Peer-reviewed Publications - By Topic
The following is a partial list broken out by topic. You may also view the complete list in chronological order. Click on the number to get the full text of the paper, which is available for most papers.Changes in the microbial community on incubation at 4oC
345. Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, D. C. White, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1994. Changes in bacteria recoverable from subsurface volcanic rock samples during storage at 4oC. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:2697-2703.451. Brockman, F. J., S. W. Li, J. K. Fredrickson, D. B. Ringelberg, T. L. Kieft, C. S. Spadoni, J. P. McKinley, and D. C. White. 1998. Post-sampling changes in microbial community composition and activity in a subsurface palesol. Microbial Ecology 36:152-164.
Lipid Analytical Basics
98. Davis, W. M., and D. C. White. 1980. Fluorometric determination of adenosine nucleotide derivatives as measures of the microfouling, detrital and sedimentary microbial biomass and physiological status. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 40:539-548.161. Hedrick, D. B., and D. C. White. 1986. Microbial respiratory quinones in the environment I. A sensitive lipuid chromatiographic method. J. Microbiol. Methods 5:243-254.
304. Lovely, D. R., S. J. Giovannoni, D. C. White, J. E. Champine, E. J. P. Phillips, Y. A. Gorby, and S. Goodwin. 1992. Geobacter metallireducens gen. nov. sp. nov., a microorganism capable of coupling the complete oxidation of organic compounds to the reduction of iron and other metals. Arch. Microbiol. 159:336-344.
387. White, D. C. 1995. Chemical ecology: Possible linkage between macro- and microbial ecology. OIKOS 74:177-184.
415. White, D. C., J. O. Stair, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Quantitative comparisons of in situ microbial biodiversity by signature biomarker analysis. J. Indust. Microbiol. 17:185-196.
435. Ringelberg, D. B., S. D. Sutton, and D. C. White. 1997. Biomass, bioactivity and biodiversity: microbial ecology of the deep subsurface: analysis of ester-linked phospholipid fatty acids. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20:371-377.
Studies in reporters for biofilms
418. Arrage, A. A., and D. C. White. 1997. Monitoring biofilm-induced persistence of Mycobacterium in drinking water systems using GFP fluorescence. In J. W. Hastings, L. J. Kricka, and P. E. Stanley (ed.), Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Molecular Reporting with Photons. John Wiley & Sons, Woods Hole, MA. 383-386.476. Phiefer, C. P., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1999. Comparison of relative photon flux from single cells of the bioluminescent marine bacteria Vibrio fischeri and Vibrio harveyi using photon-counting microscopy. Luminescence 14:147-151.
Studies in the subsurface
125. White, D. C., G. A. Smith, M. J. Gehron, J. H. Parker, R. H. Findlay, R. F. Martz, and H. L. Fredrickson. 1983. The ground water aquifer microbiota: Biomass, community structure and nutritional status. Developments in Industrial Microbiol 24:201-211.126. White, D. C., J. T. Wilson, J. F. McNabb, W. G. Ghiorse, and D. L. Balkwill. 1983. Ground water sediment microbiota an unususal consortium. Presented at the Procced. Sixth Internat'l Symposium Environmental Bio-Geochemistry, Santa Fe, NM 1-12.
176. Smith, G. A., J. S. NIckels, B. D. Kerger, J. D. Davis, S. P. Collins, J. T. Wilson, J. F. McNabb, and D. C. White. 1986. Quantitative characterization of microbial biomass and community struture in subsurface material: A prokaryotic consortium responsive to organic contamination. Canad. J. Microbiol. 32:104-111.
199. Balkwill, D. L., F. R. Leach, J. T. Wilson, J. F. McNabb, and D. C. White. 1988. Equivalence of microbial biomass measures based on membrane lipid and cell wall components, adenosine triposphate, and direct counts in subsurface sediments. Microbial Ecology 16:73-84.
204. Fliermans, C. B., T. J. Phelps, D. B. Ringelberg, A. T. Mikell, and D. C. White. 1988. Mineralization of trichloroethylene by heterotrophic enrichment cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:1709-1714.
213. Phelps, T. J., D. B. Ringelberg, D. B. Hedrick, J. D. Davis, C. B. Fliermans, and D. C. White. 1988. Microbial activities and biomass associated with subsurface environments contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons. Geomicrobiology 6:157-170.
229. Phelps, T. J., C. B. Fliermans, T. R. Garland, S. M. Pfiffner, and D. C. White. 1989. Methods for recovery of deep terrestrial subsurface sediments for microbiological studies. J. Microbiol. Methods 9:267-279.
230. Phelps, T. J., D. B. Hedrick, D. B. Ringelberg, C. B. Fliermans, and D. C. White. 1989. Utility of radiotracer activity measurements for subsurface microbiology studies. J. Microbiol. Methods 9:15-27.
232. Ringelberg, D. B., J. D. Davis, G. A. Smith, S. M. Pfiffner, P. D. Nichols, J. B. Nickels, J. M. Hensen, J. T. Wilson, M. Yates, D. H. Kampbell, H. W. Reed, T. T. Stocksdale, and D. C. White. 1989. Validation of signature polarlipid fatty acid biomarkers for alkane-utilizing bacteria in soils and subsurface aquifer materials. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 62:39-50.
