify BW agents. Presented at the Army Edgewood Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Scientific Conference on Chemical and Biological Defense Research, Edgewood Area Conference Center, Aberdeen Proving Gound, MD, November 18-21, 1997.
442. White, D. C., R. D. Kirkegaard, J. R.J. Palmer, C. A. Flemming, G. Chen, K. T. Leung, C. B. Phiefer, and A. A. Arrage. 1997. The biofilm ecology of microbial biofouling, biocide resistance and corrosion. In C. W. Keevil, A. Godfree, D. Holt, and C. Dow (ed.), Biofilms in the Aquatic Environment. The Royal Society of Chemistry. 120-130.
443. White, D. C., K. Leung, S. J. Macnaughton, C. Flemming, M. Wimpee, and G. Davis. 1997. Lipid/DNA biomarker analysis for assessment of in situ bioremediation effectiveness, Molecular Monitoring Bioremediation Potential, vol. 5. Battelle Press, New Orleans, LA. 319-324.
444. White, D. C., and S. J. Macnaughton. 1997. Chemical and molecular approaches for rapid assessment of the biological status of soils. In C. E. Parkhurst, B. M. Doube, and V. V. S. R. Gupa (ed.), Bioindicators of Soil Health. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. 371-396.
445. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1997. Signature lipid biomarker analysis. In R. S. Burlage, R. Atlas, D. Stahl, G. Geesey, and G. Sayler (ed.), Techniques in Microbial Ecology. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. 225-272.
446. White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, S. J. Macnaughton, S. Alugupalli, and D. P. Schrum. 1997. Signature lipid biomarker analysis for quantitative assessment in situ of environmental microbial ecology. In R. Eagenhouse (ed.), Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry, vol. 671. ACS Symposium, Washington, DC. 22-34.
447. Zogg, G. P., D. R. Zak, D. B. Ringelberg, N. W. MacDonald, K. S. Pregitzer, and D. C. White. 1997. Compositional and functional shifts in microbial communities due to soil warning. Soil Sci. Society of America 61:475-481.
448. Almeida, J. S., K. T. Leung, S. J. Macnaughton, C. A. Flemming, M. Wimpee, G. Davis, and D. C. White. 1998. Mapping changes in soil microbial community composition signaling for bioremediation. Bioremediation J. 1:255-264.
449. Alugupalli, S., M. K. Sikka, L. Larsson, and D. C. White. 1998. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry methods for the analysis of mycocerosic acids presents in Mycobacteriam tuberculosis. J. Microbial Methods 31:143-150.
450. Balkwill, D. L., E. M. Murphy, D. M. Fair, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1998. Microbial communities in high and low recharge environments: Implications for microbial transport in the vadose zone. Microbial Ecology 35:156-171.
451. Brockman, F. J., S. W. Li, J. K. Fredrickson, D. B. Ringelberg, T. L. Kieft, C. S. Spadoni, J. P. McKinley, and D. C. White. 1998. Post-sampling changes in microbial community composition and activity in a subsurface palesol. Microbial Ecology 36:152-164.
452. Burkhalter, R. S., C. A. Smith, D. C. White, R. Fayer, and A. B. White. 1998. The signature 10-Hydroxy stearic acid thought to correlate with infectivity in oocysts of Cryptosporidiumspecies is an artifact. Lipids 33:829-833.
453. Flemming, C. A., R. J. Palmer, A. Arrage, H. V. D. Mei, and D. C. White. 1998. Cell-surface physicochemistry alters biofilm development of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide-mutants. Biofouling 13:213-231.
454. Heitzer, A., B. Applegate, S. Kehrmeyer, H. Pinkart, O. F. Webb, T. J. Phelps, D. C. White, and G. S. Sayler. 1998. Physiological considerations of environmental applications of lux reporter fusions. J. Micro. Methods 33:45-57.
455. Holstrom, C., S. James, B. A. Neilan, D. C. White, and S. Kjelleberg. 1998. Pseudoalteromonas tunicata sp. nov., a bacterium that produces antifouling agents. International J. of Systematic Bacteriology 48:1205-1212.
456. Kieft, T. L., E. M. Murphy, D. L. Haldeman, P. S. Amy, B. N. Bjornstad, E. V. McDonald, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, J. O. Stair, R. P. Griffiths, T. C. Gsell, W. E. Holben, and D. R. Boone. 1998. Microbial transport, survival, and succession in a sequence of buried sediments. Microbial Ecology 36:336-348.
457. Onstott, T. C., T. J. Phelps, F. S. Colwell, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, D. R. Boone, J. P. McKinley, T. O. Stevens, D. L. Balkwill, T. Griffin, and T. Kieft. 1998. Observations pertaining to the origin and ecology of microorganisms recovered from the deep subsurface of Taylorsville Basin, Virginia. Geomicrobiology Journal 15:353-385.
458. Palmer, R. J., Park, J., Pedraza, A.J., Suci, P., Geesey, G. Kolenbrander, P.E., and White, D.C. 1998. Flowcell for combined FTIR spectroscopy confocal microscopy applied to oral biofilm research. Journal of Dental Research 77:287.
459. Pinkart, H. C., and D. C. White. 1998. Lipids of Pseudomonas. In T. Monte (ed.), Pseudomonas. Plemum Press, New York, NY. 111-137.
460. Venosa, A. D., G. A. Davis, J. R. Stephen, S. J. Macnaughton, Y.-J. Chang, and D. C. White. 1998. Microbial population changes during bioremediation of an experimental oil spill. Presented at the IMSE-8, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
461. White, D. C., C. A. Flemming, K. T. Leung, and S. J. Macnaughton. 1998. In situ microbial ecology for quantitative assessment, monitoring, and risk assessment of pollution remediation in soils, the subsurface, the rhizosphere and in biofilms. J. Micro. Methods 32:93-105.
462. White, D. C., R. J. Palmer, M. Zinn, C. A. Smith, R. Burkhalter, S. J. Macnaughton, K. W. Whitaker, and R. Kirkegaard. 1998. Manipulation of biofilm microbial ecology. Presented at the Eighth International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
463. White, D. C., T. J. Phelps, and T. C. Onstott. 1998. What's up down there? Current Opinions in Micro. 1:286-290.
464. Almeida, J., T. Crespo, F. Marques, P. Noble, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, D. C. White, and M. Carrondo. 1999. Microbial typing for management of remediation in contaminated soils. Presented at the African International Environmental Protection Symposium 1-9.
465. Brueggemann, J., Y.-J. Chang, G. A. Kowalchuk, S. J. Macnaughton, M. Itavaara, E. Kline, D. C. White, and J. R. Stephen. 1999. Dispelling the myths: How well do multiple competitive PCR products from 16S rDNA reflect the structures of microbial communities?, Biorad Tech Notes, p. 2525.
466. Flemming, C. A., Palmer, R.J., Arrage, A.A., Van der Mei, H.C. and White, D.C. 1999. Cell surface physico chemistry alters biofilm development of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide mutants. Biofouling 13:213-231.
467. Laskin, A. L., and D. C. White. 1999. Preface to special issue on Sphingomonas. J. Indust. Microbiol. 23:231.
468. Leung, K., S. Campbell, Y.-D. Gan, D. C. White, H. Lee, and J. Trevors. 1999. The role of Sphingomonas sp UG-30 pentachlotophrnol-4-monooxygenase in p-nitrophenol degradation. FEMS Letters 173:247-253.
469. Leung, K. T., J.-Y. Chang, Y. D. Gan, A. Peacock, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, R. S. Burkhalter, C. A. Flemming, and D. C. White. 1999. Detection of sphingomonas spp. in soil by PCR and sphingolipid biomarker analysis. J. Industrial Microbiology & Biotech. 23:252-260.
470. Macnaughton, S. J., M. R. Cormier, T. L. Jenkins, G. A. Davis, and D. C. White. 1999. Quantitative sampling of indoor air biomass by signature lipid biomarker analysis. J. Ind. Micro. Biotech. 22:80-87.
471. Macnaughton, S. J., J. R. Stephen, Y.-J. Chang, A. Peacock, C. A. Flemming, K. Leung, and D. C. White. 1999. Characterization of metal-resistant soil eubacteria by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis with isolation of resistant strains. Canadian J of Microbiology 45:116-124.
472. Macnaughton, S. J., J. R. Stephen, A. Venosa, G. Davis, Y.-J. Chang, and D. C. White. 1999. Microbial population changes during bioremediation of an experimental oil spill. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 65:3566-3574.
473. Palmer, R. J., B. Applegate, R. Burlage, G. Sayler, and D. C. White. 1999. Heterogeneity of gene expression and activity in bacterial biofilms. In A. Roda, M. Pazzagli, L. J. Kricka, and P. E. Stanley (ed.), Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Perspective for the 21th Century. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
474. Palmer, R. J., C. B. Phiefer, and D. C. White. 1999. Comparison of photon flux from single cells of the bioluminescent marine bacterium Vibrio fisheri and Vibrio harveyi using photon-counting microscopy. Luminescence 14:147-151.
475. Palmer, R. J., and D. C. White. 1999. Spatially resolved, quantitative determination of luciferase activity by photon-counting microscopy. In R. Doyle (ed.), Biofilms, Methods in Enzymology, vol. 310. Academic Press, New York, NY. 152-160.
476. Phiefer, C. P., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1999. Comparison of relative photon flux from single cells of the bioluminescent marine bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Vibrio harveyi using photon-counting microscopy. Luminescence 14:147-151.
477. Stephen, J. R., Y.-J. Chang, Y. D. Gan, A. Peacock, S. M. Pfiffner, M. J. Barcelona, D. C. White, and S. J. Macnaughton. 1999. Microbial characterization of a JP-4 fuel-contaminated site using a combined lipid biomarker/polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE)-based approach. Environ. Microbiol. 1:231-241.
478. Stephen, J. R., Y.-J. Chang, S. J. Macnaughton, G. Kowalchuk, K. Leung, C. A. Flemming, and D. C. White. 1999. Effect of toxic metals on indigenous soil B-Subgroup proteobacterium ammonia oxidizer community structure and protection against toxicity by inoculated metal-resistant bacteria. Applied & Environ. Microbiology 65:95-101.