238. Tunlid, A., D. B. Ringelberg, T. J. Phelps, C. Low, and D. C. White. 1989. Measurement of phospholipid fatty acids at picomolar concentrations in biofilms and deep subsurface sediments using gas chromatography and chemical ionization mass spectrometry. J. Microbiol. Methods 10:139-153.
264. Federle, T. W., R. M. Ventullo, and D. C. White. 1991. Spatial distrihution of microbial biomass, activity, community structure, and xenobiotic biodegradation in the subsurface. In C. B. Fliermans and T. C. Hazen (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface. WSRC Informations Services, Aiken, SC. 7-109 7-115.
282. Phelps, T. J., J. J. Niedzielski, and D. C. White. 1991. Biodegradation of mixed organic wastes by microbial consortia enriched from subsurface sediments. In C. F. Fliermans and T. C. Hazen (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface. WSRC Information Services, Orlando, FL. 7-71 to 7-79.
284. Phelps, T. J., and D. C. White. 1991. Activities of microorganisms in deep, unconsolidated Eastern coastal plain sediments. In C. F. Fliermans and T. C. Hazen (ed.), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface. WSRC Information Services, Aiken, SC. 4-125 to 4-135.
291. White, D. C., D. B. Ringelberg, J. B. Guckert, and T. J. Phelps. 1991. Biochemical markers for in situ microbial community structure. Presented at the Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface, Aiken, SC 4-45 to 4-56.
304. Lovely, D. R., S. J. Giovannoni, D. C. White, J. E. Champine, E. J. P. Phillips, Y. A. Gorby, and S. Goodwin. 1992. Geobacter metallireducens gen. nov. sp. nov., a microorganism capable of coupling the complete oxidation of organic compounds to the reduction of iron and other metals. Arch. Microbiol. 159:336-344.
320. Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1993. Characterization of the microbiology within a 21 m3 section of rock from the deep subsurface. Microbiol. Ecol. 26:145-159.
342. Cox, E. E., D. W. Major, D. W. Acton, T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. 1994. Evaluating trichloroethylene biodegradation by measuring the in situ and activities of microbial populations. In R. E. Hinchee, A. Leeson, L. Semprini, and S. K. Ong (ed.), Bioremediation of Chlorinated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. Lewis Pub., Ann Arbor, MI. 37-49.
345. Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, D. C. White, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1994. Changes in bacteria recoverable from subsurface volcanic rock samples during storage at 4oC. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:2697-2703.
348. Kieft, T. L., D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1994. Changes in ester-linked phospholipid fatty acid profiles of subsurface bacteria during starvation and desiccation in a porous medium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:3292-3299.
357. Phelps, T. J., E. M. Murphy, S. M. Pfiffner, and D. C. White. 1994. Comparison of geochemical and biological estimates of subsurface microbial activity. Microbial Ecology 28:335-349.
358. Phelps, T. J., S. M. Pfiffner, R. Mackowski, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, S. E. Herbes, and A. V. Palumbo. 1994. Application of microbial biomass and activity measures to asses in situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents. In R. E. Hinchee, A. Leeson, L. Semprini, and S. K. Ong (ed.), Bioremeidation of Chlorinated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. Lewis Pub., Ann Arbor, MI. 404-408.
359. Phelps, T. J., S. M. Pfiffner, K. A. Sargent, and D. C. White. 1994. Factors influencing the abundance and metabolic capacities of microorganisms in eastern coastal sediments. Microb. Ecology 28:351-364.
360. Ringelberg, D. B., T. Townsend, K. A. DeWeerd, J. M. Suflita, and D. C. White. 1994. Detection of the anaerobic declorinator Desulfomonile tiedjei in soil by its signature lipopolysaccharide branched-long-chain hydroxy fatty acids. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 14:9-18.
374. Fredrickson, J. K., D. L. Balkwill, G. R. Drake, M. F. Romine, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1995. Aromatic-degradation spingomonas isolates from the deep subsurface. Applied and Environ. Micro. 61:1917-1922.
376. Haldeman, D. L., P. S. Amy, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, R. E. Garen, and W. C. Ghiorse. 1995. Microbial growth and resuscitation alter community structure after pertubation. FEMS Microb. Ecol. 17:27-37.
379. Lehman, R. M., F. S. Colwell, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1995. Combined microbial community-level analyses for quality assurance of terrestial subsurface cores. J. Microbiol. Methods 22:263-281.
388. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1995. Utility of signature lipid biomarker analysis in determining the in situ viable biomass, community structure, and nutritional/physiologic status of the deep subsurface microbiota. In P. S. A. a. D. L. Haldeman (ed.), The Microbiology of the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface. CRC Press Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL. 119-136.
409. White, D. C., H. C. Pinkart, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Biomass measurements: Biochemical approaches. In C. H. Hurst, G. Knudsen, M. McInerney, L. D. Stetzenach, and M. Walter (ed.), Manual of Environmental Microbiology. American Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, DC. 91-101.
411. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Monitoring deep subsurface microbiota for assessment of safe long-term nuclear waste disposal. Can. J. Microbiol. 42:375-381.
412. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. Quantitative assessment of in situ microbial communities affecting nuclear waste disposal. Presented at the Waste Management '96, Tuscon, AZ.
419. Balkwill, D. L., G. R. Drake, R. H. Reeves, J. K. Fredrickson, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, D. P. Chandler, M. F. Romine, D. W. Kennedy, and C. M. Spadoni. 1997. Taxonomic study of aromatic-degrading bacteria from deep-terrestrial-subsurface sediments and description of Sphingomonas aromavorans sp. nov., Sphingomonas subterranea sp. nov. and Sphingomonas stygiasp. nov. Intern'l J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47:191-201.
421. Colwell, F. S., T. C. Onstott, M. E. Delwiche, D. Chandler, J. K. Fredrickson, Q.-J. Yao, J. P. McKinley, D. R. Boon, R. Griffiths, T. J. Phelps, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, L. LaFreniere, D. Balkwill, R. M. Lehman, J. Konisky, and P. E. Long. 1997. Microorganisms from deep, high temperature sandstones: constraints on microbial colonization. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20:425-435.
423. Fredrickson, J. K., J. P. McKinley, B. N. Bjornstad, P. E. Long, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, L. R. Krumholz, J. M. Suflita, F. S. Colwell, R. M. Lehman, and T. J. Phelps. 1997. Pore-size constraints on activity and survival of subsurface bacteria in a late cretaceous shale-sandstone sequence, northwestern New Mexico. Geomicrobiology Journal 14:183-202.
424. Kieft, T. L., W. P. Kovacik, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, D. L. Haldeman, P. S. Amy, and L. E. Hersman. 1997. Factors limiting microbial growth and activity at a proposed high-level nuclear repository, Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Applied and Environ. Microbiology 63:3128-3133.
425. Kieft, T. L., E. M. Murphy, P. S. Amy, D. L. Haldeman, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1997. Laboratory and field evidence for long-term starvation survival of microorganisms in subsurface terrestrial environments. Presented at the Proceedings Instruments, Methods and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Organisms, San Diego, CA, July 27 - August 1, 1997, 366-377.
426. Kieft, T. L., E. Wilch, K. O'Conner, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1997. Survival and phospholipid fatty acid profiles of surface and subsurface bacteria in natural sediment microcosms. Applied & Environ. Microbiology 63:1531-1542.
430. Onstott, T. C., K. Tobin, H. Dong, M. F. DeFlaun, J. K. Fredrickson, T. Bailey, F. Brockman, T. Kieft, A. Peacock, D. C. White, D. Balkwill, T. J. Phelps, and D. R. Boone. 1997. The deep gold mines of South Africa: Windows into the subsurface biosphere. Presented at the Proc. Instruments, Methods and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrail Organisms, SPIE, International Society for Optical Engineering, San Diego, CA, July 27-August 1, 1997.
435. Ringelberg, D. B., S. D. Sutton, and D. C. White. 1997. Biomass, bioactivity and biodiversity: microbial ecology of the deep subsurface: analysis of ester-linked phospholipid fatty acids. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 20:371-377.
448. Almeida, J. S., K. T. Leung, S. J. Macnaughton, C. A. Flemming, M. Wimpee, G. Davis, and D. C. White. 1998. Mapping changes in soil microbial community composition signaling for bioremediation. Bioremediation J. 1:255-264.
457. Onstott, T. C., T. J. Phelps, F. S. Colwell, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, D. R. Boone, J. P. McKinley, T. O. Stevens, D. L. Balkwill, T. Griffin, and T. Kieft. 1998. Observations pertaining to the origin and ecology of microorganisms recovered from the deep subsurface of Taylorsville Basin, Virginia. Geomicrobiology Journal 15:353-385.
461. White, D. C., C. A. Flemming, K. T. Leung, and S. J. Macnaughton. 1998. In situ microbial ecology for quantitative assessment, monitoring, and risk assessment of pollution remediation in soils, the subsurface, the rhizosphere and in biofilms. J. Micro. Methods 32:93-105.
Studies involving poly beta hydroxy alkonate (PHA)
87. Herron, J. S., J. D. King, and D. C. White. 1978. Recovery of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate from estuarine microflora. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 35:251-257.91. Nickels, J. S., J. D. King, and D. C. White. 1979. Poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate accumulation as a measure of unbalanced growth of the estuarine detrital microbiota. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 37:459-465.
119. Findlay, R. H., and D. C. White. 1983. Polymeric beta-hydroxyalkanoates from environemental samples and Bacillus megaterium. Appl. Environ. Microbiol 45:71-78.
137. Findlay, R. H., P. C. Pollard, D. J. W. Moriarty, and D. C. White. 1985. Quantitative determination of microbiall activity and community nutritional status in estuarine sediments: Evidence for a disturbance artifact. Canad. J. Microbiol. 31:493-498.
150. Tunlid, A., B. H. Baird, M. B. Trexler, S. Olsson, R. H. Findlay, G. Odham, and D. C. White. 1985. Determination of physpholipid ester-linked fatty acids and poly beta hycroxybutyrate for the estimation of bacterial biomass and activity in the rhizosphere of the rape plant Brassica napus (L.). Canad. J. Microbiol 31:1113-1119.
188. Findlay, R. H., and D. C. White. 1987. A simplified method for bacterial nutritional status based on the simultaneous determination of phospholipid and endogenous storage lipid poly beta-hydroxy alkanoate. J. Microbiol. Methods 6:113-120.
227. Nichols, P. D., and D. C. White. 1989. Accumulation of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate in a methane-enriched halogenated hydrocarbon-degrading soil column: Implications for microbial community structure and nutrional status. Hydrobiologia 176/177:369-377.