479. Stephen, J. R., Y.-J. Chang, S. J. Macnaughton, S. L. Whitaker, C. Hicks, K. T. Leung, C. A. Flemming, and D. C. White. 1999. Fate of a metal-resistant inoculum in contaminated and pristine soils assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Environ. Toxicology and Chem. 18:1118-1123.
480. Summit, M., A. Peacock, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, and J. Baross. 1999. Phospholipid fatty acid-derived microbial biomass and community dynamics in hot, hydrothermally influenced sediments from Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Presented at the NSF Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results Leg 169.
481. Venkateswaran, K., J. Burghardt, M. E. Dollhopf, D. P. Lies, B. J. MacGregor, D. P. Moser, M. Nishijima, D. B. Ringelberg, D. A. Saffarini, H. Sano, E. Stackebrrandt, D. C. White, and K. H. Nealson. 1999. Polyphasic taxonomy of the genus Shewanella and description of Shewanella oneidensis sp.nov. Intern'l. J. Systematic Bacteriology 49:705-724.
482. White, D. C. 1999. Assessment of the consequences to below-ground rhizoshpere and non-rhizosphere associated microbiota in terms of community composition, biomass and activity in relation to changes in atmospheric CO2 under varying nutrient concentrations and moisture conditions. Presented at the Southeast Regional Center, National Institute for Global Environmental Change Report 68, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
483. White, D. C. 1999. Environmental biotechnology better living through biochemistry. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 10:217-219.
484. White, D. C., R. J. Palmer, R. Burkhalter, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, R. Kern, K. Venkateswaran, C. Smith, Y.-D. Gan, Y.-J. Chang, S. Whitaker, and R. Moss. 1999. Ulitzation of signature biomarkers to define microbial communities in biofilms and as contaminants of spacecraft searching for extraterrestrial life. Presented at the COST-520 Conference Reports, Sion, Switzerland, June 9-13.
485. White, D. C., J. R. Stephen, Y.-J. Chang, Y. D. Gan, A. Peacock, S. M. Pfiffner, M. J. Barcelona, and S. J. Macnaughton. 1999. Molecular characterization of microbial communities in a JP-4 fuel contaminated soil. Presented at the Battelle Fifth International Symposium In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, San Diego, CA, April 19-22, 1999, 345-350.
486. Zinn, M. S., R. D. Kirkegaard, R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1999. Laminar flow chamber for continuous monitoring of biofilm formation and succession. In R. Doyle (ed.), Biofilms Methods in Enzymology, vol. 310. Academic Press, Inc., New York, NY. 224-232.
487. Brueggemann, J., J. R. Stephen, Y.-J. Chang, S. J. Macnaughton, G. Kowalchuk, E. Kline, and D. C. White. 2000. Competitive PCR-DGGE analysis of bacterial mixtures: An internal standard and an appraisal of template enumeration accuracy. J. Microbiological Methods 40:111-123.
488. Chang, Y.-J., J. R. Stephen, A. P. Richter, A. D. Venosa, J. Brueggemann, S. J. Macnaughton, G. A. Kowalchuk, J. R. Haines, E. Kline, and D. C. White. 2000. Phylogenetic analysis of aerobic freshwater and marine enrichment cultures efficient in hydrocarbon degradation: Effect of profiling method. J. Micro. Methods 40:19-31.
489. Crocker, F. H., J. K. Fredrickson, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. L. Balkwill. 2000. Phylogenetic and physiological diversity of Arthrobacter strains isolated from unconsolidated subsurface sediments. Microbiology-SGM 146:1295-1310.
490. Franklin, M. J., D. C. White, B. Little, R. Ray, and R. Pope. 2000. The role of bacteria in pit propagation of carbon steel. Biofouling 15:13-23.
491. Hansen, M. C., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 2000. Flowcell culture of Porphromonas gingivalis biofilms under anaerobic conditions. J. Microbial Methods 40:233-239.
492. Hedrick, D. B., A. Peacock, J. R. Stephen, S. J. Macnaughton, J. Bruggemann, and D. C. White. 2000. Measuring soil microbial community diversity using polar lipid fatty acid and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis data. J. Micro. Methods 41:235-248.
493. Ivanova, I. A., J. R. Stephen, Y.-J. Chang, J. Brueggeman, P. E. Long, J. P. McKinley, G. A. Kowalchuk, D. C. White, and S. J. Macnaughton. 2000. A survey of 16S rRNA and amoA genes related to autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria of the Beta-subdivision of the class proteobacteria in contaminated groundwater. Can. J. Microbiol 46:1012-1020.
494. Little, B., R. Ray, R. Pope, M. Franklin and D. C. White. 2000. Saptial and temporal relationships between localized corrosion and bacterial activity on iron-containing subtrata. Presented at the Microbial Corrosion, Proceedings of the 4th International EFC Workshop, Dresden, Germany 163-167.
495. Lytle, C. A., G. J. Van Berkel, Y-D. M. Gan, and D. C. White. 2000. A rapid method for the accurate assessment of diglycerides in environmental matrices. Presented at the American Society for Mass Sprectrometry Meeting Long Beach, CA, June 11-15, 2000.