248. Findlay, R. H., M. B. Trexler, J. B. Guckert, and D. C. White. 1990. Laboratory study of disturbance in marine sediments: Response of a microbial community. Marine Ecological Progess Series 62:121-133.
249. Findlay, R. H., M. B. Trexler, and D. C. White. 1990. Response of a benthic microbial community to biotic disturbance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 62:135-148.
445. White, D. C., and D. B. Ringelberg. 1997. Signature lipid biomarker analysis. In R. S. Burlage, R. Atlas, D. Stahl, G. Geesey, and G. Sayler (ed.), Techniques in Microbial Ecology. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. 225-272.
Studies of Biofilms in water
313. Angell, P. A., A. Arrage, M. W. Mittelman, and D. C. White. 1993. On-line, non-destructive biomass determination of bacterial biofilms by fluorometry. J. Microbiol. Methods 18:317-327.372. Arrage, A. A., N. Vasishtha, D. Sundberg, G. Bausch, H. L. Vincent, and D. C. White. 1995. On-line monitoring of antifouling and fouling-release surfaces using bioluminescence and fluorescence measruements during laminar-flow. J. Indust. Microbiol. 15:277-282.
380. Nivens, D. E., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1995. Continuous nondestructive monitoring of microbial biofilms: a review of analytical techniques. J. Ind. Microbiol. 15:263-276.
407. White, D. C., A. A. Arrage, D. E. Nivens, R. J. Palmer, J. F. Rice, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. Biofilm Ecology: On-line methods bring new insights into MIC and microbial biofouling. Biofouling 10:3-16.
408. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, A. A. Arrage, B. M. Applegate, S. R. Reardon, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. Protecting drinking water: Rapid detection of human fecal contamination, injured and non-culturable microbes in water systems. Presented at the North American Water and Environment Congress '96, Anaheim, CA.
432. Palmer, R. J., and D. C. White. 1997. Development biology of biofilms: implications for treatment and control. Trends in Microbiol. 5:435-440.
438. Suci, P. A., K. J. Siedlecki, R. J. Palmer, Jr., D. C. White, and G. G. Geesey. 1997. Combined Light Microscopy and Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for Integration of Biofilm Structure, Distribution, and Chemistry at Solid-Liquid Interfaces. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63:4600-4603.
442. White, D. C., R. D. Kirkegaard, J. R.J. Palmer, C. A. Flemming, G. Chen, K. T. Leung, C. B. Phiefer, and A. A. Arrage. 1997. The biofilm ecology of microbial biofouling, biocide resistance and corrosion. In C. W. Keevil, A. Godfree, D. Holt, and C. Dow (ed.), Biofilms in the Aquatic Environment. The Royal Society of Chemistry. 120-130.
501. Smith, C. A., C. B. Phiefer, S. J. Macnaughton, A. Peacock, R. S. Burkhalter, R. Kirkegaard, and D. C. White. 2000. Quantitative lipid biomarker detection of unculturable microbes and chlorine exposure in water distribution system biofilms. Water Research 34:2683-2688.
Studies of microbial influenced corrosion
201. Dowling, N. J. E., J. G. Guezennec, M. L. Lemoine, A. Tunlid, and D. C. White. 1988. Analysis of carbon steels affected by bacteria using electrochemical impedance and direct current techniques. Corrosion 44:869-874.222. Dowling, N. J. E., E. E. Stansbury, and D. C. White. 1989. On-line electrochemical monitoring of microbially induced corrosion: In Microbial Corrosion. Presented at the 1988 Workshop Proceedings (Electric Power Research Institute), Palo Alto, CA 5-1 to 5-17.
245. Dowling, N. J. E., J. Bullen, D. C. White, and W. R. Finnerty. 1990. Corrosion of carbon steel by alkane-degrading aerobic bacteria, Corrosion '90. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
251. Franklin, M. J., D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1990. The use of currenct density mapping in the study of microbial influenced corrosion, Corrosion '90. Naitonal Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
259. White, D. C., R. F. Jack, N. J. E. Dowling, M. J. Franklin, D. E. Nivens, S. Brooks, M. W. Mittelman, A. A. Vass, and H. S. Isaacs. 1990. Microbially influenced corrosion of carbon steel, Corrosion, vol. Paper 103. National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX.
262. Dowling, N. J. E., S. A. Brooks, T. J. Phelps, and D. C. White. 1991. Effects of selection and fate of substrates supplied to anaerobic bacteria involved in the corrosion of pipe-line steel. J. Industrial Microbiol. 10:207-215.
263. Dowling, N. J. E., M. W. Mittelman, and D. C. White. 1991. The role of consortia in microbially influenced corrosion. In J. G. Zeikus (ed.), Mixed Culture in Biotechnology. McGraw Hill, New York, NY. 341-372.
268. Franklin, M. J., and D. C. White. 1991. Biocorrosion. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2:450-456.
269. Franklin, M. J., D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1991. Effect of bacterial biofilms on carbon steel pit propagation in phosphate containing medium, In N. J. E. Dowling, M. W. Mittelman, and J. C. Danko (ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN (Oct. 7-12), p. 3-35 to 3-46.
283. Phelps, T. J., R. M. Schram, D. B. Ringelberg, N. J. E. Dowling, and D. C. White. 1991. Anaerobic microbial activities including hydrogen mediated acetogenesis within natural gas transmission lines. Biofouling 3:265-276.