496. Lytle, C. A., Y.-D. Gan, and D. C. White. 2000. Electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry compatible reversed-phase separation of phospholipids: piperidine as a post column modifier for negative ion detection. J. Micro. Methods 41:227-234.
497. Marinelli, R. l., C. R. Lovell, S. G. Wakeham, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 2000. An experimental investigation of the control of bacterial community composition in macrofaunal burrows. Marine Ecol. Prog. Series 235:1-3.
498. Navarrete, A., A. Peacock, S. J. Macnaughton, J. Urmeneta, J. Mas-Castella, D. C. White, and R. Guerrero. 2000. Physiological status and community composition of microbial mats of the Ebro Delta, Spain, by signature lipid biomarkers. Microbial Ecology 39:92-99.
499. Palmer, R. J., Hansen, M.C., and White, D.C. 2000. Flowcell culture of Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilms under anaerobic conditions. Journal of Dental Research 79:421.
500. Pinkart, H. C., D. B. Ringelberg, Y. M. Piceno, S. J. Macnaughton, and D. C. White. 2000. Biochemical approaches to biomass measurements and community structure analysis. In C. H. H. D.A. Stahl, G. R. Knudsen, M. J. McInerney, L. D. Stetzenbach and M. V. Walters (ed.), Manual of Environmental Microbiology. ASM Press. 101-113.
501. Smith, C. A., C. B. Phiefer, S. J. Macnaughton, A. Peacock, R. S. Burkhalter, R. Kirkegaard, and D. C. White. 2000. Quantitative lipid biomarker detection of unculturable microbes and chlorine exposure in water distribution system biofilms. Water Research 34:2683-2688.
502. Venkateswaran, K., C. Echeverria, A. Vu, M. Musick, S. Chung, R. Koukol, R. Kern, and D. C. White. 2000. Phylogenetic characterization and description of Novel tolerant Bacillusspecies isolated from spacecraft assembly facility. Presented at the 30th Intern'l Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) Symposium, Toulouse, France.
503. White, D. C., C. A. Lytle, Y.-D. Gan, and A. Peacock. 2000. Rapid detection/identification of microbes, bacterial spores, microbial communities, and metabolic activities in environmental matrices. In J. A. Glasser and V. Sasek (ed.), The Utilization of Bioremediation to Reduce Soil Contamination: Problems and Solutions. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Liblice Castle, Prague. 3-20.
504. White, D. C., C. A. Lytle, Y.-D. Gan, Y. M. Piceno, M. H. Wimpee, A. Peacock, and C. A. Smith. 2000. Flash detection/identification of pathogens, bacterial spores and bioterrorism agents biomarkers from clinical and environmental matrices. Presented at the Proceed Fourth International Symposium on the Interface between Analytical Chemistry and Microbiology, Tregastel, France.
505. Zinn, M., R. C. Zimmerman, and D. C. White. 2000. Environmentally acceptable control of microbial biofilms. In L. V. Evans (ed.), Biofilms: Recent Advances in their Study and Control. CRC Press. 361-374.
506. Balkwill, D., J. Chen, M. DeFlaun, F. Dobbs, H. Dong, J. Fredrickson, M. Fuller, M. Green, T. Ginn, T. Griffin, W. Holben, S. Hubbard, W. Johnson, P. Long, B. Mailoux, E. Majer, M. McInerney, C. Murray, T. C. Onstott, T. J. Phelps, T. Scheibe, D. Swift, D. C. White, and F. Wobber. 2001. Breakthroughs in field-scale bacterial transport. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 82:417, 423-425.
507. Chang, Y.-J., A. K. M. A. Hussain, J. R. Stephens, M. D. Mullen, D. C. White, and A. D. Peacock. 2001. Impact of herbicides on the abundance and structure of indigenous β-subgroup ammonia oxidizer communities in soil microcosms. Environment. Chem. Tox. 20:2462-2468.
508. Chang, Y.-J., A. Peacock, P. E. Long, J. R. .Stephen, J. P. McKinley, S. J. Macnaughton, A. K. M. A. Hussain, A. M. Saxton, and D. C. White. 2001. Diversity and characterization of sulfate-reducing bacteria in groundwater at a uranium mill tailings site. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67:3149-3160.
509. Hansen, M. C., R. J. Palmer, C. Udsen, D. C. White, and S. Molin. 2001. Assessment of GFP-fluorescence in cells of Streptococcus gordonii under conditions of low pH and low oxygen concentration. Microbiology-SGM 147:1383-1391.
510. Lytle, C. A., G. J. V. Berkle, and D. C. White. 2001. Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization for the Analysis of Ubiquinones and Memaquinones. Presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Chicago, IL, May 27-31, 2001.
511. Lytle, C. A., M. E. Fuller, Y.-D. Gan, A. Peacock, M. F. DeFlaun, T. C. Onstott, and D. C. White. 2001. Utility of high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry of polar lipids in a specifically per -13C labeled gram-negative bacteria DA001 as a tracer for acceleration of bioremedition in the subsurface. J. Micro. Methods 44:271-281.