289. White, D. C., R. F. Jack, and N. J. E. Dowling. 1991. The microbiology of MIC, In N. J. E. Dowling, M. W. Mittelman, and J. C. Danko (ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN (Oct. 7-12), p. 1-1 to 1-10.
290. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, M. W. Mittelman, J. Q. Chambers, J. H. M. King, and G. S. Sayler. 1991. Non-destructive on-line monitoring of MIC. Presented at the Corrosion '91, Houston, TX.
294. Franklin, M. J., D. C. White, and H. S. Isaacs. 1992. A study of carbon steel corrosion inhibition by phosphate ions and by an organic buffer using a scanning vibrating electrode. Corrosion Sci. 33:251-260.
296. Guezennec, J. G., M. W. Mittelman, J. Bullen, D. C. White, and J.-L. Crolet. 1992. Role of inhomogeneities and microbial distribution in MIC attack and progression. Presented at the Corrosion, Houston, TX.
301. Jack, R. F., D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1992. Differential corrosion of carbon steel by combinations of Bacillus sp., Hafnia Alvei and Desulfovibrio gigas established by phospholipid analysis of electrode biofilm. Corrosion Sci. 32:1843-1853.
302. Lou, J.-S., X. Campaignolle, J. Bullen, M. W. Mittelman, D. C. White, and J. F. Zibrida. 1992. Influence of molybdate on microbiologically influenced corrosion of mild steel. Presented at the Corrosion '92, Houston, TX.
303. Lou, J.-S., X. Capaignolle, J. Bullen, M. W. Mittelman, L. Kohring, and D. C. White. 1992. Accelerated testing of MIC resistance of materials and weldments using flow-through tesing with indigenous microbiota. Presented at the International Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Testing, Miami, FL.
317. Campaignolle, X., J. Lou, D. C. White, J. G. Guezennec, and J. L. Crolet. 1993. Stabilization of localized corrosion on carbon steel by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Presented at the Corrosion '93, Houston, TX 302/1-302/8.
324. Lou, J.-S., X. Campaignolle, D. C. White, and I. Vance. 1993. Corrosion of mild steel by thermophilic anaerobes. Presented at the Corrosion '93, Houston, TX.
339. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1994. Mechanisms of reproducible microbial pitting of 304 stainless steel by a mixed consortium containing sulfate-reducing bacteria. Presented at the Proceedings of the Triservice Conference on Corrosion, Washington, DC 157-168.
340. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1994. High resolution microbial pitting corrosion studies utilizing a two dimensional scanning vibrating electrode microscope (SVEM) system. Presented at the Triservice Conference of Corrosion, Washington, DC 169-181.
344. Guezennec, J. G., N. J. E. Dowling, J. Bullen, and D. C. White. 1994. Relationship between bacterial colonization and cathodic current density associated with mild steel surfaces. Biofouling 8:133-146.
368. Angell, P. A., J.-S. Lou, and D. C. White. 1995. Microbially sustained pitting corrosion of 304 stainless steel in anaerobic seawater. Corrosion Sci. 37:1085-1096.
370. Angell, P. A., A. Sonesson, P. Wagner, D. C. White, and B. Little. 1995. The role of Oceanospirillum exopolymer in marine copper corrosion, International Conference on Microbially Influenced Corrosion, New Orleans, LA (May 8-10).
371. Angell, P. A., and D. C. White. 1995. Is metabolic activity by biofilms with sulfate-reducing bacterial consortia essential for long-term propagation of pitting corrosion of stainless steel? J. Industrial Microbiol. 15:329-332.
420. Chen, G., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1997. Instrumental analysis of microbiologically influenced corrosion. Biodegradation 8:189-200.
Studies of Respiratory Quinones
161. Hedrick, D. B., and D. C. White. 1986. Microbial respiratory quinones in the environment I. A sensitive lipuid chromatiographic method. J. Microbiol. Methods 5:243-254.Studies of Respiratory Quinones
510. Lytle, C. A., G. J. V. Berkle, and D. C. White. 2001. Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization for the Analysis of Ubiquinones and Memaquinones. Presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Chicago, IL, May 27-31, 2001.Studies of Risk of Toxicity
461. White, D. C., C. A. Flemming, K. T. Leung, and S. J. Macnaughton. 1998. In situ microbial ecology for quantitative assessment, monitoring, and risk assessment of pollution remediation in soils, the subsurface, the rhizosphere and in biofilms. J. Micro. Methods 32:93-105.514. Peacock, A. D., S. J. Macnaughton, J. M. Cantu, V. H. Dale, and D. C. White. 2001. Soil microbial biomass and community composition along an anthropogenic disturbance gradient within a long-leaf pine habitat. Ecological Indicators 1:113-121.
Studies of the Rhizosphere
150. Tunlid, A., B. H. Baird, M. B. Trexler, S. Olsson, R. H. Findlay, G. Odham, and D. C. White. 1985. Determination of physpholipid ester-linked fatty acids and poly beta hycroxybutyrate for the estimation of bacterial biomass and activity in the rhizosphere of the rape plant Brassica napus (L.). Canad. J. Microbiol 31:1113-1119.172. Odham, G., A. Tunlid, A. Valeur, P. Sundin, and D. C. White. 1986. Model system for studies of microbial dynamics at exuding surfaces such as a rhizosphere. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52:191-196.
237. Tunlid, A., H. A. J. Hoitink, C. Low, and D. C. White. 1989. Characterization of bacteria that suppress Rhizoctonia damping-off bark compost media by analysis of fatty acid biomarkers. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:1368-1374.
367. Anderson, T. A., D. C. White, and B. T. Walton. 1995. Degradation of hazardous organic compounds by rhizosphere microbial communities. In V. P. Singh (ed.), Biotransformations: Microbial Degradation of Health-Risk Compounds. Elsevier, The Netherlands. 205-225.
434. Ringelberg, D. B., J. O. Stair, J. S. Almeida, R. J. Norby, E. G. O'Neill, and D. C. White. 1997. Consequences of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels for the belowground microbiota associated with white oak. J. Envron. Qual. 26:495-503.
444. White, D. C., and S. J. Macnaughton. 1997. Chemical and molecular approaches for rapid assessment of the biological status of soils. In C. E. Parkhurst, B. M. Doube, and V. V. S. R. Gupa (ed.), Bioindicators of Soil Health. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. 371-396.
447. Zogg, G. P., D. R. Zak, D. B. Ringelberg, N. W. MacDonald, K. S. Pregitzer, and D. C. White. 1997. Compositional and functional shifts in microbial communities due to soil warning. Soil Sci. Society of America 61:475-481.
Studies of Trichlorethylene degradation
145. Nichols, P. D., G. A. Smith, C. P. Antworth, R. S. Hanson, and D. C. White. 1985. Phospholipid and lipopolysaccharide normal and hydroxy fatty acids as potential signatures for the methane-oxidizing bacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 31:327-335.175. Smith, G. A., P. D. Nichols, and D. C. White. 1986. Fatty acid composition and microbial activity of benthic marine sediments from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 32:219-231.
188. Findlay, R. H., and D. C. White. 1987. A simplified method for bacterial nutritional status based on the simultaneous determination of phospholipid and endogenous storage lipid poly beta-hydroxy alkanoate. J. Microbiol. Methods 6:113-120.
204. Fliermans, C. B., T. J. Phelps, D. B. Ringelberg, A. T. Mikell, and D. C. White. 1988. Mineralization of trichloroethylene by heterotrophic enrichment cultures. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:1709-1714.
228. Niedzielski, J. J., R. M. Schram, T. J. Phelps, S. E. Herbes, and D. C. White. 1989. A total-recycle expanded-bed bioreactor design which allows direct headspace sampling of volatile chlorinated aliphatic compounds. J. Microbiol. Methods 10:215-223.
232. Ringelberg, D. B., J. D. Davis, G. A. Smith, S. M. Pfiffner, P. D. Nichols, J. B. Nickels, J. M. Hensen, J. T. Wilson, M. Yates, D. H. Kampbell, H. W. Reed, T. T. Stocksdale, and D. C. White. 1989. Validation of signature polarlipid fatty acid biomarkers for alkane-utilizing bacteria in soils and subsurface aquifer materials. FEMS Microbiol. Ecology 62:39-50.
242. White, D. C., and J. W. Wilson. 1989. Subsurface microbiota as monitors of contaminant migration and mitigation. In J. F. Molz (ed.), Symposium on New Field Techniques for Quantitating the Physical and Chemical Properties of Heterogeneoious Aquifers. National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH.
255. Phelps, T. J., J. J. Niedzielski, R. M. Schram, S. E. Herbes, and D. C. White. 1990. Biodegradation of trichloroethylene in continous-recycle expanded-bed bioreactors. Appl. Environ. Micro. 56:1702-1709.
256. Phelps, T. J., and D. C. White. 1990. Bioremediation potential of toxics by manipulation of deep terrestrial subsurface ecosystems. Presented at the Proceed International Gas Technology Symposium on Gas, Oil, and Environmental Biotechnology, New Orlean, LA.
274. Hedrick, D. B., D. E. Nivens, C. Stafford, and D. C. White. 1991. Rapid differentiation of Archaebacteria from eubacteria by diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopic analysis of lipid preparations. J. Microbiol. Methods 13:67-73.
280. Phelps, T. J., K. Malachowsky, R. M. Schram, and D. C. White. 1991. Aerobic mineralization of vinyl chloride by a bacterium of the order Actinomycetales. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 57:1252-1254.
281. Phelps, T. J., J. J. Niedzielski, K. J. Malachowsky, R. M. Schram, S. E. Herbes, and D. C. White. 1991. Biodegradation of mixed organic wastes by microbial consortia in continuous-recycle expanded-bed bioreactors. Environ. Sci. and Tech. 25:1461-1465.
323. Lackey, L. W., T. J. Phelps, P. R. Bienkowski and D. C. White. 1993. Biodegradation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon mixtures in a single-pass packed-bed reacor. Applied Biochem. and Biotech. 39:701-713.
350. Lackey, L. W., T. J. Phelps, V. Kirde, S. Nold, D. Ringelberg, P. R. Bienkowski, and D. C. White. 1994. Feasibility testing for the on-site bioremeidaiton of organic wastes by native microbial consortia. Intern'l. Biodeter. and Biodegrad. 33:41-59.
353. Malachowsky, K. J., T. J. Phelps, A. B. Teboli, D. E. Minnikin, and D. C. White. 1994. Aerobic mineralization of trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, and aromatic compounds by Rhodococci species. Appl. Environ. Micrbiol. 60:542-546.