512. Lytle, C. A., Y.-D. Gan, K. Salone, and D. C. White. 2001. Sensitive characterization of microbial ubiquinones from biofilms by electrospray/mass spectrometry. Environ. Microbiology 3:265-272.
513. Myers, R. T., D. R. Zak, D. C. White, and A. Peacock. 2001. Landscape-level patterns of microbial community composition and substrate use in upland forest ecosystems. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 65:359-367.
514. Peacock, A. D., S. J. Macnaughton, J. M. Cantu, V. H. Dale, and D. C. White. 2001. Soil microbial biomass and community composition along an anthropogenic disturbance gradient within a long-leaf pine habitat. Ecological Indicators 1:113-121.
515. Peacock, A. D., M. D. Mullen, D. B. Ringelberg, D. D. Tyler, D. B. Hedrick, P. M. Gale, and D. C. White. 2001. Soil microbial community response to dairy manure or ammonium nitrate applications. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33:1011-1019.
516. Venkateswaran, K., M. Satomi, S. Chung, R. Kern, R. Koukol, C. Basic, and D. C. White. 2001. Molecular microbial diversity of a spacecraft assembly facility. Systematic and Applied Microbiol. 24:311-320.
517. White, D. C., Y.-J. Chang, A. D. Peacock, P. E. Long, J. P. McKinley, A. K. M. A. Hussain, A. M. Saxton, J. S. Almeida, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, T. L. Marsh, D. Long, and G. Icopini. 2001. Assessment of the impact of Cr(III) and U(VI) contamination on soil and sediment microbial community composition. Presented at the Proceedings of the 6th International Conferene on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, July 29-August 2, 2001, 336.
518. Xavier, J. B., A. Schnell, S. Wuertz, R. Palmer, D.C. White, J. S. Almeida. 2001. Objective threshold selection procedure (OTS) for segmentation of scanning confocal laser microscopy images. Journal of Microbiological Methods 47:169-180.
519. Gouffon, J. S., R. Geyer, A. D. Peacock, Y-D. Gan, Y-J. Chang, K. Salone, K. Lytle, K. I. Sublette, and D. C. White. 2002. Rapid quatitative detection of pathogens and contamination by analysis of biofilms generated on coupons in water resource management. Presented at the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Research (ICWRER), Dresden, Germany, July 22-25, 2002, 305-310.
520. Gu, B., D. B. Watson, L. Wu, D. H. Philips, D. C. White, and J.-Z. Zhou. 2002. Microbiological characterization in azero-valent iron reactive barrier. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 77:293-309.
521. Marinelli, R. L., C.R. Lovell, S. G. Wakeham, D.B. Ringelber, and D. C. White. 2002. An experimental investigation of the control of bacterial community composition in macrofaunal burrows. Marine Ecol. Prog. Series 235:1-13.
522. Peacock, A., S. J. Macnaughton, J. M. Cantu, V. H. Dale, and D. C. White. 2002. Soil microbial biomass and community composition along an anthropogenic disturbance gradient within a long-leaf pine habitat. Ecological Indicators 12:1-9.
523. Phillips, R. L., D. R. Zak, W. E. Holmes and D. C. White. 2002. Microbial community composition and function beneath temperate trees exposed to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone. Oecologia 131:236-244.
524. Phillips, R. W., J. Wiegel, C. J. Berry, C. Fliermans, A. D. Peacock, D. C. White and L. J. Shimkets. 2002. Kineococcus radiotolerans sp. nov., a radiation-resistant, Gram-positive bacterium. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52:933-938.
525. Ward, D. C., and D. C. White. 2002. The new "omics era, Editoral Overview. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 13:11-13.
526. White, D. C., C.A. Lytle, Y-D. Gan, Y.M. Piceno, M.H. Wimpee, A. Peacock and C. A. Smith. 2002. Flash detection/identification of pathogens, bacterial spores and bioterrorism agents biomarkers from clinical and environmental matrices. Journal of Microbiological Methods 48:139-147.
527. White, D. C. 2002. Microbial community analysis. Environmental Microbiology 4:13-14.
528. Zhang, C. I., Q. Ye, A.-L. Reysenbach, D. Goetz, A. Peacock, D. C. White, J. Horita, D. R. Cole, J. Fong, L. Pratt, J. Fang, and Y. Huang. 2002. Carbon isotopic fractionations associated with thermophilic bacteria Thermotoga maritima and Persephonella marina. Environmental Microbiology 4:58-64.
529. Zhang, C. L., Y. Li, J. D. Wall, L. Larsen, R. Sassen, Y. Huang, Y. Wang, A. Peacock, D. C. White, J. Horitia, and D. R. Cole. 2002. Lipid and carbon isotopic evidence of methane-oxidizing and sulfate-reducing bacteria in association with gas hydrates from the Gulf of Mexico. Geology 30:239-242.
530. Anderson, R. T., H. A. Vrionis, I. Ortiz-Bernad, C. T. Resch, A. D. Peacock, R. Dayvault, S. Marutzky, D. R. Metzler, K. Karp, M. Lowe, D. C. White, P. E. Long, and D. R. Lovely. 2003. Stimulating the in situ activity of geobacter species to remove uranium from the groundwater of a uranium-contaminated aquifer. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69:5884-5891.