358. Phelps, T. J., S. M. Pfiffner, R. Mackowski, D. B. Ringelberg, D. C. White, S. E. Herbes, and A. V. Palumbo. 1994. Application of microbial biomass and activity measures to asses in situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents. In R. E. Hinchee, A. Leeson, L. Semprini, and S. K. Ong (ed.), Bioremeidation of Chlorinated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. Lewis Pub., Ann Arbor, MI. 404-408.
360. Ringelberg, D. B., T. Townsend, K. A. DeWeerd, J. M. Suflita, and D. C. White. 1994. Detection of the anaerobic declorinator Desulfomonile tiedjei in soil by its signature lipopolysaccharide branched-long-chain hydroxy fatty acids. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 14:9-18.
367. Anderson, T. A., D. C. White, and B. T. Walton. 1995. Degradation of hazardous organic compounds by rhizosphere microbial communities. In V. P. Singh (ed.), Biotransformations: Microbial Degradation of Health-Risk Compounds. Elsevier, The Netherlands. 205-225.
Studies on biofilm apparatus
313. Angell, P. A., A. Arrage, M. W. Mittelman, and D. C. White. 1993. On-line, non-destructive biomass determination of bacterial biofilms by fluorometry. J. Microbiol. Methods 18:317-327.325. Mittelman, M. W., J. Packard, A. A. Arrage, S. L. Bean, P. A. Angell, and D. C. White. 1993. Test systems for determining bioluminescence and fluorescence in a laminar-flow environment. J. Microbiol. Methods 18:51-60.
372. Arrage, A. A., N. Vasishtha, D. Sundberg, G. Bausch, H. L. Vincent, and D. C. White. 1995. On-line monitoring of antifouling and fouling-release surfaces using bioluminescence and fluorescence measruements during laminar-flow. J. Indust. Microbiol. 15:277-282.
Studies on infectious agents in water
333. Walker, J. T., A. Sonesson, C. W. Keevil, and D. C. White. 1993. Detection of Legionella pneumophila in biofilms containing a complex microbial consortium by gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis of genus-specific hydroxy fatty acids. FEMS Microbiol. Letters 113:139-144.366. Almeida, J. S., A. Sonesson, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1995. Application of artificial neural networks to the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis,its antibiotic resistance and prediction of pathogenicity amongst Mycobacterium spp.based on signature lipid biomarkers. Binary 7:159-166.
408. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, A. A. Arrage, B. M. Applegate, S. R. Reardon, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. Protecting drinking water: Rapid detection of human fecal contamination, injured and non-culturable microbes in water systems. Presented at the North American Water and Environment Congress '96, Anaheim, CA.
425. Kieft, T. L., E. M. Murphy, P. S. Amy, D. L. Haldeman, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1997. Laboratory and field evidence for long-term starvation survival of microorganisms in subsurface terrestrial environments. Presented at the Proceedings Instruments, Methods and Missions for the Investigation of Extraterrestrial Organisms, San Diego, CA, July 27 - August 1, 1997, 366-377.
436. Schrum, D. P., S. Alugupalli, S. T. Kelly, D. C. White, and R. Fayer. 1997. Structural characterization of a "signature" phospatidylethanolamine as the major 10-hydroxy stearic acid containing lipid of cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Lipids 32:789-793.
Studies on Sphingomonas
416. White, D. C., S. D. Sutton, and D. B. Ringelberg. 1996. The Genus Sphingomonas: physiology and ecology. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 7:301-306.419. Balkwill, D. L., G. R. Drake, R. H. Reeves, J. K. Fredrickson, D. C. White, D. B. Ringelberg, D. P. Chandler, M. F. Romine, D. W. Kennedy, and C. M. Spadoni. 1997. Taxonomic study of aromatic-degrading bacteria from deep-terrestrial-subsurface sediments and description of Sphingomonas aromavorans sp. nov., Sphingomonas subterranea sp. nov. and Sphingomonas stygiasp. nov. Intern'l J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47:191-201.
468. Leung, K., S. Campbell, Y.-D. Gan, D. C. White, H. Lee, and J. Trevors. 1999. The role of Sphingomonas sp UG-30 pentachlotophrnol-4-monooxygenase in p-nitrophenol degradation. FEMS Letters 173:247-253.
469. Leung, K. T., J.-Y. Chang, Y. D. Gan, A. Peacock, S. J. Macnaughton, J. R. Stephen, R. S. Burkhalter, C. A. Flemming, and D. C. White. 1999. Detection of sphingomonas spp. in soil by PCR and sphingolipid biomarker analysis. J. Industrial Microbiology & Biotech. 23:252-260.
Studies using FTIR
183. White, D. C. 1986. Non-destructive biofilm analysis by Fourier transform spectroscopy (FT/IR). Presented at the Perspectives in Mcrobial Ecology, Proceed. Fourth Int. Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia 442-446.252. Geesey, G. G., and D. C. White. 1990. Determination of bacterial growth and activity at solid-liquid interfaces. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 44:579-602.
278. Nivens, D. E., J. Q. Chambers, and D. C. White. 1991. Non-destructive monitoring of microbial biofilms at solid-liquid interfaces using on-line devices. Presented at the Proceedings of the International Congress of Microbially Influenced Corrosion, Knoxville, TN (Oct. 7-12) 5-47 to 5-56.
290. White, D. C., D. E. Nivens, M. W. Mittelman, J. Q. Chambers, J. H. M. King, and G. S. Sayler. 1991. Non-destructive on-line monitoring of MIC. Presented at the Corrosion '91, Houston, TX.