531. Dale, V. H., P. J. Mulholland, L. M. Olsen, J. W. Feminella, K. O. Maloney, D. C. White, A. D. Peacock, T. Foster. 2003. Selecting a suite of ecological indicators for resource management. Presented at the Landscape Ecology and Wildlife Habitat Evaluation: Critical Information for Ecological Risk Assessment, Land-Use Management Activities and Biodiversity Enhancement Practices, Kansas City, MO, April 7-9, 2003, 3-17.
532. Geyer, R., A. Bittkau, M. Gan, D. Schlosser, and D. C. White. 2003. Advantages of lipid biomarkers in the assessment of environmental microbial communities in contaminated aquifers and surface waters. Presented at the Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Research, Dresden University of Technology, Leipzig, Germany 163-167.
533. Moser, D. P., T. C. Onstott, J. K. Fredrickson, F. J. Brockman, D. L. Balkwill, G. R. Drake, S. M. Pfiffner, D. C. White. 2003. Temporal shifts in the geochemistry and microbial community structure of an ultradeep mine borehole following isolation. Geomicrobiology 20:517-548.
534. Musslewhite, C. I., M. D. McInerney, H. Dong, T. C. Onstott, M. Green-Blum, D. Swift, and S. J. Macnaughton. 2003. The Factors Controlling Microbial Distribution and Activity in the Shallow subsurface. Geomicrobiology 20:245-261.
535. Onstott, T. C., D. P. Moser, S. M. Pfiffner, J. K. Fredrickson, F. J. Brockman, T. J. Phelps, D. C. White, A. D. Peacock, D. Balkwill, R. Hoover, L. R. Krumholz, H. Borscik, T. L. Kieft, R. Wilson. 2003. Indigenous and contaminant microbes in ultradeep mines. Environmental Microbiology 5:1168-1191.
536. Peacock, A. D., K. L. Sublette, A. Moralwar, G. Davis, D. C. White. 2003. In situ monitoring of chlorinated hydrocarbon remediation potential using baited Bio-Sep traps, In the Preceedings of the Second International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy.
537. Peacock, A. D., K. L. Sublette, A. Moralwar, G. A. Davis, M. C. Harrison, and D. C. White. 2003. In Situ Monitoring of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Remediation Potential Using Baited Bio-Sep Traps. Presented at the Second International Conference on Remediation of Contaminated Sediments, Venice, Italy, Sep 30 - Oct 3, 2003.
538. Singleton, D. R., M. A. Furlong, A. D. Peacock, D. C. White, D. C. Coleman, W. B. Whitman. 2003. Solirubrobacter pauli gen. nov., sp. nov., a mesophilic bacterium within the Rubrobacteridae related to common soil clones. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 53:485-490.
539. Sissons, C. H., Anderson, S.A., Wong, L., White, D.C. 2003. Effects of pulsed sucrose, plaque pH, and oral fluid analogues on the microbiota of dental plaque microcosm. Journal of Dental Research 82:B243.
540. Sublette, K. L., A. D. Peacock, G. A. Davis, M. C. Harrison, R. Geyer, D. C. White. 2003. In Situ Monitoring of the Remediation of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Using "Bug Traps". In V. S. M. a. M. E. Kelley (ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, Orlando, FL.
541. White, D. C., J. S. Gouffon, A. D. Peacock, R. Geyer, A. Biernacki, G. A. Davis, M. Pryor, M. B. Tabacco, and K. L. Sublette. 2003. Forensic Analysis by Comprehensive Rapid Detection of Pathogens and Contamination Concentrated in Biofilms in Drinking Water Systems for Water Resource Protection and Management. Environmental Forensics 4:63-74.
542. Xavier, J. B., White, D. C. and Almeida, J. S. 2003. Automated biofilm morphology quantification from confocal laser scanning microscopy imaging. Water Science and Technology 47:31-37.
543. Zak, D. R., W. E. Holmes, D. C. White, A. D. Peacock, and D. Tilman. 2003. Plant diversity, soil microbial communities, and ecosystem function: Are there any links? Ecology 84:2042-2050.
544. Zhang, C. I., Y. Li, E. Ye, J. Fong, A. Peacock, E. Blunt, J. Fang, D. Lovly, and D. C. White. 2003. Carbon isotope signatures of fatty acids in Geobacter metallireducens and Shewanella putreficiens. Chem. Geol. 195:17-28.
545. Chintan, M., K. L. Sublette, A. D. Peacock, G. A. Davis, M. C., Harrison, D. C. White, S. Fogel, M. Findley, N. E. Frazier. 2004. A comparison of in situ baited Bio-Sep bead traps and ex situ microcosms in the evaluation of potential remediation amandments in a PCE-contaminated aquifer, Fourth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA.
546. Geyer, R., A. D. Peacock, D. C. White, C. Lytle, G. J. Van Berkel. 2004. Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization and atmospheric pressure photoionization for simultaneous mass spectrometirc analysis of microbial respiratory ubiquinones and menaquinones. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 39:922-929.