313. Angell, P. A., A. Arrage, M. W. Mittelman, and D. C. White. 1993. On-line, non-destructive biomass determination of bacterial biofilms by fluorometry. J. Microbiol. Methods 18:317-327.
326. Nivens, D. E., J. Q. Chambers, T. R. Anderson, A. Tunlid, J. Smit, and D. C. White. 1993. Monitoring microbial adhesion and biofilm formation by attenuated total reflection/Fourier transform infrared sptectoscopy. J. Microbial. Methods 17:199-213.
327. Nivens, D. E., J. Q. Chambers, T. R. Anderson, and D. C. White. 1993. Long-term, on-line monitoring of microbial biofilms using a quartz crystal microbalance. Anal. Chem. 65:65-69.
328. Nivens, D. E., J. Schmit, J. Sniateki, T. Anderson, J. Q. Chambers, and D. C. White. 1993. Multi-channel AFT/FT-IR spectrometer for on-line examination of microbial biofilms. Applied Spectroscopy 47:668-671.
380. Nivens, D. E., R. J. Palmer, and D. C. White. 1995. Continuous nondestructive monitoring of microbial biofilms: a review of analytical techniques. J. Ind. Microbiol. 15:263-276.
384. Schmitt, J., D. E. Nivens, D. C. White, and H.-C. Flemming. 1995. Changes in biofilms properties in response to sorbed substances--an ATR-FTIR study. Water Science and Technology 32:149-155.
407. White, D. C., A. A. Arrage, D. E. Nivens, R. J. Palmer, J. F. Rice, and G. S. Sayler. 1996. Biofilm Ecology: On-line methods bring new insights into MIC and microbial biofouling. Biofouling 10:3-16.
Studies using lipids & ecology
150. Tunlid, A., B. H. Baird, M. B. Trexler, S. Olsson, R. H. Findlay, G. Odham, and D. C. White. 1985. Determination of physpholipid ester-linked fatty acids and poly beta hycroxybutyrate for the estimation of bacterial biomass and activity in the rhizosphere of the rape plant Brassica napus (L.). Canad. J. Microbiol 31:1113-1119.237. Tunlid, A., H. A. J. Hoitink, C. Low, and D. C. White. 1989. Characterization of bacteria that suppress Rhizoctonia damping-off bark compost media by analysis of fatty acid biomarkers. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 55:1368-1374.
387. White, D. C. 1995. Chemical ecology: Possible linkage between macro- and microbial ecology. OIKOS 74:177-184.
422. Dever, M., W. T. Davis, A. A. Arrage, D. C. White, and R. S. Benson. 1997. Characterization of melt-blown filters made of polypropylene and polypropylene-antimicrobial blends. TAPPI 80:157-168.
428. Macnaughton, S. J., T. L. Jenkins, R. Gall, and D. C. White. 1997. Quantitative lipid biomarker analysis of airborne microorganisms in indoor environments. Presented at the Air & Waste Management Association's 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
444. White, D. C., and S. J. Macnaughton. 1997. Chemical and molecular approaches for rapid assessment of the biological status of soils. In C. E. Parkhurst, B. M. Doube, and V. V. S. R. Gupa (ed.), Bioindicators of Soil Health. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. 371-396.
470. Macnaughton, S. J., M. R. Cormier, T. L. Jenkins, G. A. Davis, and D. C. White. 1999. Quantitative sampling of indoor air biomass by signature lipid biomarker analysis. J. Ind. Micro. Biotech. 22:80-87.
Studies using lipids as for toxicity assessment
242. White, D. C., and J. W. Wilson. 1989. Subsurface microbiota as monitors of contaminant migration and mitigation. In J. F. Molz (ed.), Symposium on New Field Techniques for Quantitating the Physical and Chemical Properties of Heterogeneoious Aquifers. National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH.295. Guckert, J. B., S. C. Nold, H. L. Boston, and D. C. White. 1992. Periphyton response along an industrial effluent gradient: Lipid-based physiological stress analysis and pattern recognition of microbial community structure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49:2579-2587.
355. Napolitano, G. E., W. R. Hill, J. B. Stewart, S. C. Nold, and D. C. White. 1994. Changes in periphyton fatty acid compositon in chlorine-polluted streams. J.N. Amer. Benthol. Soc. 13:237-249.
379. Lehman, R. M., F. S. Colwell, D. B. Ringelberg, and D. C. White. 1995. Combined microbial community-level analyses for quality assurance of terrestial subsurface cores. J. Microbiol. Methods 22:263-281.
Studies using MS/MS
496. Lytle, C. A., Y.-D. Gan, and D. C. White. 2000. Electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry compatible reversed-phase separation of phospholipids: piperidine as a post column modifier for negative ion detection. J. Micro. Methods 41:227-234.510. Lytle, C. A., G. J. V. Berkle, and D. C. White. 2001. Comparison of Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization and Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization for the Analysis of Ubiquinones and Memaquinones. Presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Chicago, IL, May 27-31, 2001.
511. Lytle, C. A., M. E. Fuller, Y.-D. Gan, A. Peacock, M. F. DeFlaun, T. C. Onstott, and D. C. White. 2001. Utility of high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry of polar lipids in a specifically per -13C labeled gram-negative bacteria DA001 as a tracer for acceleration of bioremedition in the subsurface. J. Micro. Methods 44:271-281.