547. Istok, J. D., Senko, J.M., Krumholz, L. R., Watson, D., Bogle, M.A., Peacock, A., Chang, Y.J., White, D.C. 2004. In situ bioreduction of technetium and uranium in a nitrate-contaminated aquifer. Environmental Science and Technology 38:468-475.
548. Losi, M. E., A. Oslick, A. Eloskof, A. Peacock, D. C. White, E. Dienzo, and T. Macchiarella. 2004. Monitoring of Subsurface Bioprocesses Using Quantitative Biomarker Analyses. In A. R. G. a. A. S. C. Chen (ed.), Fourth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. Battelle Press, Monterey, CA.
549. Navarrete, A., J. Urmeneta, J. M. Cantu, E. Vegas, D. C. White, R. Guerrero. 2004. Signature lipid biomarkers of microbial mats of the Ebro Delta (Spain), Camargue and Etang de Berre (France): An assessment of biomass activity. Ophelia 58:175-187.
550. Peacock, A. D., Y-J. Chang, J. D. Istok, L. Krumholz, R. Geyer, B. L. Kinsall, D. Watson, D. C. White. 2004. Utilization of microbial biofilms as monitors of bioremediation. Microbial Ecology 47:284-292.
551. Runion, G., Stephen Prior, Donald Reeves, Hugo Rogers, Donald Reicosky, Aaron Peacock, David White. 2004. Microbial Responses to Wheel-Traffic in Conventional and No-Tillage Systems. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 35:2891-2903.
552. Villanueva, L., A. Navarrete, J. Urmeneta, D. C.White, R. Guerrero. 2004. Combined phospholipids biomarker -16S rDNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of bacterial diversity and physiological status in an intertidal microbial mat. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70:6920-6926.
553. Villanueva, L., A. Navarrete, J. Urmeneta, D. C.White, R. Guerrero. 2004. Physiological status and microbial diversity assessment of microbial mats: The signature lipid biomarker approach Ophelia 58:165-173.
554. Zhang, C. L., B. W. Fouke, G. T. Bonheyo, A. D. Peacock, D. C. White, Y. Huang, C. S. Romanek. 2004. Lipid biomarkers and carbon-isotopes of modern travertine deposits (Yellowston National Park, USA): Implications for biogeochemical dynamics in hot-spring systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 68:3157-3169.
555. Chang, Y.-J., Philip E. Long, Roland Geyer, Aaron D. Peacock, Charles T. Resch, Kerry Sublette, Susan Pfiffner, Amanda Smithgall, Robert T. Anderson, Helen A. Vrionis, John R. Stephen, Richard Dayvault, Irene Ortiz-Bernad, Derek R. Lovley, and David C. White. 2005. Microbial Indorporation of 13C-Labeled Acetate at the Field Scale: Detection of Microbes Responsible for Reduction of U(VI). Environmental Science and Technology 39:9039-9048.
556. Chun, S., Jaehoon Lee, Roland Geyer, and David C. White. 2005. Comparison of Three Extraction Methods for 17 β-Estradiol in Sand, Bentonite, and Organic-Rich Silt Loam. Journal of Enviornmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 40:731-740.
557. Chun, S., Jaehoon Lee, Roland Geyer, David W. White and D. Raj Raman. 2005. Effect of Agricultural Antiobotics on the Persistence and Transformation of 17 β-Estradiol in a Sequatchie Loam. Journal of Enviornmental Science and Health Part B-Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 40:741-751.
558. Fayek, M., Satoshi Utsunomiya, Susan M. Pfiffner, David C. White, Lee R. Riciputi, Rodney C. Ewing, Lawrence M. Anovitz and Frank J. Stadermann. 2005. The Application of HRTEM Techniques and Nonosims to Chemically and Isotopically Characterize Geobacter Sulfurreducens Surfaces. The Canadian Mineralogist 43:1631-1641.
559. Geyer, R., A. D. Peacock, A. Miltner, H. H. Richnow, D. C. White, K. L. Sublette, and M. Kästner. 2005. In Situ Assessment of Biodegradation Potential Using Biotraps Amended with 13C-Labeled Benzene or Toluene. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:4983-4989.
560. Hedrick, D. B., Aaron Peacock, David C. White. 2005. Interpretation of Fatty Acid Profiles of Soil Microorganisms. In R. M. F. Schinner (ed.), Soil Biology, Manual for Soil Analysis, vol. 5. Spring-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 251-259.
561. Luo, Q., Lee R. Krumholz, Fares Z. Najar, Aaron D. Peacock, Bruce A. Roe, David C. White and Mostafa S. Elshahed. 2005. Diversity of the Microeukaryotic Community in Sulfide-Rich Zodletone Spring (Oklahoma). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71:6175-6184.
562. McKinley, V. L., A. D. Peacock, D. C. White. 2005. Microbial community PLFA and PHB responses to ecosystem restoration in tall grass prairie soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37:1946-1958.
563. Vrionis, H. A., Robert T. Anderson, Irene Ortiz-Bernad, Kathleen R. O'Neill, Charles T. Resch, Aaron D. Peacock, Richard Dayvault, David C. White, Philip E. Long, and Derek R. Lovley. 2005. Microbiological and Geochemical Heterogeneity in an In Situ Uranium Bioremediation Field Site. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71:6308-6318.
564. White, D. C., Roland Geyer, Aaron D. Peacock, David B. Hedrick, Stephen S. Koenigsberg, Youlboong Sung, Jianzhong He and Frank E. Löffler. 2005. Phospholipid Furan Fatty Acids and Ubiquinon-8: Lipid Biomarkers That May Protect Dehlococcoides Strains from Free Radicals. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71:8426-8433.
565. White, D. C., Roland Geyer, James Cantu, Sung-Chan Jo, Aaron D. Peacock, Arnold M. Saxton, Sachin Mani, Marti Jett, Owen R. Moss. 2005. Feasibility of assessment of regulatory lipids in breath condensate as potential presymptomatic harbingers of pulmonary pathobiology. Journal of Microbiological Methods 62:293-302.
566. Avadhani, M., R. Geyer, D. C. White, L. J. Shimkets. 2006. Lysophosphatidylethanolamine is a substrate for the short-chain alcohol dehydrogenase SocA from Myxococcus xanthus. Journal of Bacteriology 188:8543-8550.
567. Biggerstaff, J. P., M. Le Puil, B. L. Weidow, J. Prater, K. Glass, M. Radosevich, D. C. White. 2006. New methodology for viability testing in environmental samples. Molecular and Cellular Probes 20:141-146.
568. Cardace, D., J.D. Morris, A.D. Peacock, and D. C. White. 2006. Habitability of Subseafloor Sediments at the Costa Rica Convergent Margin. Presented at the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 1-26.
569. Chun, S., J. Lee, M. Radosevich, D. C. White, R. Geyer. 2006. Influence of Agricultural Antibiotics and 17β- Estradiol on the Microbial Community of Soil. Journal of Enviornmental Science and Health Part B 41:923-935.
570. Curtis, P. D., Roland Geyer, David C. White, and Lawrence J. Shimkets. 2006. Novel lipids in Myxococcus xanthus and their role in chemotaxis. Environmental Microbiology 8:1935-1949.
571. Le Puil, M., J. P. Biggerstaff, B. L. Weidow, J. R. Price, S. A. Naser, D. C. White, R. S. Alberte. 2006. A novel fluorescence imaging technique combining deconvolution microscopy and spectral analysis for quantitative detection of opportunistic pathogens. Journal of Microbiological Methods 67:597-602.
572. Pfiffner, S. M., James M. Cantu, Amanda Smithgall, Aaron D. Peacock, and David C. White. 2006. Deep Subsurface Microbial Biomass and Community Structure in Witwatersrand Basin Mines. Geomicrobiology 23:431-442.
573. Schryver, J. C., Craig C. Brandt, Susan M. Pfiffner, Anthony V. Palumbo, Aaron D. Peacock, David C. White, James P. McKinley and Philip E. Long. 2006. Application of Nonlinear Analysis Methods for Identifying Relationships Between Microbial Community Structure and Groundwater Geochemistry. Microbial Ecology 51:177-188.
574. Sublette, K. L., Aaron Peacock, David C. White, Greg David, Dora Ogles, David Cook, Ravi Kolhatkar, Dennis Beckmann, and Xiaomin Yang. 2006. Monitoring Subsurface Microbial Ecology in a Sulfate-Amended, Gasoline-Contaminated Aquifer. Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation 26:70-78.
575. Biggerstaff, J. P., M. Le Puil, B. L. Weidow, J. Leblanc-Gridley, E. Jennings, J. Busch-Harris, K.L. Sublette, D. C. White, R. S. Alberte. 2007. A novel and in situ technique for the quantitative detection of MTBE and benzene degrading bacteria in contaminated matrices. Journal of Microbiological Methods 68:437-41.
576. Kapanen, A., J. R. Stephen, J. Brüggemann, A. Kiviranta, D. C. White, and M. Itävaara 2007. Diethl phthalate in compost: Ecotocicological effects and response of the microbial community. Chemosphere 67:2201-2298.
577. Li, Y.-L., Peacock, Aaron D., White, David C., Geyer, Roland, Zhang, Chuanlun L. 2007. Spatial patterns of bacterial signature biomarkers in marine sediments of the Gulf of Mexico. Chemical Geology 238:168-179.
578. Michalsen, M. M., A. D. Peacock, A. M. Span, A. N. Smithgall, D. C. White, Y. Sanchez-Rosario, L. R. Krumholz, J. D. Istok. 2007. Changes in Microbial Community Composition and Geochemistry During Uranium and Technetium Bio-Immobilization. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.00309-07:1-29.
579. Villanueva, L., Antonie Navarrete, Jordi Urmeneta, Roland Geyer, David C.White and Ricardo Guerrero. 2007. Monitoring DielVariations of Physiological Status and Bacterial Diversity in an Estuarine Microbial Mat: An Integrated Biiomarker Analysis. Microbial Ecology March 9.
580. Villanueva, L., A. Navarrete, J. Urmeneta, D. C.White, R. Guerrero. 2007. Analysis of diurnal and vertical microbial diversity of a hypersaline microbial mat. Arch Microbiol 188:137-46.